Hi all here the RESUME for Pytagorians Numbers Algorithm!!!

Gilberio Carmenates García co7eb@REDACTED
Mon Nov 15 05:25:24 CET 2010

  Made on a pc with Petium 4 CPU 1.6 Ghz one core, 512 Ram.

*** Pytagoriam's Numbers REPORT! ***

Using N = 300

-py1:         15547000 mcs = 15.547 s
-py2:         14514999 mcs = 14.514999 s
-py3:         14468999 mcs = 14.468999 s

*** Tony's implementations ****
-pythag1:     13218999 mcs = 13.218999 s
-pythag2:     2296999 mcs = 2.296999 s

*** Hynek's implementation ****
Simpler and about 5% faster version
-pythag3:     2202999 mcs = 2.202999 s

*** Edmond's implementation, using parallelism****
-py2E:        14624999 mcs = 14.624999 s

*** Willem's implementation****
-wpythag2:    2202999 mcs = 2.202999 s

*** Hynek's new implementation****
-pythag4:     1530999 mcs = 1.530999 s

*** Willem's new implementation in parallel by Hynek****
-wpythag2P:   2202999 mcs = 2.202999 s

*** Morten's implementation****
-pythag5:     62999 mcs = 0.062999 s

*** Richard's improvement****
-py3R:        2452999 mcs = 2.452999 s

Comparisons in results agains 'pythag1' Tony's function
py1 returns the same than 'pythag1'
py2 NO returns the same than 'pythag1'       %% since my secound
implementation 'py2' is wrong!!!
py3 returns the same than 'pythag1'
pythag1 returns the same than 'pythag1'
pythag2 returns the same than 'pythag1'
pythag3 returns the same than 'pythag1'
py2E NO returns the same than 'pythag1'      %% since Edmond use my
wrong implementation.
wpythag2 returns the same than 'pythag1'
pythag4 returns the same than 'pythag1'
wpythag2P returns the same than 'pythag1'
pythag5 returns the same than 'pythag1'
py3R NO returns the same than 'pythag1'     %% I just tries to put the 
Richard explanation in a
                                                algorithm but, seems to 
me I was wrong here too.

NOTE: Time was took using timer:tc/3 function.

%% Here the source code of all algorithm


     %% My implementations.
     {T1,R1} = timer:tc(py,py1, [N]),
     {T2,R2} = timer:tc(py,py2,[N]),
     {T3,R3} = timer:tc(py,py3,[N]),

     %% Tony's improvement of the original form 3.
     {T4,R4} = timer:tc(py,pythag1,[N]),
     %% Tony's implementation.
     {T5,R5} = timer:tc(py,pythag2,[N]),

     %% Hynek's implementation.
     %% Simpler and about 5% faster version:
     {T6,R6} = timer:tc(py,pythag3,[N]),

     %% Edmond's implementation using parallelism.
     {T7,R7} = timer:tc(py,py2E,[N]),

     %% Willem's implementation.
     {T8,R8} = timer:tc(py,wpythag2,[N]),

     %% Hynek's new version
     {T9,R9} = timer:tc(py,pythag4,[N]),

     %% Willem's implementation in parallel by Hynek
     {T10,R10} = timer:tc(py,wpythag2P,[N]),

     %% Morten's implementation.
     {T11,R11} = timer:tc(py,pythag5,[N]),

     %% Richard's improvement.
     {T12,R12} = timer:tc(py,py3R,[N]),

     io:format("~n *** Pytagoriam's Numbers REPORT! ***~n~n"),
     io:format("Using N = ~p~n", [N]),

     io:format("~n*** THE ORIGINAL IMPLEMENTATIONS (ME!)****~n"),
     io:format("-py1:         ~p mcs = ~p s~n", [T1,T1/1000000]),
     io:format("-py2:         ~p mcs = ~p s~n", [T2,T2/1000000]),
     io:format("-py3:         ~p mcs = ~p s~n", [T3,T3/1000000]),

     io:format("~n*** Tony's implementations ****~n"),
     io:format("-pythag1:     ~p mcs = ~p s~n", [T4,T4/1000000]),
     io:format("-pythag2:     ~p mcs = ~p s~n", [T5,T5/1000000]),

     io:format("~n*** Hynek's implementation ****~n"),
     io:format("Simpler and about 5% faster version~n"),
     io:format("-pythag3:     ~p mcs = ~p s~n", [T6,T6/1000000]),

     io:format("~n*** Edmond's implementation, using parallelism****~n"),
     io:format("-py2E:        ~p mcs = ~p s~n", [T7,T7/1000000]),

     io:format("~n*** Willem's implementation****~n"),
     io:format("-wpythag2:    ~p mcs = ~p s~n", [T8,T8/1000000]),

