Erlang/OTP Permuted Index

Permuted index of Erlang/OTP functions and commands



Add a new filter to the target object CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin:add_filter/2
Add a new property to the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySet:define_property/3
Add ALTERNATE_IIOP_ADDRESS component to the supplied local object corba:add_alternate_iiop_address/3
Add new properties to the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySet:define_properties/2
Assign a binary object registry:ei_reg_setpval/4
Assign a floating point object registry:ei_reg_setfval/3
Assign a string object registry:ei_reg_setsval/3
Assign an integer object registry:ei_reg_setival/3
Associate a new property with the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef:define_property_with_mode/4
Associate the given Property Definitions with the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef:define_properties_with_modes/2
Bind a Name to an Object CosNaming_NamingContext:bind/3
Change the QoS settings for the target object CosNotification_QoSAdmin:set_qos/2
Check if certain Quality of Service properties can be added to events in the current context of the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyConsumer:validate_event_qos/2
Close the connection and terminate the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPushSupplier:disconnect_structured_push_supplier/1
Compare the time associated with the target object and the given UTO object CosTime_UTO:compare_time/3
Configure a graphical object. gs:config/2
Create a AliasDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_alias/5
Create a ConstantDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_constant/6
Create a EnumDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_enum/5
Create a ExceptionDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_exception/5
Create a Filter object CosNotifyFilter_FilterFactory:create_filter/2
Create a InterfaceDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_interface/5
Create a MappingFilter object CosNotifyFilter_FilterFactory:create_mapping_filter/2
Create a new ConsumerAdmin object CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomainFactory:create_event_domain/3
Create a new ConsumerAdmin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:for_consumers/1
Create a new ConsumerAdmin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:new_for_consumers/2
Create a new graphical object. gs:create/2
Create a new graphical object. gs:create/3
Create a new graphical object. gs:create/4
Create a new SupplierAdmin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:for_suppliers/1
Create a new SupplierAdmin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:new_for_suppliers/2
Create a ProxyPullConsumer object CosEventChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:obtain_pull_consumer/1
Create a ProxyPullSupplier object CosEventChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:obtain_pull_supplier/1
Create a ProxyPushConsumer object CosEventChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:obtain_push_consumer/1
Create a ProxyPushSupplier object CosEventChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:obtain_push_supplier/1
Create a StructDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_struct/5
Create a TIO object representing the error interval around the time value represented by the target object CosTime_UTO:interval/1
Create a UnionDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_union/6
Create an IFR object of the type AttributeDef contained in the target InterfaceDef object orber_ifr:create_attribute/6
Create an IFR object of the type OperationDef contained in the target InterfaceDef object orber_ifr:create_operation/9
Create and start a new server object corba:create/2
Create and start a new server object corba:create/3
Create and start a new server object corba:create/4
Create and start a new server object corba:create_link/2
Create and start a new server object corba:create_link/3
Create and start a new server object corba:create_link/4
Creates a binary object erl_eterm:erl_mk_binary/2
Destroy a graphical object. gs:destroy/1
Destroy the iterator object CosNaming_BindingIterator:destroy/1
Get a binary object registry:ei_reg_getpval/3
Get a floating point object registry:ei_reg_getfval/2
Get a string object registry:ei_reg_getsval/2
Get an integer object registry:ei_reg_getival/2
Get any object registry:ei_reg_getval/5
Get the discriminator typecode of the target object orber_ifr:get_discriminator_type/1
Get the maximum size of the target object orber_ifr:get_bound/1
Get the most derived Contained object associated with the target object orber_ifr:get_containing_repository/1
Get the number of properties associated with the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_number_of_properties/1
Modify the constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:modify_constraints/3
Print the supplied object corba:print_object/2
Register the parameter Resource object as a participant in the transaction associated with the target object CosTransactions_Coordinator:register_resource/2
Remove a filter associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin:remove_filter/2
Remove all constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_Filter:remove_all_constraints/1
Remove all constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:remove_all_mapping_constraints/1
Remove all filters from the target object CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin:remove_all_filters/1
Return a boolean which indicates whether the transction associated with the target object is a descendant of the transaction associated with the parameter object CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_descendant_transaction/2
Return a ConsumerAdmin object CosEventChannelAdmin_EventChannel:for_consumers/1
Return a DomainID sequence of all domains associated with the target object CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomainFactory:get_all_domains/1
Return a hash code for the top-level transaction associated with the target object CosTransactions_Coordinator:hash_top_level_tran/1
Return a hash code for the transaction associated with the target object. CosTransactions_Coordinator:hash_transaction/1
Return a hash value based on the target object corba_object:hash/2
Return a list of AdminProperties associated with the target object CosNotification_AdminPropertiesAdmin:get_admin/1
Return a list of all filter Id:s associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin:get_all_filters/1
Return a list of descriptions of the IFR objects contained by the target Container object orber_ifr:describe_contents/4
Return a list of exception types that can be raised by the target object orber_ifr:get_exceptions/1
