Erlang/OTP Permuted Index

Permuted index of Erlang/OTP functions and commands



Atomically re-register a name global:re_register_name/2
Atomically re-register a name global:re_register_name/3
Convert an OID to a symbolic name snmpa:oid_to_name/1
Convert an OID to a symbolic name snmpa:oid_to_name/2
Count the number of name components in a name lname:num_components/1
Create a new name lname:create/0
Create a new NamingContext and bind it to a Name CosNaming_NamingContext:bind_new_context/2
Delete a name component from a name lname:delete_component/2
Delete the property with given Name CosPropertyService_PropertySet:delete_property/2
Display the Orber domain name orber:domain/0
Get a name component from a name lname:get_component/2
Get the index types of Name snmp_generic:get_index_types/1
Get the pid (or port) with a given registered name erlang:whereis/1
Get the pid with a given globally registered name global:whereis_name/1
Get the pid with a given globally registered name global_group:whereis_name/1
Get the pid with a given globally registered name global_group:whereis_name/2
Insert a new name component in a name lname:insert_component/3
Make an atom from a name erl_driver:ErlDriverTerm driver_mk_atom/1
Obsolete function to send a message to a registered name ei_connect:ei_send_reg_encoded/5
Publish a node name ei_connect:ei_publish/2
Publish a node name erl_connect:erl_publish/1
Remove the binding for a Name CosNaming_NamingContext:unbind/2
Reset the position to the first property name CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:reset/1
Retrieve an Object bound to Name CosNaming_NamingContext:resolve/2
Return a hostent record for the host with the given name inet:gethostbyname/1
Return a hostent record for the host with the given name inet:gethostbyname/2
Return a list of IFR objects matching the given name orber_ifr:lookup_name/5
Return the directory part of a path name filename:dirname/1
Return the IFR object identified by the given name orber_ifr:lookup/2
Return the property value associated with given name CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_property_value/2
Return the target object's associated name CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_name'/1
Return the target object's associated absolute name. CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_complete_file_name'/1
Return true if a Property Name exists at the current position and the out parameter is a valid Property Name. Otherwise false and a non-valid Property Name CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:next_one/1
Return true if the target have an associated property with given name CosPropertyService_PropertySet:is_property_defined/2
Send a message to a registered name ei_connect:ei_reg_send/5
Send a message to a registered name erl_connect:erl_reg_send/3
Set value at the current registry key with specified name. win32reg:set_value/3
Transform a pseudo name to an IDL name lname:to_idl_form/1
Transform an IDL name to a pseudo name lname:from_idl_form/1
Unpublish a node name ei_connect:ei_unpublish/1
Unpublish a node name erl_connect:erl_unpublish/1
Bind an NamingContext to the Name even if the Name already is bound CosNaming_NamingContext:rebind_context/3
Bind an Object to the Name even if the Name already is bound CosNaming_NamingContext:rebind/3
Print name and information for each file in a tar file erl_tar:tt/1
Print name and information for each file in a zip archive zip:tt/1
Retrieve name and information of all files in a tar file erl_tar:table/2
Initialize process and internal state name and state data. gen_fsm:Module:init/1
Move the target object from its current location to given Container, name and version orber_ifr:move/4
Return the name associated with the object. CosTransactions_Coordinator:get_transaction_name/1
Create a new name component lname_component:create/0
Get the id field of a name component lname_component:get_id/1
Get the kind field of a name component lname_component:get_kind/1
Set the id field of a name component lname_component:set_id/2
Set the kind field of a name component lname_component:set_kind/2
Delete a name component from a name lname:delete_component/2
Get a name component from a name lname:get_component/2
Insert a new name component in a name lname:insert_component/3
Count the number of name components in a name lname:num_components/1
Bind an NamingContext to the Name even if the Name already is bound CosNaming_NamingContext:rebind_context/3
Bind an Object to the Name even if the Name already is bound CosNaming_NamingContext:rebind/3
Return true if a Property Name exists at the current position and the out parameter is a valid Property Name. Otherwise false and a non-valid Property Name CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:next_one/1
