TV Release Notes

TV 2.0.3

Fixed Errors and Malfunctions

TV 2.0.2

Fixed Errors and Malfunctions

TV 2.0.1

Fixed Errors and Malfunctions

TV 2.0

Improvements and New Features

Fixed Errors and Malfunctions

Incompatibilities with TV 1.2.4

Known Problems

TV 1.2.4

Improvements and New Features

Known Problems

TV 1.2.3

Fixed Errors and Malfunctions

Known Problems

TV 1.2.2

Improvements and New Features

Incompatibilities With TV 1.1.2

Known Problems

TV 1.1.2

Improvements and New Features

Fixed Errors and Malfunctions

Known Problems

TV 1.0.2

Improvements and New Features

Fixed Errors and Malfunctions

TV 1.0.1

Fixed Errors and Malfunctions

TV 1.0

The Table Visualizer is a new graphical application based on GS. It's purpose is to examine ETS and Mnesia tables in a passive way (i.e., elements in the tables viewed cannot be altered via the tool, and neither can new elements be inserted). For further information, see the TV User's Guide.