5 DEBUGGER Release Notes

These release notes are for the debugger application.

Debugger 1.3

Fixed errors and malfunctions

Improvements and new features

Debugger 1.2.1

Improvements and new features

Debugger 1.2

Fixed errors and malfunctions

Improvements and new features

5.1 Source Debugger 1.1.0

5.1.1 Improvements and new features

5.1.2 Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

5.1.3 Incompatibilities with Debugger 1.0.3

5.1.4 Known bugs and problems

5.2 Source Debugger 1.0.3

5.2.1 Improvements and new features

This debugger is the only option on the Windows platform. To use this new debugger instead of the old interpreter on Unix you start erlang with the command line option -new_debugger.

5.2.2 Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

5.2.3 Incompatibilities with Debugger 1.0.2


5.2.4 Known bugs and problems

5.3 Source Debugger 1.0.2 (in OTP R1B)

5.3.1 Improvements and new features

5.3.2 Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions


5.3.3 Incompatibilities with Debugger 1.0.1


5.3.4 Known bugs and problems


5.4 Source Debugger 1.0.1

5.4.1 Improvements and new features

5.4.2 Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions


5.4.3 Incompatibilities with Debugger 1.0


5.4.4 Known bugs and problems


5.5 Source Debugger 1.0

The Source Debugger is a new graphical application based on GS. It is actually a new graphical front end to the old source debugger, the Interpreter. See the Source Debugger User's Guide.

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