[Ericsson AB]





Command Interface Module


The c module enables users to enter the short form of some commonly used commands. These functions are are intended for interactive use in the Erlang shell.


bt(Pid) -> void()


Pid = pid()

This function evaluates erlang:process_display(Pid, backtrace).

c(File) -> CompileResult

This function is equivalent to:

compile:file(File,[report_errors, report_warnings])

c(File, Flags) -> CompileResult


File = atom() | string()
CompileResult = {ok, ModuleName} | error
ModuleName = atom()
Flags = [Flag]

This function calls the following function and then purges and loads the code for the file:

compile:file(File, Flags ++ [report_errors, report_warnings])

If the module corresponding to File is being interpreted, then int:i is called with the same arguments and the module is loaded into the interpreter. Note that int:i only recognizes a subset of the options recognized by compile:file.

Extreme care should be exercised when using this command to change running code which is executing. The expected result may not be obtained.

Refer to compiler manual pages for a description of the individual compiler flags.

cd(Dir) -> void()


Dir = atom() | string()

This function changes the current working directory to Dir, and then prints the new working directory.

flush() -> void()

This function flushes all messages in the shell message queue.

help() -> void()

This function displays help about the shell and about the command interface module.

i() -> void()

This function provides information about the current state of the system. This call uses the BIFs processes() and process_info/1 to examine the current state of the system. (The code is a good introduction to these two BIFs).

i(X, Y, Z) -> void()


X = Y = Z = int()

This function evaluates process_info(pid(X, Y, Z)).

l(Module) -> void()


Module = atom() | string()

This function evaluates code:purge(Module) followed by code:load_module(Module). It reloads the module.

lc(ListOfFiles) -> Result


ListOfFiles = [File]
File = atom() | string()
Result = [CompileResult]
CompileResult = {ok, ModuleName} | error
ModuleName = atom()

This function compiles several files by calling c(File) for each file in ListOfFiles.

ls() -> void()

This function lists all files in the current directory.

ls(Dir) -> void()


Dir = atom() | string()

This function lists all files in the directory Dir.

m() -> void()

This function lists the modules which have been loaded and the files from which they have been loaded.

m(Module) -> void()


Module = atom()

This function lists information about Module.

memory() -> MemoryInformation

The same as erlang:memory/0, see the erlang(3) man page.

memory(MemoryTypeSpecification) -> MemoryInformation

The same as erlang:memory/1, see the erlang(3) man page.

nc(File) -> void()


File = atom() | string()

This function compiles File and loads it on all nodes in an Erlang nodes network.

nc(File, Flags) -> void()


File = atom() | string()
Flags = [Flag]

This function compiles File with the additional compiler flags Flags and loads it on all nodes in an Erlang nodes network. Refer to the compile manual pages for a description of Flags.

ni() -> void()

This function does the same as i(), but for all nodes in the network.

nl(Module) -> void()


Module = atom()

This function loads Module on all nodes in an Erlang nodes network.

nregs() -> void()

This function is the same as regs(), but on all nodes in the system.

pid(X, Y, Z) -> pid()


X = Y = Z = int()

This function converts the integers X, Y, and Z to the Pid <X.Y.Z>. It saves typing and the use of list_to_pid/1. This function should only be used when debugging.

pwd() -> void()

This function prints the current working directory.

q() -> void()

This function is shorthand for init:stop(), i.e., it causes the node to stop in a controlled fashion.

regs() -> void()

This function displays formatted information about all registered processes in the system.

xm(ModSpec) -> void()


ModSpec = Module | File
Module = atom()
File = string()

This function finds undefined functions and unused functions in a module by calling xref:m/1.

zi() -> void()

This function works like i(), but additionally displays information about zombie processes, i.e., processes which have exited, but which are still kept in the system to be inspected.

See Also



Joe Armstrong - support@erlang.ericsson.se
Robert Virding - support@erlang.ericsson.se
Claes Wikström - support@erlang.ericsson.se

stdlib 1.13.2
Copyright © 1991-2004 Ericsson AB