

Functions used to render EEP-48 style documentation for a shell.
Module shell_docs was introduced in OTP 23.0.

This module can be used to render function and type documentation to be printed in a shell. This is the module that is used to render the docs accessed through the shell through c:h/1,2,3. Example:

1> h(maps,new,0).

  -spec new() -> Map when Map :: #{}.

  OTP 17.0

  Returns a new empty map.


    > maps:new().

This module formats and renders EEP-48 documentation of the format application/erlang+html. For more information about this format see Documentation Storage in Erl_Docgen's User's Guide. It can also render any other format of "text" type, although those will be rendered as is.

The record holding EEP-48 documentation for a module. You can use code:get_doc/1 to fetch this information from a module.

The configuration of how the documentation should be rendered.

Configure the encoding that should be used by the renderer for graphical details such as bullet-points. By default shell_docs uses the value returned by io:getopts().
Configure whether ansi escape codes should be used to render graphical details such as bold and underscore. By default shell_docs will try to determine if the receiving shell supports ansi escape codes. It is possible to override the automated check by setting the kernel configuration parameter shell_docs_ansi to a boolean() value.
Configure how wide the target documentation should be rendered. By default shell_docs used the value returned by io:columns().


Module = module()
Function = atom()
Arity = arity()
Docs = docs_v1()
Config = config()
Res = unicode:chardata() | {error, function_missing}

Render the documentation for a module or function.


Module = module()
Type = atom()
Arity = arity()
Docs = docs_v1()
Config = config()
Res = unicode:chardata() | {error, type_missing}

Render the documentation of a type in a module.


Module = module()
Callback = atom()
Arity = arity()
Docs = docs_v1()
Config = config()
Res = unicode:chardata() | {error, callback_missing}

Render the documentation of a callback in a module.


Module = module() | docs_v1()

This function can be used to do a basic validation of the doc content of application/erlang+html format.


Docs = NormalizedDocs = chunk_elements()

This function can be used to do whitespace normalization of application/erlang+html documentation.

This function can be used to find out which tags are supported by application/erlang+html documentation.