[erlang-bugs] The latest Emacs from CVS doesn't like the backuotes from erlang.el

Sergey A. n39052@REDACTED
Thu Oct 16 18:12:45 CEST 2008


The latest Emacs from CVS doesn't like the backuotes from erlang.el

When I open any *.erl file in my emacs then the following warning
message is shown:

"Loading `erlang': old-style backquotes detected!"

I know this bug is of little importance, but maybe there is an easy
way to modify the erlang.el in such a way that all backquotes become

Unfortunately, I have not got working knowledge of Lisp and don't know
what "backquotes" are :(

I use erlang.el coming with Erlang R12B.3 and the latest emacs from
CVS (v23.0.60.1).



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