Return a list, of length Max or less, containing Object References representing files or directories contained within the target Directory and a FileIterator or a NIL object CosFileTransfer_Directory:list/2
Return a list of name-value pairs which encapsulates the current QoS settings for the target object CosNotification_QoSAdmin:get_qos/1
Return a SupplierAdmin object CosEventChannelAdmin_EventChannel:for_suppliers/1
Return a tuple which describe the target object orber_ifr:describe/1
Return all channel id's associated with target object CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_all_channels/1
Return all constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_Filter:get_all_constraints/1
Return all Id:s for channels, currently alive, created by the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannelFactory:get_all_channels/1
Return all NotifySubscribe Id's associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_Filter:get_callbacks/1
Return allowed TypeCodes for the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef:get_allowed_property_types/1
Return an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the type of the target object orber_ifr:get_type_def/1
Return IDLType object describing the discriminator type of the target object orber_ifr:get_discriminator_type_def/1
Return the absolute name of the target object orber_ifr:get_absolute_name/1
Return the #any{} defualt value associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:_get_default_value/1
return the associated Admin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyConsumer:_get_MyAdmin/1
Return the Coordinator object associated with the target object CosTransactions_Control:get_coordinator/1
Return the CORBA::TypeCode of the default value associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:_get_value_type/1
Return the default consumer admin associated with the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_consumer_admin/1
Return the default filter factory associated with the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_filter_factory/1
Return the default supplier admin associated with the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_supplier_admin/1
Return the definition kind of the IFR object orber_ifr:get_def_kind/1
Return the factory object which created the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_MyFactory/1
Return the filtering schema used by the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:_get_MyOperator/1
Return the inaccuracy associated with the target object CosTime_UTO:'_get_inaccuracy'/1
Return the interval associated with the target object CosTime_TIO:'_get_time_interval'/1
Return the members of the target object orber_ifr:get_members/1
Return the name associated with the object. CosTransactions_Coordinator:get_transaction_name/1
Return the name of the target object orber_ifr:get_name/1
Return the protocols supported by the target object CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:'_get_protocols_supported'/1
Return the status of the target object CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:'_get_status'/1
Return the status of the top-level transaction associated with the target object CosTransactions_Coordinator:get_top_level_status/1
Return the status of the transaction associated with the target object CosTransactions_Coordinator:get_status/1
Return the target object's associated Admin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_get_MyAdmin/1
Return the Terminator object associated with the target object CosTransactions_Control:get_terminator/1
Return the time associated with the target object CosTime_UTO:'_get_time'/1
Return the time displacement factor associated with the target object CosTime_UTO:'_get_tdf'/1
Return the typecode of the elements in the IFR object orber_ifr:get_element_type/1
Return the typecode of the target object orber_ifr:get_type/1
Return the value attribute of the target ConstantDef object orber_ifr:get_value/1
Return the version of the target object orber_ifr:get_version/1
Return true if the time has been set for an event that is yet to be triggered, false otherwise. The outparameter represents the current time value of the target object CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:time_set/1
Return true if the transction associated with the target object is related to the transaction associated with the parameter object CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_same_transaction/2
Set given name to target object orber_ifr:set_name/2
Set given TypeDef of the target object orber_ifr:set_type_def/2
Set given version of the target object orber_ifr:set_version/2
Set the exceptions attribute for the target object orber_ifr:set_exceptions/2
Set the maximum size of the target object orber_ifr:set_bound/2
Set the members attribute of the target object orber_ifr:set_members/2
Set the value attribute of the target ConstantDef object orber_ifr:set_value/2
Start a Time Service object cosTime:start_time_service/2
Start a Timer Event Service object cosTime:start_timerevent_service/1
Stop a server object corba:create_nil_objref/0
Stop a server object corba:dispose/1
Stop the target Time Service object cosTime:stop_time_service/1
Stop the target Timer Event Service object cosTime:stop_timerevent_service/1
Suspend the connection between the client and the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPushSupplier:suspend_connection/1
Suspend the connection with the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPushSupplier:suspend_connection/1
Terminate the target object CosFileTransfer_FileIterator:destroy/1
Terminate the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:destroy/1
Terminate the target object CosNotifyFilter_Filter:destroy/1
Terminate the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:destroy/1
Terminate the target object CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator:destroy/1
Terminate the target object CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:destroy/1
Terminate the target object cosEventApp:stop_channel/1
Terminate the target object cosEventDomainApp:stop_factory/1
Terminate the target object cosNotificationApp:stop_factory/1
Terminate the target object cosNotificationApp:stop_filter_factory/1
Terminate the target object cosTransactions:stop_factory/1
Terminate the target TimerEventHandler object CosTimerEvent_TimerEventService:unregister/2
Update the AdminProperties for the target object CosNotification_AdminPropertiesAdmin:set_admin/2
Validate if the supplied QoS properties is valid for the target object CosNotification_QoSAdmin:validate_qos/2
Create a new UTO object representing the time in the target object added to current time (UTC) CosTime_UTO:absolute_time/1
Terminate the target object and all its children CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:destroy/1