     io:format("~n*** Hynek's new implementation****~n"),
     io:format("-pythag4:     ~p mcs = ~p s~n", [T9,T9/1000000]),

     io:format("~n*** Willem's new implementation in parallel by
     io:format("-wpythag2P:   ~p mcs = ~p s~n", [T10,T10/1000000]),

     io:format("~n*** Morten's implementation****~n"),
     io:format("-pythag5:     ~p mcs = ~p s~n", [T11,T11/1000000]),

     io:format("~n*** Richard's improvement****~n"),
     io:format("-py3R:        ~p mcs = ~p s~n", [T12,T12/1000000]),

     io:format("~nComparisons in results agains 'pythag1' Tony's
     Rs = [{py1,R1}, {py2,R2}, {py3,R3}, {pythag1,R4}, {pythag2,R5},
           {py2E,R7}, {wpythag2,R8}, {pythag4,R9}, {wpythag2P,R10},
{pythag5,R11}, {py3R,R12}],
     lists:foreach(fun({Name, R})->
                 io:format("~p returns the same than 'pythag1'~n", [Name]);
                 io:format("~p NO returns the same than 'pythag1'~n",
     end, Rs),
     io:format("~nNOTE: Time took using timer:tc/3 function.~n").

%% The original form 1.
     L = lists:seq(1, Max),
         fun(A, Acc3)->
                 fun(B, Acc2)->
                         fun(C, Acc)->
                             case ((A*A + B*B =:= C*C) andalso (A+B+C =<
Max)) of
                     , Acc2, L)
             , Acc3, L)
     , [], L).

%% The original form 2.
     fora(1, [], Max).

fora(A, Acc, Max)->
     Acc1 = forb(A,1, Acc, Max),
     case A<  Max of
             fora(A+1, Acc1, Max);

forb(A,B, Acc, Max)->
     Acc1 = forc(A,B,1, Acc, Max),
     case B<  Max of
             forb(A,B+1, Acc1, Max);

forc(A,B,C, Acc, Max)->
     Acc1 = case (A*A + B*B =:= C*C) andalso (A+B+C =<  Max) of
     case C<  Max of
             forc(A,B,C+1, Acc1, Max);

%% The original form 3.
     [{A,B,C} ||
         A<-lists:seq(1, Max),
         B<-lists:seq(1, Max),
         C<-lists:seq(1, Max),
         A*A + B*B =:= C*C,
         A+B+C =<  Max].

%% Tony's improvement of the original form 3.
pythag1(N) ->
     L = lists:seq(1,N),
     [ {A,B,C} ||
         A<- L,
         B<- L,
         C<- L,
         A+B+C =<  N,
         A*A+B*B =:= C*C].

%% Tony's implementation.
pythag2(N) ->
     lists:reverse(pythan2_A(1, N, [])).

pythan2_A(A, N, Acc) when A>  N ->  Acc;
pythan2_A(A, N, Acc) ->  pythan2_A(A+1,N,pythan2_B(A, 1, N, Acc)).

pythan2_B(A, B, N, Acc) when A+B>  N ->  Acc;
pythan2_B(A, B, N, Acc) ->  pythan2_B(A,B+1,N,pythan2_C(A, B, 1, N, Acc)).

pythan2_C(A, B, C, N, Acc) when A+B+C>  N ->  Acc;
pythan2_C(A, B, C, N, Acc) ->
     if A*A+B*B =:= C*C ->
         pythan2_C(A, B, C+1, N, [{A,B,C}|Acc]);
     true ->
         pythan2_C(A, B, C+1, N, Acc)

%% Hynek's implementation.
%% Simpler and about 5% faster version:
pythag3(N) when is_integer(N) ->  pythag3(N,1).

pythag3(N, A) when A+2>  N ->  [];
pythag3(N, A) ->  pythag3(N, A, 1).

pythag3(N, A, B) when A+B+1>  N ->  pythag3(N, A+1);
pythag3(N, A, B) ->  pythag3(N, A, B, 1).

pythag3(N, A, B, C) when A+B+C>  N ->  pythag3(N, A, B+1);
pythag3(N, A, B, C) when A*A + B*B =:= C*C ->  [{A, B, C}|pythag3(N, A,
B, C+1)];
pythag3(N, A, B, C) ->  pythag3(N, A, B, C+1).

%% Edmond's implementation using parallelism.

