[Ericsson AB]

3 Writing Test Suites

3.1 Support for test suite authors

The ct module provides the main interface for writing test cases. This includes:

Please turn to the reference manual for the ct module for details about these functions.

The CT application also includes other modules named ct_<something> that provide support for the use of communication mechanisms such as rpc, snmp, ftp, telnet etc in test suites.

3.2 Test suites

A test suite is an ordinary Erlang module that contains test cases. It is recommended that the module has a name on the form *_SUITE.erl. Otherwise, the directory function in CT will not be able to locate the modules (per default).

ct.hrl shall be included in all test suite files.

Each test suite module must export the function all/0 which returns the list of all test cases in that module.

3.3 Init and end per suite

Each test suite module may contain the functions init_per_suite/1 and end_per_suite/1.

If it exists, init_per_suite is called as the first testcase of the suite. It typically contains initiation which is common for all test cases in the suite, and which are only to be performed once.

end_per_suite is called as the last test case of the suite. This function should clean up after init_per_suite.

The argument to init_per_suite is Config, the same as the argument to all test cases. init_per_suite can modify this parameter with information that the other test cases need.

If init_per_suite fails, all test cases in the test suite will be skipped, including end_per_suite

It is possible in end_per_suite to check if the last executed test case was successful or not (which consequently may determine how cleanup should be performed). This is done by reading the value tagged with tc_status from Config. The value is either ok, {failed,Reason}, or {skipped,Reason}.

3.4 Init and end per test case

Each test suite module can contain the functions init_per_testcase/2 and end_per_testcase/2.

If it exists, init_per_testcase is called before each test case in the suite. It typically contains initiation which must be done for each test case.

end_per_testcase/2 is called after each test case is completed, giving a possibility to clean up.

The first argument to these functions is the name of the test case. This can be used to do individual initiation and cleanup for each test cases.

The second argument is called Config. init_per_testcase/2 may modify this parameter or just return it as is. Whatever is retuned by init_per_testcase/2 is given as Config parameter to the test case itself.

The return value of end_per_testcase/2 is ignored by the test server (with exception of the save_config tuple).

If init_per_testcase crashes, the test case itself is skipped and end_per_testcase is never called.

3.5 Test cases

The smallest unit that the test server is concerned with is a test case. Each test case can in turn test many things, for example make several calls to the same interface function with different parameters.

It is possible to put many or few tests into each test case. How many things each test case does is of course up to the author, but here are some things to keep in mind:

Using many small test cases tend to result in extra and often duplicated code as well as slow test execution because of large overhead for initializations and cleanups. Lots of duplicated code results in high maintenance cost and bad readability.

Larger test cases make it harder to tell what went wrong if it fails, and large portions of test code will be skipped if a specific part fails. Also, readability and maintainability suffers when test cases become too extensive.

The test case function takes one argument, Config, which contains configuration information such as data_dir and priv_dir. See Data and Private Directories for more information about these.


The test case function argument Config should not be confused with the information that can be retrieved from configuration files (using ct:get_config/[1,2]). The Config argument should be used for runtime configuration of the test suite and the test cases. A configuration file should contain data related to the SUT (system under test). These two types of config data are handled differently!

All Config items can be extracted using the ?config macro, e.g PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config).

If the test case function crashes or exits, it is considered a failure. If it returns a value (no matter what actual value) it is considered a success. An exception to this rule is the return value {skip,Reason}. If this is returned, the test case is considered skipped and gets logged as such.

If the test case returns the tuple {comment,Comment}, Comment is printed out in the overview log (this is equal to calling ct:comment(Comment)).

3.6 Test case info function

For each test case function there can be an additional function with the same name but with no arguments. This is the test case info function. The test case info function is expected to return a list of tagged tuples that specifies various properties regarding the test case.

The following tags have special meaning:

Set the maximum time the test case is allowed to take. If the timetrap time is exceeded, the test case fails with reason timetrap_timeout. Note that init_per_testcase and end_per_testcase are included in the timetrap time.
Use this to specify arbitrary data related to the testcase. This data can be retrieved at any time using the ct:userdata/3 utility function.
Please see the Silent Connections chapter for details.
Use this to specify configuration variables that are required by the test case. If the required configuration variables are not found in any of the test system configuration files, the test case is skipped.
It is also possible to give a required variable a default value that will be used if the variable is not found in any configuration file. To specify a default value, start by adding a normal require-tuple to the list for the variable in question and then let the key-value definition for the variable follow. The definition should have the same form as in the configuration file. Example:
            my_testcase() -> 
                [{require, unix_telnet, {unix, [telnet, username, password]}},
                 {unix_telnet, {unix, [{telnet, "durin.du.uab"},
                                       {username, "alladin"},
                                       {password, "sesame"}]}}]. 

Giving a required variable a default value can result in that a test case is always run. For many types of configuration values this is not a desired behavior.

If timetrap and/or require is not set specifically for a particular test case, default values specified by the suite/0 function are used.

Other tags than the ones mentioned above will simply be ignored by the test server.


        reboot_node() ->
                 [{description,"System Upgrade: RpuAddition Normal RebootNode"},

3.7 Test suite default data

The suite/0 function can be used in a test suite module to set the default values for the timetrap and require tags. If a test case info function also specifies any of these tags, the default value is overruled. See above for more information.

Other options that may be specified with the suite defaults list are:


        suite() ->
             {userdata,[{info,"This suite tests database transactions."}]},

3.8 Data and Private Directories

The data directory (data_dir) is the directory where the test module has its own files needed for the testing. The name of the data_dir is the the name of the test suite followed by "_data". For example, "some_path/foo_SUITE.beam" has the data directory "some_path/foo_SUITE_data/".

The priv_dir is the test suite's private directory. This directory should be used when a test case needs to write to files. The name of the private directory is generated by the test server, which also creates the directory.


You should not depend on current working directory for reading and writing data files since this is not portable. All scratch files are to be written in the priv_dir and all data files should be located in data_dir. If you do need to use the current working directory, you must set it explicitly with file:set_cwd/1 for each individual test case before use. (The Common Test server sets current working directory to the test case log directory at the start of every case).

3.9 Execution environment

Each test case, including init_per_testcase and end_per_testcase is executed by a dedicated Erlang process. The process is spawned when the test case starts, and terminated when the test case is finished.

init_per_suite and end_per_suite are separate test cases and will execute on their own processes.

The default time limit for a test case is 30 minutes, unless a timetrap is specified either by the test case info function or by the suite/0 function.

3.10 Illegal dependencies

Even though it is highly efficient to write test suites with the Common Test framework, there will be mistakes in the test suites. Noted below are some of the more frequent dependency mistakes from our experience with running the Erlang/OTP test suites.

common_test 1.3.4
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