Terminate the target object and close the connection to the file system it represents CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:logout/1
Suspend the connection between the target object and its client CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPullConsumer:suspend_connection/1
Destroy, except IRObject, Contained and Container, target object and its contents orber_ifr:destroy/1
Create a TIO representing the interval between the target object and the given UTO midpoint times CosTime_UTO:time_to_interval/2
Compare the time associated with the target object and the given UTO object CosTime_UTO:compare_time/3
Return true if the target object and the supplied object easily can be determined to be equal, otherwise false corba_object:is_equivalent/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the TIO object overlap CosTime_TIO:overlaps/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the UTO object overlap CosTime_TIO:spans/2
Return a UTO in which the interval equals the time interval in the target object and time value is the midpoint of the interval CosTime_TIO:time/1
Register the parameter Resource object as a participant in the transaction associated with the target object CosTransactions_Coordinator:register_resource/2
Mark an object as dirty registry:ei_reg_markdirty/2
Return the object associated, if any, with the given name string CosNaming_NamingContextExt:resolve_str/2
Return the channel object associated with the given Id CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannelFactory:get_event_channel/2
Get the most derived Contained object associated with the target object orber_ifr:get_containing_repository/1
Return the Coordinator object associated with the target object CosTransactions_Control:get_coordinator/1
Return the Terminator object associated with the target object CosTransactions_Control:get_terminator/1
Get the mode of the target object (AttributeDef or OperationDef) orber_ifr:get_mode/1
Set the mode of the target object (AttributeDef or OperationDef) to the given mode orber_ifr:set_mode/2
Retrieve an Object bound to Name CosNaming_NamingContext:resolve/2
  Object code file extension code:objfile_extension/0
The object code file of a module code:which/1
Get the object code for a module code:get_object_code/1
Load object code for a module code:load_binary/3
Load object code for a module erlang:load_module/2
Return IDLType object describing the discriminator type of the target object orber_ifr:get_discriminator_type_def/1
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:non_existent/1
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:non_existent/2
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:not_existent/1
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:not_existent/2
Return true if the target object and the supplied object easily can be determined to be equal, otherwise false corba_object:is_equivalent/2
Delete a given object from a Dets table. dets:delete_object/2
Move the target object from its current location to given Container, name and version orber_ifr:move/4
Disconnect the ProxyPullConsumer object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPullConsumer:disconnect_pull_consumer/1
Disconnect the ProxyPullSupplier object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPullSupplier:disconnect_pull_supplier/1
Disconnect the ProxyPushConsumer object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushConsumer:disconnect_push_consumer/1
Disconnect the ProxyPushSupplier object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushSupplier:disconnect_push_supplier/1
Delete an object from the registry registry:ei_reg_delete/2
Delete the file or directory, represented by the File object, from the target objects associated file system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:delete/2
Register the parameter SubtransactionAwareResource object such that it will be notified when the transaction, associated wit the target object, has committed or rolled back CosTransactions_Coordinator:register_subtran_aware/2
Get Max property names. If the target object have additional associated properties they will be put in the returned Iterator CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_all_property_names/2
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references/1
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references/2
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references_remote/2
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references_remote/3
Return the IFR object identified by the given name orber_ifr:lookup/2
Convert a key to an OBJECT IDENTIFIER snmp_index:key_to_oid/2
Return a list of supported object id's corba:list_initial_services/0
Return a list of supported object id's corba:list_initial_services_remote/1
Return a list of supported object id's corba:list_initial_services_remote/2
Update a counter object in an ETS table. ets:update_counter/3
Update a counter object in an ETS table. ets:update_counter/4
Update a counter object in an ETS table. ets:update_counter/6
Return the data associated with the target object in Utc form CosTime_UTO:'_get_utc_time'/1
Get object information registry:ei_reg_stat/3
Return a list of InterfaceDefs from which the target InterfaceDef object inherit orber_ifr:get_base_interfaces/1
Insert an object into an ETS table. ets:insert/2
Insert an object into an ETS table if the key is not already present. ets:insert_new/2
Return a boolean which indicates whether the transction associated with the target object is a descendant of the transaction associated with the parameter object CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_descendant_transaction/2
Return true, if the given object is a NIL object reference, otherwise false corba_object:is_nil/1
Return true if the transction associated with the target object is a top-level transaction CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_top_level_transaction/1
Return true if the target object is an, or inherit from, object of the given type corba_object:is_a/2
Return true if the target object is an, or inherit from, object of the given type corba_object:is_a/3
Return the Container the target object is contained in orber_ifr:get_defined_in/1
Return true if the transction associated with the target object is related to the transaction associated with the parameter object CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_same_transaction/2
Get the process id from an object key corba:get_pid/1
Display the Object Keys GC time value orber:objectkeys_gc_time/0
Return the content of the target object limited by the given constraints orber_ifr:contents/3
Return the IFR object matching the given id orber_ifr:lookup_id/2
Create an IFR object of given type orber_ifr:create_module/4