%%---- START CODE ----

     lists:flatten(lpmap(fun(A) ->
                             forbE(A, 1, [], Max)
                         end, lists:seq(1, Max), ordered)).

forbE(A, B, Acc, Max) ->
     Acc1 = forcE(A, B, 1, Acc, Max),
     case B<  Max of
         true ->  forbE(A, B+1, Acc1, Max);
         false ->  Acc1

forcE(A, B, C, Acc, Max) ->
     Acc1 = case (A*A + B*B =:= C*C) andalso (A+B+C =<  Max) of
                 true ->  [{A,B,C}|Acc];
                 _ ->  Acc
     case C<  Max of
         true->  forcE(A, B, C+1, Acc1, Max);
         false->  Acc1

     lists:flatten(lpmap(fun(A) ->
                             pythan2_BE(A, 1, N, [])
                         end, lists:seq(1, N), ordered)).

pythan2_AE(A, N, Acc) when A>  N ->  Acc;
pythan2_AE(A, N, Acc) ->  pythan2_AE(A+1,N,pythan2_BE(A, 1, N, Acc)).

pythan2_BE(A, B, N, Acc) when A+B>  N ->  Acc;
pythan2_BE(A, B, N, Acc) ->  pythan2_BE(A,B+1,N,pythan2_CE(A, B, 1, N, 

pythan2_CE(A, B, C, N, Acc) when A+B+C>  N ->  Acc;
pythan2_CE(A, B, C, N, Acc) ->
     if A*A+B*B =:= C*C ->
         pythan2_CE(A, B, C+1, N, [{A,B,C}|Acc]);
        true ->
         pythan2_CE(A, B, C+1, N, Acc)

%% @spec    lpmap(fun(), list(), (atom() = ordered|unordered)) ->  list()
%% @doc     Spawns a process for each element in list L, performs specified
%%          function F against each in parallel and then returns results
%%          same order as L (ordered) or in any order (unordered).
%%          NB: See also lpmap/4.

lpmap(F, L, ordered) ->
     Ref = erlang:make_ref(),
     Pids = [lpmap_spawn_link(self(), Ref, F, I) || I<- L],
     lpmap_gather_ordered(Pids, Ref, [], 0, void);
lpmap(F, L, unordered) ->
     Ref = erlang:make_ref(),
     lists:foreach(fun(I) ->
                     lpmap_spawn_link(self(), Ref, F, I)
                   end, L),
     lpmap_gather_unordered(length(L), Ref, [], 0, void).

%% @spec    lpmap(fun(), integer(), list(), (atom() =
ordered|unordered)) ->  list()
%% @doc     Same as lpmap/3 except ensures only a maximum of MaxPs parallel
%%          processes execute function F at any one time (i.e. first
takes MaxPs
%%          items from list, executes F in parallel against each, then
as each
%%          process returns, spawns another process on next item in L as
long as
%%          active processes are less than MaxPs).
%%          NB: See also lpmap/4.

lpmap(F, L, MaxPs, ordered) when MaxPs>0 ->
     Ref = erlang:make_ref(),
     {HPids, TPids} = if
                         length(L)>  MaxPs ->  lists:split(MaxPs, L);
                         true ->  {L, []}
     Pids = [lpmap_spawn_link(self(), Ref, F, I) || I<- HPids],
     lpmap_gather_ordered(Pids, Ref, TPids, MaxPs, F);
lpmap(F, L, MaxPs, unordered) when MaxPs>0 ->
     Ref = erlang:make_ref(),
     {HPids, TPids} = if
                         length(L)>  MaxPs ->  lists:split(MaxPs, L);
                         true ->  {L, []}
     lists:foreach(fun(I) ->
                     lpmap_spawn_link(self(), Ref, F, I)
                   end, HPids),
     lpmap_gather_unordered(length(HPids), Ref, TPids, MaxPs, F).

%% lpmap internal functions

lpmap_spawn_link(Parent, Ref, F, I) ->
     spawn_link(fun() ->
                     Parent ! {self(), Ref, F(I)}

lpmap_gather_ordered([], _Ref, [], _MaxPs, _F) ->
lpmap_gather_ordered([HPid|TPids], Ref, L, MaxPs, F) ->
         {HPid, Ref, Ret} when length(TPids)<MaxPs, L=/=[] ->
             [H | T] = L,
             [Ret | lpmap_gather_ordered(
                 lists:append(TPids, [lpmap_spawn_link(self(), Ref, F, 
                 Ref, T, MaxPs, F)];
         {HPid, Ref, Ret} ->
             [Ret | lpmap_gather_ordered(TPids, Ref, L, MaxPs, F)]

lpmap_gather_unordered(0, _Ref, [], _MaxPs, _F) ->
lpmap_gather_unordered(NPs, Ref, L, MaxPs, F) ->
         {_Pid, Ref, Ret} when NPs-1<MaxPs, L=/=[] ->
             [H | T] = L,
             lpmap_spawn_link(self(), Ref, F, H),
             [Ret | lpmap_gather_unordered(NPs, Ref, T, MaxPs, F)];
         {_Pid, Ref, Ret} ->
             [Ret | lpmap_gather_unordered(NPs-1, Ref, L, MaxPs, F)]

