[erlang-questions] Stand Alone Erlang Still Updated?

Jim McCoy jim.mccoy@REDACTED
Wed Aug 1 19:35:57 CEST 2007

On 7/31/07, Bengt Kleberg <bengt.kleberg@REDACTED> wrote:
> if it is ok to run your program from a single archive, but have the
> erlang runtime separately installed (via CEAN :-) you can use escript.
> i have made an escript called besea that will create archives that are
> themselfs escripts.

This is definitely a win, but setting aside my current use of Erlang
and taking the perspective of previous work distributing an end-user
application written in Python I would have to say that this is not
quite good enough.  The use-case I am thinking of here is distributing
an application to my mom.  Telling her to first install a runtime for
a programming language is just not sufficient; this is one reason that
Java apps are just barely clinging to life even when companies like
Sun, Microsoft, and Apple are throwing millions of dollars at the
issue of making the runtime ubiquitous.

At the end of the day what is needed is an exe file that can be
dropped onto a USB drive and executed on any PC to which I attach the


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