Return true if the target object is an, or inherit from, object of the given type corba_object:is_a/2
Return true if the target object is an, or inherit from, object of the given type corba_object:is_a/3
Create an IFR object of the type AttributeDef contained in the target InterfaceDef object orber_ifr:create_attribute/6
Return an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the original type orber_ifr:get_original_type_def/1
Return an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the type of the elements in Objref orber_ifr:get_element_type_def/1
Return an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the type of the result orber_ifr:get_result_def/1
Return an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the type of the target object orber_ifr:get_type_def/1
Create an IFR object of the type OperationDef contained in the target InterfaceDef object orber_ifr:create_operation/9
Return the value of an object option. gs:read/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the TIO object overlap CosTime_TIO:overlaps/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the UTO object overlap CosTime_TIO:spans/2
Convert the external string representation to an object reference corba:string_to_object/1
Convert the external string representation to an object reference corba:string_to_object/2
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references/1
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references/2
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references_remote/2
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references_remote/3
Find the IFR object reference for the Repository orber_ifr:find_repository/0
Determine whether or not an object reference is remote corba_object:is_remote/1
Return true, if the given object is a NIL object reference, otherwise false corba_object:is_nil/1
Convert the object reference to the external string representation corba:object_to_string/1
Return a list, of length Max or less, containing Object References representing files or directories contained within the target Directory and a FileIterator or a NIL object CosFileTransfer_Directory:list/2
Invoke after the target object replied interceptors:out_reply/6
Invoke after the target object replied with the reply encoded interceptors:out_reply_encoded/6
Create a File Object representing a file which may or may not exist CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:create_file/2
Create a TIO object representing the error interval around the time value represented by the target object CosTime_UTO:interval/1
Create a new TIO object representing the input parameters CosTime_TimeService:new_interval/3
Create a new UTO object representing the time in the target object added to current time (UTC) CosTime_UTO:absolute_time/1
Create a new UTO object representing the time parameters given CosTime_TimeService:new_universal_time/4
Modify the transaction associated with the target object so the only possible outcome is to rollback the transaction CosTransactions_Coordinator:rollback_only/1
Update a counter object stored in a Dets table. dets:update_counter/3
Register the parameter SubtransactionAwareResource object such that it will be notified when the transaction, associated wit the target object, has committed or rolled back CosTransactions_Coordinator:register_subtran_aware/2
Notify the target object that the transaction has been rolled back CosTransactions_SubtransactionAwareResource:rollback_subtransaction/1
Notify the target object that the transaction has committed CosTransactions_SubtransactionAwareResource:commit_subtransaction/2
Return a list Max properties or less. If more properties are associated with the target object they will be put in the PropertiesIterator. CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_all_properties/2
Instruct the target object to begin the two-phase commit protocol CosTransactions_Resource:prepare/1
Instruct the target object to commit the transaction CosTransactions_Resource:commit/1
Instruct the target object to commit the transaction CosTransactions_Resource:commit_one_phase/1
Instruct the target object to forget any heuristic decisions CosTransactions_Resource:forget/1
Instruct the target object to rollback the transaction CosTransactions_Resource:rollback/1
Set the params attibute of the target object to the given parameterdescription records orber_ifr:set_params/2
Set the type_def attribute of the target object to the given ResultDef orber_ifr:set_result_def/2
Set the attribute discriminator_type_def for the target object to the given TypeDef orber_ifr:set_discriminator_type_def/2
Set the element_type_def attribute of the target object to the given TypeDef orber_ifr:set_element_type_def/2
Bind an Object to the Name even if the Name already is bound CosNaming_NamingContext:rebind/3
Assign a value to any object type registry:ei_reg_setval/5
Return the factory object which created the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_MyFactory/1
Inform the target object which event types the client will and will not accept in the future CosNotifyComm_NotifySubscribe:subscription_change/3
Create a new TimerEventHandler object which push the given Data to given CosEventCommPushConsumer after the timer have been set CosTimerEvent_TimerEventService:register/3
Connect NotifySubscribe object, which should be informed when the target object's constraints are updated CosNotifyFilter_Filter:attach_callback/2
Inform the target object which type of events the supplier will deliver CosNotifyComm_NotifyPublish:offer_change/3
Disconnect the NotifySubscribe object with the given Id CosNotifyFilter_Filter:detach_callback/2
Return the object_reference IDL typecode orber_tc:object_reference/2
Continues selecting objects. mnesia:select/1
Create a hierarchy of graphical objects. gs:create_tree/2
Match a chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of objects. dets:match_object/1
Match the first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of objects. dets:match_object/3
Match the objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of objects. dets:match_object/2
Remove deleted objects registry:ei_reg_purge/1
Terminate terminate any previous set trigger, and set a new trigger specified by the TimeType and UTO objects CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:set_timer/3
Return the target object's all associated constraints CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:get_all_mapping_constraints/1
Return the target object's associated absolute name. CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_complete_file_name'/1
Return the target object's associated Admin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_get_MyAdmin/1
Return the objects associated channel CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:_get_MyChannel/1
