[erlang-bugs] Dialyzer problems with zlib 1.2.10 and 1.2.11

Kostis Sagonas kostis@REDACTED
Thu Jan 19 17:33:05 CET 2017

On 01/19/2017 03:42 AM, Jeremy Huffman wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm an Arch Linux user and picked up an update a few days ago that broke
> dialyzer. I bisected the last few days of updates and then narrowed the
> problem to zlib 1.2.10, which was released January 2nd. 1.2.11 was
> released on the 15th as an emergency bug fix and does not fix the
> problem. Reverting my system back to 1.2.8 (the previous version
> packaged for Arch) did resolve the issue.
> It seems doubtful this is an Erlang problem, but I doubt I'm going to
> write a test program to demonstrate the problem to them.  I thought I
> should at least report the issue in case others encounter it.
> To reproduce, one would need only install zlib 1.2.10 and then run:
> dialyzer --verbose --build_plt --apps erts --output_plt test.plt
> Output would be along the lines of:
> dialyzer: Could not get abstract code for file:
> /usr/lib/erlang/lib/erts-8.2/ebin/erlang.beam (please recompile it with
> +debug_info)
> There are also errors when simply trying to do success typing analysis
> *using* any pre-existing PLT file, along lines of "this isn't a PLT
> file". The errors are not dependent upon the version of Erlang installed
> - at least anything I tried that was released on Arch in the 19.x branch
> will reproduce the problem.
> Anyway, I hope this report helps someone and I would be curious if
> anyone else reproduces it, or especially if they fail to reproduce it.

Earlier today (yesterday?), there was the following question on the 
erlang-questions mailing list:


I am willing to bet that problem with binary_to_term is also caused by 
zlib troubles.

Perhaps Michel (cc:) can inform us about his zlib version.


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