Garbage collection

David Brown ug-erlang@REDACTED
Fri Sep 3 16:44:44 CEST 1999

>>>>> On Thu,  2 Sep 1999 23:38:42 -0700 (PDT), Patrick Logan <patrickdlogan@REDACTED> said:

> A problem with a heap per process seems to be how much heap to
> allocate to each process, and handling the processes that outgrow
> their heap.

Another approach would be to do something like Caml Light.  Each
process has a small heap.  Objects that are smaller than a certain
size are allocated from this heap.  When a process does a minor
collection, its live data is moved to the shared heap.  This
per-process heap is usually something small, like 32k.  (The small
heap is also only for non-mutable objects).

The large heap is the collected in a more coordinated way.  This ends
up as a kind of hybrid copying and mark-sweep collector.  The first
generation is copying (but only for small objects), and the subsequent
generation is collected normally.

The large heap will need to use a real time collection algorithm,
whereas the small heaps can just be copied through in their entirery.
They can be chosen to be small enough that this collection runs fast

When a message is passed, it is checked to see which heap it is in,
and only if it is in a small heap is it copied.  That way, especially
large messages will avoid the copy.

I'm still looking for the article.  Hopefully I will find it when I
return from my trip (Monday is a holiday in the US).

Dave Brown

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