Return the target object's associated constraints with given ID:s CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:get_mapping_constraints/2
Change the current working directory of the target object's associated file system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:set_directory/2
Delete the file or directory, represented by the File object, from the target objects associated file system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:delete/2
Return the target object's associated file system CosFileTransfer_VirtualFileSystem:'_get_file_system_type'/1
Create a new directory in the target objects associated file systems domain CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:create_directory/2
Return the target object's associated FileTransferSession CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_associated_session'/1
Return the target object's associated lifetime MappingFilter CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_get_lifetime_filter/1
Set the target object's associated lifetime MappingFilter CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_set_lifetime_filter/2
Return the target object's associated name CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_name'/1
Return the target object's associated priority MappingFilter CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_get_priority_filter/1
Set the target object's associated priority MappingFilter CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_set_priority_filter/2
Return the list of objects associated with a slot of a Dets table. dets:slot/2
Connect NotifySubscribe object, which should be informed when the target object's constraints are updated CosNotifyFilter_Filter:attach_callback/2
Return a list of descriptions of the IFR objects contained by the target Container object orber_ifr:describe_contents/4
Return the target object's container. CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_parent'/1
Append the file represented by the SourceFile from the target object's file system to a file in the destination FileTransferSession's file system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:append/3
Copy the file represented by the SourceFile from the target object's file system to a file in the destination FileTransferSession's file system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:transfer/3
Match the objects in an ETS table against a match_spec and returns the number of objects for which the match_spec returned 'true' ets:select_count/2
Delete all objects from a Dets table. dets:delete_all_objects/1
Fill an ETS table with objects from a Dets table. ets:from_dets/2
Fill a Dets table with objects from an ETS table. ets:to_dets/2
Return the objects Id CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:_get_MyID/1
Return the target object's Id CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:_get_MyID/1
Return all objects in a given slot of an ETS table. ets:slot/2
Continue matching objects in an ETS table. ets:select/1
Continues matching objects in an ETS table. ets:match/1
Continues matching objects in an ETS table. ets:match_object/1
Delete all objects in an ETS table. ets:delete_all_objects/1
Return a list of all objects in an ETS table. ets:tab2list/1
Match the objects in an ETS table against a match_spec. ets:select/2
Match the objects in an ETS table against a match_spec and deletes objects where the match_spec returns 'true' ets:select_delete/2
Match the objects in an ETS table against a match_spec and returns part of the answers. ets:select/3
Match the objects in an ETS table against a match_spec and returns the number of objects for which the match_spec returned 'true' ets:select_count/2
Match the objects in an ETS table against a pattern. ets:match/2
Match the objects in an ETS table against a pattern. ets:match_object/2
Match the objects in an ETS table against a pattern and returns part of the answers. ets:match/3
Match the objects in an ETS table against a pattern and returns part of the answers. ets:match_object/3
Dirty match the objects in Tab against MatchSpec. mnesia:dirty_select/2
Match the objects in Tab against MatchSpec. mnesia:select/3
Match the objects in Tab against MatchSpec. mnesia:select/4
Generate constants for the objects in the MIB snmpc:mib_to_hrl/1
Insert one or more objects into a Dets table. dets:insert/2
Insert one or more objects into a Dets table. dets:insert_new/2
Return a list of IFR objects matching the given name orber_ifr:lookup_name/5
Replace all objects of a Dets table. dets:init_table/3
Insert all objects of a Dets table into an Ets table. dets:to_ets/2
Replace the objects of a Dets table with the objects of an Ets table. dets:from_ets/2
Replace all objects of an ETS table. ets:init_table/2
Replace the objects of a Dets table with the objects of an Ets table. dets:from_ets/2
Return the target object's repository id orber_ifr:get_id/1
Set the target object's repository id orber_ifr:set_id/2
Apply a function to all or some objects stored in a Dets table. dets:traverse/2
Apply a match specification to all objects stored in a Dets table. dets:select/2
Apply a match specification to some objects stored in a Dets table. dets:select/1
Apply a match specification to the first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table. dets:select/3
Return a chunk of objects stored in a Dets table. dets:bchunk/2
Match a chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of objects. dets:match_object/1
Match the objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of objects. dets:match_object/2
Match the first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of objects. dets:match_object/3
Match a chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of variable bindings. dets:match/1
Match the objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of variable bindings. dets:match/2
Match the first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of variable bindings. dets:match/3
Display all objects stored in the Name Serivce orber_diagnostics:nameservice/0
Display all objects stored in the Name Serivce orber_diagnostics:nameservice/1
Return the target object's supported content types. CosFileTransfer_VirtualFileSystem:'_get_supported_content_types'/1
Delete all objects that match a given pattern from a Dets table. dets:match_delete/2
Delete all objects that match a given pattern from a Dets table. dets:select_delete/2
Match the objects in an ETS table against a match_spec and deletes objects where the match_spec returns 'true' ets:select_delete/2
Delete all objects which match a given pattern from an ETS table. ets:match_delete/2
Delete all objects with a given key from a Dets table. dets:delete/2
Delete all objects with a given key from an ETS table. ets:delete/2
Return all objects with a given key in an ETS table. ets:lookup/2
