[erlang-questions] Inets and IPv6 (noob)

Michael Talyansky mtalyans@REDACTED
Wed Apr 29 07:06:10 CEST 2009

Hi All,

I have recently moved my simple web server application from FreeBSD to
Ubuntu Linux, and here is what happens:

I start inets thus:

    {ok, Pid} = inets:start(httpd, [{port, 55555},
                                    {bind_address, "localhost"},
                                    {modules, [mod_get, push]}]),

On BSD, server was binding to (and listening on) IPv4 address. On Linux, it
binds to IPv6 only (verified with netstat), unless I explicitly specify IPv4
interface address in the bind_address tuple.

What should I set and where in order for the server to bind to both IPv4 and
IPv6 addresses?

I am using R13B, on BSD it was R13A. Could this be a factor?

Thanks much in advance!

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