[Erlang Systems]

25 SNMP Release Notes

25.1 SNMP Development Toolkit v2.2.1

25.1.1 Reported Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

25.2 SNMP Development Toolkit v2.2

25.2.1 Improvements and new features

25.2.2 Reported Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

25.2.3 Incompatibilities with v2.1.1

25.2.4 Future Improvements

More MIBs from the so-called SNMPv3 effort will be implemented, as these mibs become standards (although these MIBs don't require SNMPv3). This means that more tables from OTP-SNMPEA-MIB become obsolete, e.g. intCommunityTable, intAddressTable and intViewTable.

SNMPv3 itself will be implemented.

25.3 SNMP Development Toolkit v2.1.1

25.3.1 Reported Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

25.4 SNMP Development Toolkit v2.1.1

25.4.1 Reported Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

25.5 SNMP Development Toolkit v2.1

25.5.1 Improvements and new features

25.5.2 Reported Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

25.6 SNMP Development Toolkit v2.0

25.6.1 Improvements and new features

25.6.2 Reported Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

25.6.3 Incompatibilities with v1.3.1

25.6.4 Known bugs and problems

The User's Guide now describes where the Agent and MIB compiler don't implement the standard.

25.7 SNMP Development Toolkit v1.3.1

25.7.1 Reported Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

25.8 SNMP Development Toolkit v1.3

25.8.1 Improvements and new features

25.8.2 Reported Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

25.9 SNMP Development Toolkit v1.2.1

25.9.1 Improvements and new features

25.9.2 Reported Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

25.10 SNMP Development Toolkit v1.2

25.10.1 Improvements and new features

25.10.2 Reported Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

25.10.3 Incompatibilities with v1.1

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