[erlang-questions] Erlang performance on Windows

Kenneth Lundin kenneth.lundin@REDACTED
Mon Nov 24 09:53:17 CET 2008

Hi Jesper,

It would be interesting to know you experiences regarding performance
of real applications written in Erlang
and specifically on Windows if that is your are or interest.

I am asking since I know that most of the commercial products that I
know the details about are
not using native code generation at all. And they are doing fine when
it comes to performance anyway.
I also know that some of those applications have tested with native
code generation without getting
significant performance improvements.

So I think you are drawing the wrong conclusion if you thing you need
native code generateion in order to
get adequate performance.
The HiPE (native code generation and execution) is very good and can
speed up sequential execution significantly
(can be as good as a factor 10 better but normally less.
A typical case when you can get a great performance boost with native
code generation is when you have an
algorithm that deals with binary matching and where the whole
execution is done inside the native code without frequent calls to non
native code.

Note that compiling everything as native will not automatically mean
improved performance.

A system which is heavy on message passing (local and distributed),
and ets-tables will not gain anything from
executing native code since the execution inside the VM will be
dominating and is the same both for
native and interpreted code.

In summary, HiPE (native code generation) is great, if you use it with
care you can get outstanding performance.
You don't need HiPE in order to get good or competitive performance with Erlang.

/Kenneth Erlang/OTP Ericsson

On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 6:26 PM, Jesper Eskilson <jesper@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was doing some Project Euler stuff on my Windows machine at home,
> and realized that there does not seem to be any Hipe support on
> Windows. I found some notes from a year or two back about why there
> was no Hipe support on Windows (I didn't delve into the technical
> details, though), but I was wondering what the status is now.
> (Since there is SMP support on Windows now, I assumed that there was
> at least some demand for running Erlang applications on Windows and
> still get some sort of performance.)
> --
> /Jesper
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