Return the Pos:th element of all objects with a given key in an ETS table. ets:lookup_element/3
Return all objects with a given key stored in a Dets table. dets:lookup/2
Read a chunk of objects written to a disk log. disk_log:bchunk/2
Read a chunk of objects written to a disk log. disk_log:bchunk/3
Read a chunk of objects written to a disk log. disk_log:chunk/2
Read a chunk of objects written to a disk log. disk_log:chunk/3
Read a chunk of objects written to a wrap log. wrap_log_reader:chunk/1
Read a chunk of objects written to a wrap log. wrap_log_reader:chunk/2
Return an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the type of the elements in Objref orber_ifr:get_element_type_def/1
Create an IFR objref of the type ArrayDef orber_ifr:create_array/3
Create an IFR objref of the type FixedDef orber_ifr:create_fixed/3
Create an IFR objref of the type IDLType orber_ifr:create_idltype/2
Create an IFR objref of the type SequenceDef orber_ifr:create_sequence/3
Create an IFR objref of the type StringDef orber_ifr:create_string/2
Create an IFR objref of the type WstringDef orber_ifr:create_wstring/2
Fix an ETS table for safe traversal (obsolete). ets:fixtable/2
  Obsolete function for receiving a message ei_connect:ei_receive_encoded/5
  Obsolete function for receiving a message with timeout ei_connect:ei_receive_encoded_tmo/6
  Obsolete function to send a message ei_connect:ei_send_encoded/4
  Obsolete function to send a message to a registered name ei_connect:ei_send_reg_encoded/5
  Obsolete function to send a message to a registered name with timeout ei_connect:ei_send_reg_encoded_tmo/5
  Obsolete function to send a message with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_send_encoded_tmo/5
  Obtain list of Global names erl_global:erl_global_names/2
Test for occurrence of a key in a Dets table. dets:member/2
Tests for occurrence of a key in an ETS table ets:member/2
Substitute the first occurrence of a regular expression regexp:sub/3
Return the index of the first/last occurrence of Character in String string:chr/2
Return the index of the first/last occurrence of Character in String string:rchr/2
Substitute all occurrences of a regular expression regexp:gsub/3
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error:config_err/2
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error_io:config_err/2
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error_logger:config_err/2
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error_report:config_err/2
Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error:user_err/2
Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error_io:user_err/2
Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error_logger:user_err/2
Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error_report:user_err/2
This function is called whenever an event occurs in mod_security mod_security:event/4
This function is called whenever an event occurs in mod_security mod_security:event/5
Return the current date and time as an OCTET STRING snmp:date_and_time/0
  Official name of a host net_adm:dns_hostname/1
Return the official name of the current host. httpd_socket:resolve/0
Insert the SourceFile into the DestinationFile Offset bytes from the start of the file CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:insert/4
How often,in milliseconds, the disks are checked disksup:get_check_interval/0
Get all the possible oid's for an aliasname snmpm:name_to_oid/1
Executes a SQL SELECT query and associates the result set with the connection. A cursor is positioned before the first row in the result set and the tuple {ok, NrRows} is returned. odbc:select_count/2
Executes a SQL SELECT query and associates the result set with the connection. A cursor is positioned before the first row in the result set and the tuple {ok, NrRows} is returned. odbc:select_count/3
Remove a link, if there is one, to another process (or port) erlang:unlink/1
Get the start type of an ongoing application startup. application:start_type/0
  Online restore of backup. mnesia:restore/2
For on-the-fly exporting during parsing (SAX style) of the XML document. xmerl:export_element/3
Asynchronously log an item onto a disk log. disk_log:alog/2
Asynchronously log an item onto a disk log. disk_log:balog/2
Asynchronously log several items onto a disk log. disk_log:alog_terms/2
Asynchronously log several items onto a disk log. disk_log:balog_terms/2
Log an item onto a disk log. disk_log:blog/2
Log an item onto a disk log. disk_log:log/2
Log several items onto a disk log. disk_log:blog_terms/2
Log several items onto a disk log. disk_log:log_terms/2
Create the function that maps each element of a set onto another set. sofs:constant_function/2
  Open a Dets table. dets:open_file/2
  Open a directory and return a handle ssh_sftp:opendir/2
  Open a disk log file. disk_log:open/1
  Open a file file:open/2
  Open a file file:path_open/3
  Open a file and return a handle ssh_sftp:open/3
  Open a file for preprocessing epp:open/2
  Open a file for preprocessing epp:open/3
  Open a log file wrap_log_reader:open/1
  Open a log file wrap_log_reader:open/2
  Open a port erlang:open_port/2
Create and open a registry registry:ei_reg_open/1
  Open a stream and return a stream reference zlib:open/0
  Open a tar file. erl_tar:open/2
  Open an existing Dets table. dets:open_file/1
Return a list of the names of all open Dets tables on this node. dets:all/0
Change the size of an open disk log. disk_log:change_size/2
Read asynchronously from an open file ssh_sftp:apread/4
Read asynchronously from an open file ssh_sftp:aread/3
Read from an open file ssh_sftp:pread/4
Read from an open file ssh_sftp:read/3
Seek position in open file ssh_sftp:position/3
Write asynchronously to an open file ssh_sftp:apwrite/4
Write asynchronously to an open file ssh_sftp:awrite/3
Write to an open file ssh_sftp:pwrite/4
Write to an open file ssh_sftp:write/3
Close an open handle ssh_sftp:close/2
Close an open port erlang:port_close/1
All open ports erlang:erlang:ports/0
Add a file to an open tar file erl_tar:add/3
Add a file to an open tar file erl_tar:add/4
Close an open tar file erl_tar:close/1
  Open the registry for reading or writing win32reg:open/1
Called when port is opened driver_entry:int start/2
Return the next Erlang form from the opened Erlang source file epp:parse_erl_form/1
  Opens a connection to the database. odbc:connect/2
Return the OS family and, in some cases, OS name of the current operating system os:type/0
Return the Operating System version os:version/0
Return a list of context identifiers for the operation orber_ifr:get_contexts/1
Return typecode describing the type of the value returned by the operation orber_ifr:get_result/1
Set the context attribute for the operation orber_ifr:set_contexts/2
Search for server operation and execute it. ic_clib:oe_exec_switch/3
Perform a synchronous control operation on a port erlang:port_control/3