Globally register a name for a pid global:register_name/2
Globally register a name for a pid global:register_name/3
Remove a globally registered name for a pid global:unregister_name/1
Register a name for a pid (or port) erlang:register/2
Remove the registered name for a process (or port) erlang:unregister/1
Get the file name for an interpreted module int:file/1
Get erlang error atom name from error number erl_driver:char* erl_errno_id/1
Look up a name in global erl_global:erl_global_whereis/3
Register a name in Global erl_global:erl_global_register/3
Unregister a name in Global erl_global:erl_global_unregister/2
Test if one name is lesser than the other lname:less_than/2
  Name lookup functions ei_connect:*ei_gethostbyaddr/3
  Name lookup functions ei_connect:*ei_gethostbyaddr_r/7
  Name lookup functions ei_connect:*ei_gethostbyname/1
  Name lookup functions ei_connect:*ei_gethostbyname_r/5
  Name lookup functions erl_connect:*erl_gethostbyaddr/3
  Name lookup functions erl_connect:*erl_gethostbyaddr_r/7
  Name lookup functions erl_connect:*erl_gethostbyname/1
  Name lookup functions erl_connect:*erl_gethostbyname_r/5
Full name of a file located in the code path code:where_is_file/1
Official name of a host net_adm:dns_hostname/1
Retrieve the name of all files in a tar file erl_tar:table/1
Retrieve the name of all files in a zip archive zip:list_dir/1
Retrieve the name of all files in a zip archive zip:list_dir/2
Retrieve the name of all files in a zip archive zip:table/1
Retrieve the name of all files in a zip archive zip:table/2
Get the name of an application containing a certain process or module application:get_application/0
Get the name of an application containing a certain process or module application:get_application/1
Print the name of each file in a tar file erl_tar:t/1
Print the name of each file in a zip archive zip:t/1
Return name of Erlang start script lib:progname/0
Return the official name of the current host. httpd_socket:resolve/0
Return the OS family and, in some cases, OS name of the current operating system os:type/0
Return the name of the Dets table handled by a pid. dets:pid2name/1
Return the name of the disk log handled by a pid. disk_log:pid2name/1
The name of the driver driver_entry:char *driver_name
Return the name of the file handled by a pid file:pid2name/1
  Name of the local host net_adm:localhost/0
  Name of the local node erlang:node/0
Return the name of the target object orber_ifr:get_name/1
Return the absolute name of the target object orber_ifr:get_absolute_name/1
Return true if a Property Name exists at the current position and the out parameter is a valid Property Name. Otherwise false and a non-valid Property Name CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:next_one/1
Test whether Name refer to a directory or not filelib:is_dir/1
Test whether Name refer to a file or directory. filelib:is_file/1
Test whether Name refer to a (regular) file. filelib:is_regular/1
Convert a filename to an absolute name, relative a specified directory filename:absname/2
Convert a filename to an absolute name, relative the working directory filename:absname/1
  Name resolving function that kills one pid global:random_exit_name/3
  Name resolving function that notifies both pids global:notify_all_name/3
  Name resolving function that notifies one pid global:random_notify_name/3
Convert a stringified Name to a Name sequence CosNaming_NamingContextExt:to_name/2
Stringify a Name sequence to a string CosNaming_NamingContextExt:to_string/2
Display all objects stored in the Name Serivce orber_diagnostics:nameservice/0
Display all objects stored in the Name Serivce orber_diagnostics:nameservice/1
Synchronize the global name server global:sync/0
Start a name server as a daemon epmd:epmd
Return the object associated, if any, with the given name string CosNaming_NamingContextExt:resolve_str/2
Return an URL string constructed from the given Address and Name strings CosNaming_NamingContextExt:to_url/3
Convert a stringified Name to a Name sequence CosNaming_NamingContextExt:to_name/2
Transform an IDL name to a pseudo name lname:from_idl_form/1
Transform a pseudo name to an IDL name lname:to_idl_form/1
Bind a Name to an NamingContext CosNaming_NamingContext:bind_context/3
Bind a Name to an Object CosNaming_NamingContext:bind/3
Convert a symbolic name to an OID snmpa:name_to_oid/1
Convert a symbolic name to an OID snmpa:name_to_oid/2
Set given name to target object orber_ifr:set_name/2
Publish a node name with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_publish_tmo/3
Send a message to a registered name with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_reg_send_tmo/6
