[erlang-questions] customizing the rebar-generated .app file

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Wed Oct 5 15:58:50 CEST 2011

On Oct 5, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Tim Watson wrote:

> If your application is in a subdirectory within the project (i.e., is one of sub_dirs) then you can do this by generating the version you want in a file inside the project subdirectory named priv/vsn.git - then you can put {vsn, git} in your app.src and it will work fine.

A subdirectory is not necessary. 

How does rebar come up with the final version number using vsn.git, though? 

To wit:

cat priv/vsn.git 

grep vsn ebin/openpoker.app

Where do 0.1 and 111 come from?

	Thanks, Joel

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