Perform a control operation on the active trace port driver on the given node. dbg:trace_port_control/2
Perform a get operation on the agent snmpa:get/2
Perform a get operation on the agent snmpa:get/3
Perform a get-next operation on the agent snmpa:get_next/2
Perform a get-next operation on the agent snmpa:get_next/3
Get the mode of the target object (AttributeDef or OperationDef) orber_ifr:get_mode/1
Return a list of parameter description records describing the parameters of the target OperationDef orber_ifr:get_params/1
Create an IFR object of the type OperationDef contained in the target InterfaceDef object orber_ifr:create_operation/9
Set the mode of the target object (AttributeDef or OperationDef) to the given mode orber_ifr:set_mode/2
Test for a Boolean operator erl_internal:bool_op/2
Test for a comparison operator erl_internal:comp_op/2
Test for a list operator erl_internal:list_op/2
Test for a send operator erl_internal:send_op/2
Test for an arithmetic operator erl_internal:arith_op/2
Return operator type erl_internal:op_type/2
  Optimize a query mnemosyne:reoptimize/1
Get the data associated with a debug option sys:get_debug/3
Return the value of an object option. gs:read/2
Change the head or head_func option for an owner of a disk log. disk_log:change_header/2
Change the notify option for an owner of a disk log. disk_log:change_notify/3
Accept a connection from another node with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_accept_tmo/4
Establish a connection to an Erlang node with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_connect_tmo/3
Establish a connection to an Erlang node with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_xconnect_tmo/4
Obsolete function to send a message with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_send_encoded_tmo/5
Publish a node name with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_publish_tmo/3
Receive a message with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_receive_msg_tmo/4
Receive a message with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_receive_tmo/4
Receive a message with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_xreceive_msg_tmo/4
Send a message to a registered name with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_reg_send_tmo/6
Send a message with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_send_tmo/5
Unpublish a node name with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_unpublish_tmo/2
  Optionally invoked for a time consuming transaction request megaco_user:handle_trans_long_request/3
  Optionally invoked for a transaction acknowledgement megaco_user:handle_trans_ack/4
  Optionally invoked for a transaction reply megaco_user:handle_trans_reply/4
Same as apply({Module, Function}, Args, OptionList). fprof:apply/4
Calls erlang:apply(Func, Args) surrounded by trace([start | OptionList]) and trace(stop). fprof:apply/3
Create a tar archive with options erl_tar:create/3
Equivalent to string(Str, Doc, [], Doc, Options). xmerl_xpath:string/3
List options epmd:epmd
Return the default values of options. xref:get_default/1
Return the default values of options. xref:get_default/2
Set options io:setopts/2
Set or clear system performance monitoring options erlang:erlang:system_monitor/2
Set socket options. ssl:setopts/2
Set system performance monitoring options erlang:erlang:system_monitor/2
Set the default values of options. xref:set_default/2
Set the default values of options. xref:set_default/3
Spawn a new process with given options. proc_lib:spawn_opt/2
Spawn a new process with given options. proc_lib:spawn_opt/3
Spawn a new process with given options. proc_lib:spawn_opt/4
Spawn a new process with given options. proc_lib:spawn_opt/5
Start a channel factory with options cosNotificationApp:start_factory/1
Start a channel, which is linked to the invoking process, with settings defined by the given options cosEventApp:start_channel_link/1
Start a channel with settings defined by the given options cosEventApp:start_channel/1
Start a factory, which is linked to the invoking process, with settings defined by the given options cosEventDomainApp:start_factory_link/1
Start a factory with settings defined by the given options cosEventDomainApp:start_factory/1
Start a global channel factory with options cosNotificationApp:start_global_factory/1
Start a Transaction Factory with given options cosTransactions:start_factory/1
Find the filename and compiler options for a module filename:find_src/1
Find the filename and compiler options for a module filename:find_src/2
Get one or more options for a socket inet:getopts/2
Set one or more options for a socket inet:setopts/2
List all erlang services or all options for one service. erlsrv:erlsrv
Get options set for socket ssl:getopts/2
Convert a list of options to a debug structure sys:debug_options/1
Sets options to be used for subsequent requests. http:set_options/1
Same as analyse([{OptionName, OptionValue}]). fprof:analyse/2
Same as analyse([{OptionName, OptionValue}]). fprof:analyse/2
Same as profile([{OptionName, OptionValue}]). fprof:profile/2
Same as profile([{OptionName, OptionValue}]). fprof:profile/2
Same as trace([{OptionName, OptionValue}]). fprof:trace/2
Same as trace([{OptionName, OptionValue}]). fprof:trace/2
Echo missing modules required by Orber orber_diagnostics:missing_modules/0
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface:own_functions/4
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface:own_functions/5
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:code_change/3
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:handle_info/2
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:init/1
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/4
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/4
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/5
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/5
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/5
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/6
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:terminate/2
Install the Orber application orber:install/1
Install the Orber application orber:install/2
Start the Orber application orber:start/0
Start the Orber application orber:start/1
Stop the Orber application orber:stop/0
Uninstall the Orber application orber:uninstall/0
Start the Orber application as lightweight orber:start_lightweight/0
Start the Orber application as lightweight orber:start_lightweight/1
Start the Orber application during tests orber:jump_start/1
Configure Orber before starting it corba:orb_init/1
Change Orber configuration. orber:configure/2
Displays which nodes that this orber domain consist of. orber:orber_nodes/0
Display the Orber domain name orber:domain/0
Display the security mode Orber is running in orber:secure/0
