[Ericsson AB]





Interpreter (debugger) Interface.


The module i provides short forms for some of the functions in the int module.

This module also provides facilities for displaying status information about interpreted processes and break points.

It is possible to attach interpreted processes by giving the corresponding process identity only. By default, an attachment window pops up. Processes at other Erlang nodes can be attached manually or automatically .

By preference, these functions can be included in the module shell_default. By default, they are.


im() -> pid()

Starts a new graphical monitor. This is the main window of the interpreter. All of the interpreter functionality is accessed from the monitor window. The monitor window displays the status of all processes that are running interpreted modules.

ii(AbsModule) -> {module, Module} | error


AbsModule = atom() | string() | [atom() | string()]
Module = atom()

Marks Module as being interpreted. The Module parameter can either be a single module name, or a list of module names. Module is compiled into an abstract form which is loaded into the interpreter. The actual paths are searched for the corresponding source file(s) (Module.erl). Module can be given with an absolute path.


If Module is a list of modules, the result of the last module is returned.


If an interpreted module is compiled using the c:c function, this module is reloaded into the interpreter.

iq(Module) -> ok


Module = atom() | string() | [atom() | string()]

Does not interpret Module. The Module parameter can either be a single module name, or a list of module names. Module is removed from the set of modules currently being interpreted.

ini(Module) -> {module,Module} | error | ok
inq(Module) -> ok

Behaves as the corresponding ii/1 and iq/1 functions described above, but on all nodes in the network. It returns ok if we are alive, otherwise as above.

il() -> ok

Makes a printout of all interpreted modules. Modules are printed together with the full path name of the corresponding source code file.

ip() -> ok

Makes a printout of the current status of all interpreted processes. Processes on all known nodes are printed.

ic() -> ok

Deletes (clears) information about all terminated processes from the interpreter.

iaa(Flag) -> true


Flag = FlagItem | [FlagItem]
FlagItem = init | break | exit | false

Interpreted processes can be attached automatically, without the need to attach to a process using the monitor window, i:im() or int:m(). An attachment window - not described here - pops up for the attached process. Flag specifies at which point interpreted processes are automatically attached.

Flag is one of:

If several conditions are to be active, a list of flags must be given.

iaa(Flag,Function) -> true


Flag = FlagItem | [FlagItem]
FlagItem = init | break | exit | false
Function = {Mod,Func}
Mod = atom()
Fun = atom()

As above, but instead of using the default attachment window, the specified Function is used in order to start the interaction with the attached process. The Function parameter must be the tuple {Mod,Func}, and this function should implement the corresponding functionality in the same way as the int_show:a_start/3,4 functions.

ist(Flag) -> true


Flag = all | true | no_tail | false

The interpreter can keep call frames in the stack for future inspections. Typically, you can go up and down in the stack in order to inspect the flow of control when the execution has been stopped - at a break point, when the process has terminated, or in a single step execution.

By default, the whole stack is kept (Flag = all or true). If processes with a very long life time and with a lot of tail recursive calls are interpreted, the no_tail flag should be used. No tail recursive calls are kept in the stack if this flag is used.

The false flag should be used if the interpreter is not to keep call frames.

ia(Pid) -> ok | no_proc


Pid = pid()

Attaches to the Pid process. An attachment window pops up.

ia(X,Y,Z) -> ok | no_proc


X = Y = Z = int()

Attaches to the process with process identity c:pid(X,Y,Z). An attachment window pops up.

ia(Pid,Function) -> ok | no_proc


Pid = pid()
Function = {Mod, Fun}
Mod = atom()
Fun = atom()

Attaches to the Pid process. Use Function for the interaction with the attached process, as for the i:iaa/2 function.

ia(X,Y,Z,Function) -> ok | no_proc


X = Y = Z = int()
Function = {Mod, Fun}
Mod = atom()
Fun = atom()

Attaches to the process with process identity c:pid(X,Y,Z). Use Function for the interaction with the attached process, as for the i:iaa/2 function.

ib(Module,Line) -> ok | {error, What}


Module = atom()
Line = int()
What = badarg | break_exists

Creates a new break point at Line in Module. The execution of an interpreted process will be stopped before the expression at Line in Module is executed.

ib(Module,Function,Arity) -> ok | {error, What}


Module = atom()
Function = atom()
Arity = int()
What = badarg | function_not_found

Creates break points at the first line in every clause of the Module:Function/Arity function.

ir(Module,Line) -> ok | {error, What}


Module = atom()
Line = int()
What = badarg | no_break_exists

Deletes the break point located at Line in Module.

ir() -> ok

Deletes all existing break points.

ir(Module) -> ok


Module = atom()

Deletes all existing break points in Module.

ir(Module,Function,Arity) -> ok | {error, What}


Module = atom()
Function = atom()
Arity = int()
What = badarg | function_not_found

Deletes break points at the first line in every clause of the Module:Function/Arity function.

ibd(Module,Line) -> ok | {error, What}


Module = atom()
Line = int()
What = badarg | no_break

Makes the break point at Line in Module inactive. The break point still exists, but no processes will be stopped at the break point.

ibe(Module,Line) -> ok | {error, What}


Module = atom()
Line = int()
What = badarg | no_break

Makes the break point at Line in Module active. Processes will again be stopped at the break point.

iba(Module,Line,Action) -> ok | {error, What}


Module = atom()
Line = int()
Action = enable | disable | delete
What = badarg | no_break

Sets the status of the break point at Line in Module after it is triggered the next time. Action is: enable, disable, or delete.

ibc(Module,Line,Function) -> ok | {error, What}


Module = atom()
Line = int()
Function = {M,F}
Mod = atom()
Func = atom()
What = badarg | no_break

Makes the break point at Line in Module conditional. Function is called whenever the break point is reached. Function is a tuple {Mod,Func}. Function must have arity 1 and return either true or false. This way, the break point either triggers, or not. The argument to Function is the current variable bindings of the process at the place of the break point. The bindings can be inspected using int:get_binding/2.

ipb() -> ok

Makes a printout of all existing break points.

ipb(Module) -> ok


Module = atom()

Makes a printout of all existing break points located in Module.

iv() -> atom()

Returns the current version number of the interpreter.

help() -> ok

Prints help text.


Refer to the Debugger User's Guide for information about the graphical interface.

See Also

int(3), code(3)


Magnus Fröberg - support@erlang.ericsson.se

debugger 2.2.2
Copyright © 1991-2006 Ericsson AB