[Ericsson AB]





A supervisor for the SNMP Processes


The snmp_supervisor is the supervisor for the SNMP application. There is always one supervisor at each node with an SNMP agent (master agent or subagent).


start_sub(Opts) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, {already_started, pid()}} | {error, Reason}


Opts = [opt()]
opt() = {priority, Prio}

Starts a supervisor for the SNMP agent system without a master agent. The supervisor starts all involved SNMP processes, but no agent processes. Subagents should be started by calling start_subagent/3.

Prio is an Erlang priority. All SNMP processes use this priority. Default is the same as default in the Erlang runtime system.

start_master(DbDir,ConfDir,Opts) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, {already_started, pid()}} | {error, Reason}


DbDir = string()
ConfDir = string()
Opts = [opt()]
opt() = {mibs, Mibs} | {net_if, NetIfModule} | {priority, Prio} | {name, Name}
Mibs = [MibName]
MibName = [string()]
NetfModule = atom()
Name = {local, atom()} | {global, atom()}

Starts a supervisor for the SNMP agent system. The supervisor starts all involved SNMP processes, including the master agent. Subagents should be started by calling start_subagent/3.

DbDir is a string including a trailing directory delimiter, which points to the directory where the database files sre stored.

ConfDir is a string including a trailing directory delimiter, which points to the directory where the configuration file is found.

If the STANDARD-MIB is not specified in the Mibs list, it is loaded from the configuration directory (i.e. with the .conf files).

If no NetIfModules is specified, the default net if implementation is used (snmp_net_if).

Prio is an Erlang priority. All SNMP processes use this priority. Default is the same as default in the Erlang runtime system.

If no Opts is given, [{name, {local, snmp_master_agent}}] is default.

start_subagent(ParentAgent,Subtree,Mibs) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Reason}


ParentAgent = pid()
SubTree = oid()
Mibs = [MibName]
MibName = [string()]

Starts a subagent on the node where the function is called. The snmp_supervisor must be running.

If the supervisor is not running, the function fails with the reason badarg.

stop_subagent(SubAgent) -> ok | no_such_child


SubAgent = pid()

Stops the subagent on the node where the function is called. The snmp_supervisor must be running.

If the supervisor is not running, the function fails with the reason badarg.


Martin Björklund - support@erlang.ericsson.se
Klas Eriksson - support@erlang.ericsson.se

snmp 3.4.12
Copyright © 1991-2006 Ericsson AB