[Erlang Systems]

9 Error Logging

There is a system process with the registered name error_logger. This process receives all error messages from the Erlang runtime system and error messages sent by the error reporting functions in the module error_logger.

This section describes the following topics:

9.1 Types of Errors

Errors are divided into the following three categories:

The system designer has to decide if a process can recover from predicted errors.

The last two categories of errors cause an abnormal termination of the process.

9.2 Error Message Handling

Errors can be reported by propagating an EXIT signal, by producing an error report, or both of these methods. The following table summarizes how the three categories of errors can be reported.

Category EXIT reason Error report
Predicted and recoverable - yes
Predicted and unrecoverable yes yes
Not predicted yes -
Error Message Reporting

Recoverable errors are not reported by EXIT signals because the process does not terminate. Unpredicted errors are only reported by EXIT signals because the program does not take care of these errors.


The recovery from predicted errors is interpreted as an internal process error recovery. A process restart, issued by the layer above in the supervision tree, can also be used to recover from errors.

An unrecoverable, but predicted error can provide meaningful error descriptions, not only in an error report but also through an informative EXIT reason. It is recommended that the EXIT reason is composed as {Reason,{Mod,Fun,Args}} where:

9.3 The Standard Error Logger

The error_logger process receives and handles the following types of errors:

When the error_logger process receives an error, it is sent to the the error_logger on the node which is the group leader process for the process which caused the error.

During system start-up, errors are kept in a buffer and they are also written unformatted to standard out, because error message handling is determined by the start-up process. The standard error_logger provides two possibilities:

All buffered errors are written again when the intended handler is installed. Initially errors are written in the format {error_logger,Time,Arg1,Arg2}, where:

When a standard handler is installed, errors are written in the following format:

    =ERROR REPORT=== Time ====
     Formatted error

Formatted error error messages, which are reported through the format or error_msg functions calls, are produced from Format and Args in the same way as in the function io:format/2. If the error was reported through the supplied error_report(Report) function, the Report argument is interpreted and written as follows:

It is also possible to use the info_report(Report) function to format Report as error_report/1 in the above example, but with the heading:

    =INFO REPORT=== Time ====

9.4 Adding A Customized Report Handler

It is possible to add customized error report handlers to the error_logger process. This may be desirable in order to satisfy one of the following purposes:

The following two functions are used to add and delete handlers:


It is strongly recommended that the standard error reporting functions be used. Customized handlers should only be added if they are really needed.

The error_logger is implemented with the gen_event behaviour. This means that an event callback module has to be implemented in order to add an associated error logger handler .

All handlers installed within the error_logger are notified about errors that are received by the error_logger. This notification is done by calling handle_event/2 in each callback module. This means that several actions can be performed when specific events occur. For example, the standard error_logger behaviour can be accompanied by an SNMP trap which is triggered when a pre-determined level of error messages have been received.

New types of error message can be reported with the error_report/2 and info_report/2 functions. Errors which are reported this way are ignored by the standard error logger handlers and would be lost unless an associated handler has been installed.

The event generated by calling error_logger:error_report(Type, Report), and which has to be handled by the added error report handler, is the term:

Substitute info_report in place of error_report when calling the error_logger:info_report(Type, Report) function.


No standard error_logger messages are described here.

The following example illustrates how an error report handler for my_error type of error messages can be implemented:

-copyright('Copyright (c) 1991-97 Ericsson Telecom AB').
-vsn('$Revision: /main/release/2 $').

-export([start/0, stop/0, init/1, handle_event/2, handle_info/2,
         handle_call/2, terminate/2, report/1]).

start() -> error_logger:add_report_handler(my_error_logger_h).

stop() -> error_logger:delete_report_handler(my_error_logger_h).

report(My_error) ->
    error_logger:error_report(my_error, My_error).

init(_) -> {ok, []}.

handle_event({error_report, Gleader, {my_error, Pid, My_error}}, State) ->
    handle_my_error(Gleader, Pid, My_error),
    {ok, State};
handle_event(_, State) ->  % Ignore all other error messages.
    {ok, State}.

handle_info(_, State) ->
    {ok, State}.

handle_call(_, State) ->
    {error, bad_query}.

terminate(_, _) ->

handle_my_error(Gleader, Pid, My_error) when node(Gleader) == node() ->
    %% do handle the error
handle_my_error(_, _, _) -> % Ignore error if Gleader at another node.

The purpose of the error_logger is to log or write errors. If some other type of event handler is needed it must be implemented as a customized process with another registered name. Refer to the section Events for further information.

Copyright © 1991-2000 Ericsson Utvecklings AB