Display the ports Orber may use when connecting to another ORB orber:iiop_out_ports/0
Add a new node to a group of Orber nodes. orber:add_node/2
Removes a node from a group of Orber nodes. orber:remove_node/1
Start a Orber server. Module_Interface:Module_Interface:oe_create/0
Start a Orber server. Module_Interface:Module_Interface:oe_create/1
Start a linked Orber server. Module_Interface:Module_Interface:oe_create_link/0
Start a linked Orber server. Module_Interface:Module_Interface:oe_create_link/1
Start a Orber stub/skeleton Module_Interface:Module_Interface:oe_create/2
Start a Orber stub/skeleton Module_Interface:Module_Interface:oe_create_link/2
Get the Mnesia tables Orber uses. orber:get_tables/0
Generate Info Report, which contain Orber's configuration settings orber:info/0
Generate Info Report, which contain Orber's configuration settings orber:info/1
List all existing connections to/from other ORB's orber:iiop_connections/0
List all existing connections to/from other ORB's orber:iiop_connections/1
Make a tree from an orddict gb_trees:from_orddict/1
Change the load order priority for the table. mnesia:change_table_load_order/2
Create an ordered set out of a tuple of sets. sofs:from_sets/1
Return the last key in an ETS table of type ordered_set. ets:last/1
Return the previous key in an ETS table of type ordered_set. ets:prev/2
Return the OrderPolicy QoS identifier CosNotification:'OrderPolicy'/0
Make a gb_set from an ordset list gb_sets:from_ordset/1
  Organize a Mnesia table as an SNMP table. mnesia:snmp_open_table/2
Return an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the original type orber_ifr:get_original_type_def/1
Set the original_type_def attribute which describes the original type orber_ifr:set_original_type_def/2
Set the original_type_def attribute which describes the original type orber_ifr:set_original_type_def/2
Cancel, if possible, triggering of event(s). Return true if an event is actually cancelled, false otherwise CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:cancel_timer/1
Return true, if the given object is a NIL object reference, otherwise false corba_object:is_nil/1
Return true if the target object and the supplied object easily can be determined to be equal, otherwise false corba_object:is_equivalent/2
Return trueif a Property exists at the current position and the out parameter is a valid Property. Otherwise false and a non-valid property CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator:next_one/1
Return true if a Property Name exists at the current position and the out parameter is a valid Property Name. Otherwise false and a non-valid Property Name CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:next_one/1
Return true if the requested number of properties can be delivered and there are additional properties. Otherwise false is returned and a sequence of max HowMany properties CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator:next_n/2
Return true if the time has been set for an event that is yet to be triggered, false otherwise. The outparameter represents the current time value of the target object CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:time_set/1
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:non_existent/1
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:non_existent/2
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:not_existent/1
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:not_existent/2
Load the OTP-MIB. otp_mib:load/1
Unload the OTP-MIB. os_mon_mib:unload/1
Unload the OTP-MIB. otp_mib:unload/1
Load the OTP-OS-MON-MIB. os_mon_mib:load/1
Send a message to all members of a process group, except ourselves pg:esend/2
Modify the transaction associated with the target object so the only possible outcome is to rollback the transaction CosTransactions_Coordinator:rollback_only/1
Return the out-degree of a vertex of a digraph. digraph:out_degree/2
Display the SSL verification depth for outgoing calls cosFileTransferApp:ssl_client_depth/0
Display the SSL verification depth for outgoing calls orber:ssl_client_depth/0
Display the SSL verification type for outgoing calls cosFileTransferApp:ssl_client_verify/0
Display the SSL verification type for outgoing calls orber:ssl_client_verify/0
Set the value of the SSL verification type for outgoing calls orber:set_ssl_client_verify/1
Sets the value of the SSL verification depth for outgoing calls orber:set_ssl_client_depth/1
Return all out-neighbours of a vertex of a digraph. digraph:out_neighbours/2
Return true if the time has been set for an event that is yet to be triggered, false otherwise. The outparameter represents the current time value of the target object CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:time_set/1
Give a list of available help items on standard output. dbg:h/0
Print a term on standard output erlang:erlang:display/1
Put the Erlang term TraceInfo into the sequential trace output seq_trace:print/1
Put the Erlang term TraceInfo into the sequential trace output seq_trace:print/2
Write formatted output io:format/2
Write formatted output io:format/3
Write formatted output io:fwrite/2
Write formatted output io:fwrite/3
Write formatted output io_lib:format/2
Write formatted output io_lib:fwrite/2
Called when the driver event for input or output is signaled driver_entry:void ready_input/2
Called when the driver event for input or output is signaled driver_entry:void ready_output/2
Redirect all output to FileName rb:start_log/1
Cancel all outstanding messages for this connection megaco:cancel/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the TIO object overlap CosTime_TIO:overlaps/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the UTO object overlap CosTime_TIO:spans/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the TIO object overlap CosTime_TIO:overlaps/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the UTO object overlap CosTime_TIO:spans/2
Return current overload information data overload:get_overload_info/0
Send data and binary data to port owner erl_driver:int driver_output2/5
Send data from a driver binary to port owner erl_driver:int driver_output_binary/6
Send data from driver to port owner erl_driver:int driver_output/3
Send term data from driver to port owner erl_driver:int driver_output_term/3
Send vectorized data to port owner erl_driver:int driver_outputv/5
Change owner and group of a file file:change_owner/3
Change the head or head_func option for an owner of a disk log. disk_log:change_header/2
Change the notify option for an owner of a disk log. disk_log:change_notify/3
Change owner of a file file:change_owner/2
Set the owner of a port erlang:port_connect/2
Return the port owner process erl_driver:ErlDriverTerm driver_connected/1
Send term data to other process than port owner process erl_driver:int driver_send_term/4