erlc options

Vance Shipley vances@REDACTED
Sat Jan 13 04:52:01 CET 2001

I think there may be something broken here.  I can compile
the Erlang way:

Eshell V5.0.1.1  (abort with ^G)
1> snmp:c("ASG-MIB", [{db, mnesia}, {il, ["eva/priv/mibs"]}]).

But I can't get it to work the Unix way:

$ make
erlc +'{db,mnesia}' -ilroot '["eva/priv/mibs/]"' ASG-MIB.mib
ASG-MIB.mib: 14: Error: Could not import [{node,currentAlarmObject},
                                          {node,currentAlarmTime}] from mib
OTP-EVA-MIB.bin. File not found. Check that the MIB to be IMPORTED is
compiled and present in the import path.
compilation_failedmake: *** [ASG-MIB.bin] Error 1

The syntax above seems to be what what is suggested by the documentation.
I have also tried the following:

erlc -ilroot 'eva/priv/mibs/' ASG-MIB.mib
erlc -ilroot "eva/priv/mibs/" ASG-MIB.mib
erlc -ilroot eva/priv/mibs/ ASG-MIB.mib
erlc -ilroot [eva/priv/mibs/] ASG-MIB.mib
erlc -ilroot "[eva/priv/mibs/]" ASG-MIB.mib
erlc -ilroot '["/usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/eva-"]'
erlc -I '["eva/priv/mibs/]"' ASG-MIB.mib

Hoever this does work:

$ cp /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/eva- .
$ make
erlc +'{db,mnesia}' -ilroot '["eva/priv/mibs/]"' ASG-MIB.mib

I give up!


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