[erlang-bugs] Dialyzer Bugs

Michael Truog mjtruog@REDACTED
Wed Jul 23 18:18:04 CEST 2014

On 07/23/2014 02:56 AM, Magnus Henoch wrote:
> Michael Truog <mjtruog@REDACTED> writes:
>>>> 2) -Wrace_conditions causes the dialyzer execution time to vary with the
>>>> possibility that dialyzer execution will not finish.  The memory of
>>>> dialyzer can also grow to much larger sizes >1GB while this occurs. I
>>>> had this occur awhile ago with R16B03-1 while leaving dialyzer to run
>>>> and it refused to finish after roughly 40 minutes when a normal run
>>>> takes 1 minute (roughly).  I recently talked to a person on IRC
>>>> (freenode in the #erlang room) which had the same problem where the
>>>> person's dev machine was affected but the CI server never had any
>>>> problem completing the dialyzer runs.  It seems like this appears only
>>>> when a sufficiently large amount of Erlang source code is used for the
>>>> dialyzer run.  The person suspected that a corrupt file might have
>>>> caused the problem to appear, but I doubted that -Wrace_conditions would
>>>> be modifying any state on disk (it wouldn't be changing a PLT file,
>>>> right?).
>>> This is a known issue. The analysis that finds data races performs
>>> intra-procedural data flow analysis and can sometimes explode in
>>> time. Hence it is not enabled by default. Enable it at your own risk.
>> It makes sense that this is a known issue, but it would be nice if the
>> dialyzer HTML documentation warned about it.
> Like this?  https://github.com/erlang/otp/pull/437/files
Thanks, that should help make it clearer.

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