[erlang-bugs] a crypto function call crashes VM

Kenji Rikitake kenji.rikitake@REDACTED
Thu Aug 25 18:37:27 CEST 2011

Enter the following code to erl shell:

  list_to_binary(lists:reverse(binary_to_list(crypto:sha_init()))), "hello").

Segmentation fault occurs and VM crashed with the core dump.

This is originally reported at
by Tetsuya Suzuki (Twitter: @szktty)
(Tweet in Japanese but the code is the same as shown here)

Verified on 
R14B03 running on FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE x86
and R14B03 running on RHEL v4 x86_64
for Kyoto University Supercomputer Thin Cluster.

Kenji Rikitake

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