[erlang-questions] How to add a option for inet:getopts

Serge Aleynikov serge@REDACTED
Fri Jan 19 15:26:01 CET 2007

Per Hedeland wrote:
> What Kenneth described has nothing to do with raw sockets, it's just the
> option name that is "raw" - rather than encoded as an atom in Erlang and
> with associated knowledge of value format etc all the way down to the
> inet driver.

Sorry, I read Kenneth's email too fast and diagonally and totally missed 
his point!  :-(

The keyword "raw" brought some unrelated memories...

> What you describe is interesting/useful in other contexts, but could
> easily be implemented with a custom linked-in driver I believe - and
> this may be more appropriate anyway, since there isn't even an emerging
> standard for how to do these things as far as I know.

Hmm.  Is there a way to do the following call in a custom linked-in 
driver without being a root?




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