Unpublish a node name with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_unpublish_tmo/2
Create a Mnesia table called Name with properties as described by the argument TabDef. mnesia:create_table/2
Obsolete function to send a message to a registered name with timeout ei_connect:ei_send_reg_encoded_tmo/5
Rename a named ETS table. ets:rename/2
Start a global timer server (named timer_server). timer:start/0
Delete the named value on the current key. win32reg:delete_value/2
Get the named value on the current key. win32reg:value/2
All globally registered names global:registered_names/0
All registered names erlang:registered/0
Delete all properties with given Names CosPropertyService_PropertySet:delete_properties/2
Obtain list of Global names erl_global:erl_global_names/2
Return all properties associated with given names CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_properties/2
Return globally registered names global_group:registered_names/1
Return the global group names global_group:global_groups/0
Searche for modules with identical names. code:clash/0
Return HowMany Property Names and a boolean which is true if additional Property Names exists CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:next_n/2
Test if two names are equal lname:equal/2
Get log file names associated with tracerdata inviso:list_logs/0
Get log file names associated with tracerdata inviso:list_logs/1
Get log file names associated with tracerdata inviso:list_logs/1
Get log file names associated with tracerdata inviso:list_logs/1
Return HowMany Property Names and a boolean which is true if additional Property Names exists CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:next_n/2
Get Max property names. If the target object have additional associated properties they will be put in the returned Iterator CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_all_property_names/2
Return a list of the names of all open Dets tables on this node. dets:all/0
  Names of Erlang nodes at a host net_adm:names/0
  Names of Erlang nodes at a host net_adm:names/1
Request the names of the registrered Erlang nodes on this host epmd:epmd
Return the names of variables. xref:variables/2
Return a list of name-value pairs which encapsulates the current QoS settings for the target object CosNotification_QoSAdmin:get_qos/1
Bind a Name to an NamingContext CosNaming_NamingContext:bind_context/3
Create a new NamingContext CosNaming_NamingContext:new_context/1
Destroy a NamingContext CosNaming_NamingContext:destroy/1
Create a new NamingContext and bind it to a Name CosNaming_NamingContext:bind_new_context/2
Bind an NamingContext to the Name even if the Name already is bound CosNaming_NamingContext:rebind_context/3
Return the native form of a file path filename:nativename/1
Install the necessary cosEvent interfaces cosNotificationApp:install_event/0
Install the necessary cosEvent interfaces cosNotificationApp:install_event/1
Install data in mnesia necessary for running the cosProperty applicatio cosProperty:install_db/0
Removes chunks not needed by the loader from a BEAM file beam_lib:strip/1
Removes chunks not needed by the loader from all BEAM files of a release beam_lib:strip_release/1
Removes chunks not needed by the loader from BEAM files beam_lib:strip_files/1
Returns configuration data needed by WebTool to configure and start a tool. webtool:Module:Func/1
  Negate the supplied Fixed Type fixed:unary_minus/1
Return the neighbours reachable from some vertices of a digraph. digraph_utils:reachable_neighbours/2
Return the neighbours that reach some vertices of a digraph. digraph_utils:reaching_neighbours/2
Compute the size of a possibly nested list. httpd_util:flatlength/1
Get net_ticktime net_kernel:get_net_ticktime/0
Set net_ticktime net_kernel:set_net_ticktime/1
Set net_ticktime net_kernel:set_net_ticktime/2
Generate a request message to be sent to the network snmpa_mpd:generate_msg/4
Generate a request message to be sent to the network snmpm_mpd:generate_msg/5
Generate a response packet to be sent to the network snmpa_mpd:generate_response_msg/4
Generate a response packet to be sent to the network snmpm_mpd:generate_response_msg/4
Process a message received from the network snmpm_mpd:process_msg/7
Process a packet received from the network snmpa_mpd:process_packet/4
Change the verbosity of a running network interface process snmpa_network_interface:verbosity/2
Change the verbosity of the network interface process snmpm_network_interface:note_store/2
Change the verbosity of the network interface process snmpm_network_interface:verbosity/2
Return information about the running network interface process snmpa_network_interface:info/1
Return information about the running network interface process snmpm_network_interface:info/1