%%---- END CODE -----

%% Willem's implementation.

wpythag2(N) ->
    L = [{A, A*A} || A<- lists:seq(1,N)],
    lists:flatten([forAllBs(A, A2, L, N) || {A, A2}<- L]).

forAllBs(A, A2, L, N) ->
   [forAllCs(A, B, A + B, A2 + B2, L, N) || {B, B2}<- L, A + B<  N].

forAllCs(A, B, AB, A2B2, L, N) ->
   [{A, B, C} || {C, C2}<- L, A2B2 =:= C2, AB + C =<  N].

%% Hynek's new version

pythag4(N) when is_integer(N) ->  pythag4(N,1).

pythag4(N, A) when A+2>  N ->  [];
pythag4(N, A) ->  pythag4(N, A, A*A, 1).

pythag4(N, A, _A2, B) when A+B+1>  N ->  pythag4(N, A+1);
pythag4(N, A, A2, B) ->  pythag4(N, A, A2, B, B*B, 1).

pythag4(N, A, A2, B, _B2, C) when A+B+C>  N ->  pythag4(N, A, A2, B+1);
pythag4(N, A, A2, B, B2, C) when A2 + B2 =:= C*C ->
   [{A, B, C}|pythag4(N, A, A2, B, B2, C+1)];
pythag4(N, A, A2, B, B2, C) ->  pythag4(N, A, A2, B, B2, C+1).

%% Willem's implementation in parallel by Hynek

wpythag2P(N) ->
     L = [{A, A*A} || A<- lists:seq(1,N)], % For all A's
     lists:flatten(lpmap(fun({A, A2}) ->     % For all B's in parallel
                             [forAllCsWH(A, B, A + B, A2 + B2, L, N)
                                         || {B, B2}<- L, A + B<  N]
                         end, L, 2000, ordered)).

forAllCsWH(A, B, AB, A2B2, L, N) ->
     [{A, B, C} || {C, C2}<- L, A2B2 =:= C2, AB + C =<  N].

%% Morten's implementation.

pythag5(N) when is_integer(N) ->
   Primes = sieve(N div 2),
   M1M2s = incorporate_primes([{1,1}], N, Primes),
   lists:usort(lists:flatten([ [{A,B,C}, {B,A,C}] || {M1, M2}<- M1M2s,
M1>  M2, A<- [M1-M2], B<- [2*round(math:sqrt(M1*M2))], C<- [M1+M2],
A+B+C =<  N])).

sieve(N) when is_integer(N) ->

sieve(N, K) when K>= N ->
  [X || X<- lists:seq(2, N), erase(X) == undefined];
sieve(N, K) ->
   cross_off(K, K, N div K - 1),
   sieve(N, find_next_in_sieve(K + 1)).

cross_off(_K, _Current, 0) ->
cross_off(K, Current, Left) ->
   Next = Current + K,
   put(Next, out),
   cross_off(K, Next, Left - 1).

find_next_in_sieve(K) ->
   case get(K) of
     undefined ->
     _ ->

incorporate_prime(M1M2s, N, P) ->
   lists:flatten([incorporate_prime_single({M1,M2}, N, P)|| {M1, M2}<-

incorporate_prime_single({M1,M2}, N, P) ->
   Evens = [{X, Y} || X<- incorporate_prime_even(M1, N, P), Y<-
incorporate_prime_even(M2, N, P)],
   Odds = [{X, Y} || X<- incorporate_prime_odd(M1, N, P), Y<-
incorporate_prime_odd(M2, N, P)],
   Evens ++ Odds.

incorporate_prime_even(M, N, P) ->
   incorporate_prime(M, N, P, []).

incorporate_prime_odd(M, N, P) ->
   incorporate_prime(M * P, N, P, []).

incorporate_prime(M, N, _P, Acc) when M>  N/2 ->
incorporate_prime(M, N, P, Acc) ->
   incorporate_prime(M * P * P, N, P, [M|Acc]).

incorporate_primes(M1M2s, _N, []) ->
incorporate_primes(M1M2s, N, [P|Rest]) ->
   M1M2s_new = incorporate_prime(M1M2s, N, P),
   incorporate_primes(M1M2s_new, N, Rest).

  %% Richard's improvement.

     [{A,B,C} ||
         C<- lists:seq(1, N),
         A<- lists:seq(1, N-C-1),
         B<- lists:seq(1, N-C-A),
         A*A + B*B =:= C*C,
         A+B+C =<  N].

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  END  



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