why does ts call (an undefined) end_per_suite?

"Gösta Ask (Mobile Arts)" gosta.ask@REDACTED
Mon Jul 12 15:18:37 CEST 2004

I have tried to use a Test Suite which (beside the Test Cases) only has a init_per_suite/1

          tc_register_ok/1, tc_register_nok/1, tc_register_other/1,
	 tc_activate_ok/1, tc_activate_other/1, tc_deactivate_ok/1,

  all/1 looks this way

%    Exported Test Specification (executed once)
all(suite) ->
     [tc_register_ok, tc_register_nok, tc_register_other,
      tc_activate_ok, tc_activate_other, tc_deactivate_ok, tc_deactivate_other].

Yet the following is reported in the log:

8	twoprim_ST_SA_FO_C_SUITE  tc_deactivate_other  8.313 s	FAILED	{twoprim_ST_SA_FO_C_SUITE,tc_deactivate_other}
Fatal,error or alarm
9	twoprim_ST_SA_FO_C_SUITE  end_per_suite		0.000 s	FAILED	{twoprim_ST_SA_FO_C_SUITE,end_per_suite}

And if you look at the log for Test Case 9 you can see that it tries to call end_per_suite.
Why is that? Is end_per_suite somehow linked to init_per_suite? Do you have to define
both or none?

Best regards,
  /Gösta Ask
   Mobile Arts

====================================== LOG ==========================================
=== source code for twoprim_ST_SA_FO_C_SUITE:end_per_suite/1

=== Test case started with:

=== Current directory is "/home/askg/TestDir/TestServer/test_server"

=== Started at 2004-07-12 14:20:57
=== Ended at 2004-07-12 14:20:57
=== location {twoprim_ST_SA_FO_C_SUITE,end_per_suite}
=== reason={undef,[{twoprim_ST_SA_FO_C_SUITE,

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