[Ericsson AB]





The CosEventChannelAdmin defines a set if event service interfaces that enables decoupled asynchronous communication between objects and implements generic (untyped) version of the OMG COSS standard event service.


The event service defines two roles for objects: the supplier role and the consumer role. Suppliers supply event data to the event channel and consumers receive event data from the channel. Suppliers do not need to know the identity of the consumers, and vice versa. Consumers and suppliers are connected to the event channel via proxies, which are managed by ConsumerAdmin and SupplierAdmin objects.

There are four general models of communication. These are:

To get access to all definitions, e.g., exceptions, include necessary hrl files by using:

There are seven different interfaces supported in the service:

IDL specification for CosEventChannelAdmin:


#include "CosEventComm.idl"

#pragma prefix "omg.org"

module CosEventChannelAdmin
  exception AlreadyConnected{};
  exception TypeError{};

  interface ProxyPushConsumer: CosEventComm::PushConsumer
    void connect_push_supplier(in CosEventComm::
                               PushSupplier push_supplier) 
                               raises (AlreadyConnected);

  interface ProxyPullSupplier: CosEventComm::PullSupplier
    void connect_pull_consumer(in CosEventComm::
                               PullConsumer pull_consumer) 
                               raises (AlreadyConnected);

  interface ProxyPullConsumer: CosEventComm::PullConsumer
    void connect_pull_supplier(in CosEventComm::
                               PullSupplier pull_supplier) 
                               raises (AlreadyConnected, TypeError);

  interface ProxyPushSupplier: CosEventComm::PushSupplier
    void connect_push_consumer(in CosEventComm::
                               PushConsumer push_consumer) 
                               raises (AlreadyConnected, TypeError);

  interface ConsumerAdmin
    ProxyPushSupplier obtain_push_supplier();
    ProxyPullSupplier obtain_pull_supplier();

  interface SupplierAdmin
    ProxyPushConsumer obtain_push_consumer();
    ProxyPullConsumer obtain_pull_consumer();

  interface EventChannel
    ConsumerAdmin for_consumers();
    SupplierAdmin for_suppliers();
    void destroy();




cosEvent 2.1.5
Copyright © 1991-2009 Ericsson AB