[Ericsson AB]





Erlang Dialyzer


This is the command line version for automated use. Below is a brief description of the list of its options. The same information can be obtained by writing

        "dialyzer --help"

in a shell. Please refer to the GUI description in the User's Guide, for more details on the operation of Dialyzer.

The exit status of the command line version is:

    0 - No problems were encountered during the analysis and no
        warnings were emitted.
    1 - Problems were encountered during the analysis.
    2 - No problems were encountered, but warnings were emitted.

Usage: dialyzer [--otp OTP_DIR] [--help] [--version] [--shell]
                 [-pa dir]* [-plt plt] [-Ddefine]* [-I include_dir]* 
                 [--output_plt file] [-Wwarn]*  [--src] 
                 [-c applications] [-r applications] [-o outfile] [-q]

   -c applications (or --command-line applications)
       use Dialyzer from the command line (no GUI) to detect defects in the
       specified applications (directories or .erl or .beam files)
   -r applications
       same as -c only that directories are searched recursively for 
       subdirectories containing .erl or .beam files (depending on the 
       type of analysis)
   -o outfile (or --output outfile)
       when using Dialyzer from the command line, send the analysis
       results in the specified "outfile" rather than in stdout
       overwrite the default, which is to analyze BEAM bytecode, and
       analyze starting from Erlang source code instead
   -Dname (or -Dname=value)
       when analyzing from source, pass the define to Dialyzer (**)
   -I include_dir
       when analyzing from source, pass the include_dir to Dialyzer (**)
   --output_plt file
       Store the plt at the specified location after building it.
       Suppress warnings when analyzing an inline compiled bytecode file.
   -plt plt
       Use the specified plt as the initial plt. If the plt was built 
       during setup the files will be checked for consistency.
   -pa dir
       Include dir in the path for Erlang. Useful when analyzing files
       that have '-include_lib()' directives.
       a family of option which selectively turn on/off warnings.
        (for help on the names of warnings use dialyzer -Whelp)
   --otp OTP_DIR 
       overrides the default location of the Erlang/OTP system to use
       do not disable the Erlang shell while running the GUI
   --version (or -v)
       prints the Dialyzer version and some more information and exits
   --help (or -h)
       prints this message and exits
       makes Dialyzer a bit more quiet


* denotes that multiple occurrences of these options are possible.

** options -D and -I work both from command-line and in the Dialyzer GUI; the syntax of defines and includes is the same as that used by "erlc".

Warning options:
     Suppress warnings for functions of no return.
     Suppress warnings for unused functions.
     Suppress warnings for construction of improper lists.
     Suppress warnings for using tuples instead of funs.
     Suppress warnings for fun applications that will fail.
     Suppress warnings for pattern matching operations that will never 
     Suppress warnings for term comparisons that will always return false.
     Suppress warnings for guards that will always fail.
     Suppress warnings for unsafe BEAM code produced by an old 
     BEAM compiler.
  -Werror_handling ***
     Include warnings for functions that only return by means of an 
   *** This is the only option that turns on warnings rather than 
       turning them off.

Identified discrepancies

The discrepancies currently identified by Dialyzer can be classified in the following categories:




Feedback & bug reports

At this point, we very much welcome user feedback (even wish-lists!). If you notice something weird, especially if the Dialyzer reports any discrepancy that is a false positive, please send an error report describing the symptoms and how to reproduce them


Tobias Lindahl - support@erlang.ericsson.se
Kostis Sagonas - support@erlang.ericsson.se

dialyzer 1.4.2
Copyright © 1991-2006 Ericsson AB