Start-link the network interface process snmpa_network_interface:start_link/4
Start-link the network interface process snmpm_network_interface:start_link/2
Stop the network interface process snmpm_network_interface:stop/1
Request the network interface process to send this pdu snmpm_network_interface:send_pdu/7
Create a new, empty process group pg2:create/1
Update an MD5 Context with Data, and return a NewContext crypto:md5_update/2
Remove last newline lib:nonl/1
Write a newline io:nl/1
Write a newline io_lib:nl/0
Replace newly compiled analyzed modules. xref:update/2
Encode an empty list (nil) ei:ei_decode_version/3
Encode an empty list (nil) ei:ei_encode_empty_list/2
Encode an empty list (nil) ei:ei_x_encode_empty_list/1
Accept a connection from another node ei_connect:ei_accept/3
Change an application's permission to run on a node. application:permit/2
Close a connection to an Erlang node erl_connect:erl_close_connection/1
Close a disk log on one node. disk_log:lclose/1
Close a disk log on one node. disk_log:lclose/2
Copy a table to a remote node. mnesia:add_table_copy/3
Create a new process with a fun as entry point on a given node erlang:spawn/2
Create a new process with a fun as entry point on a given node erlang:spawn_opt/3
Create a new process with a function as entry point on a given node erlang:spawn/4
Create a new process with a function as entry point on a given node erlang:spawn_opt/5
Create an empty group on another node pg:create/2
Create and link to a new process with a fun as entry point on a specified node erlang:spawn_link/2
Create and link to a new process with a function as entry point on a given node erlang:spawn_link/4
Delete the replica of table Tab at node Node. mnesia:del_table_copy/2
Establish a connection to a node net_kernel:connect_node/1
Establishe a connection to an Erlang node ei_connect:ei_connect/2
Establishe a connection to an Erlang node ei_connect:ei_xconnect/3
Establishe a connection to an Erlang node erl_connect:erl_connect/1
Establishe a connection to an Erlang node erl_connect:erl_xconnect/2
Evaluate a function call on a node rpc:call/4
Evaluate a function call on a node rpc:call/5
Fetch log files to control component node inviso:fetch_log/2
Fetch log files to control component node inviso:fetch_log/3
Flush internal data buffers in a trace driver on the given node. dbg:flush_trace_port/1
Force the disconnection of a node erlang:disconnect_node/1
Get the magic cookie of the local node erlang:erlang:get_cookie/0
Interact with a server on a node rpc:server_call/4
Monitor the status of a node erlang:monitor_node/2
Name of the local node erlang:node/0
Perform a control operation on the active trace port driver on the given node. dbg:trace_port_control/2
Restart the running Erlang node init:restart/0
Return a list of the names of all open Dets tables on this node. dets:all/0
Return the accessible disk logs on the current node. disk_log:accessible_logs/0
Set the magic cookie of a node erlang:erlang:set_cookie/2
Set up a connection to a node net_adm:ping/1
Start a control component at the local node inviso:start/0
Start a control component at the local node inviso:start/1
Start a trace port on each given node. ttb:tracer/2
Starts or adopts a runtime component at the local node inviso:add_node/1
Starts or adopts a runtime component at the local node inviso:add_node/2
Stop all sequential tracing on the local node seq_trace:reset_trace/0
Stop (kill) a node slave:stop/1
Turn an Erlang runtime system into a distributed node net_kernel:start/1
Turn an Erlang runtime system into a distributed node net_kernel:start/2
Turn an Erlang runtime system into a distributed node net_kernel:start/3
Set the magic cookie for a node and verify authorization (deprecated) auth:node_cookie/2
Set the magic cookie for a node and verify authorization (deprecated) auth:node_cookie/2
Evaluate a function call on a node, asynchrous version rpc:async_call/4
Deliver the result of evaluating a function call on a node (blocking) rpc:yield/1
Magic cookie for local node (deprecated) auth:cookie/0
Set the magic for the local node (deprecated) auth:cookie/1
Removes a node from a group of Orber nodes. orber:remove_node/1
Remove a node from a tree gb_trees:delete/2
Remove a (possibly non-existing) node from a tree gb_trees:delete_any/2
Clear a node from the list of traced nodes. dbg:cn/1
Move the copy of table Tab from node From to node To. mnesia:move_table_copy/3
Run a function on a node ignoring the result rpc:cast/4
Evaluate a function call on a node in the RPC server's context rpc:block_call/4
Evaluate a function call on a node in the RPC server's context rpc:block_call/5
Turn a node into a non-distributed Erlang runtime system net_kernel:stop/0
At which node is a pid, port or reference located erlang:node/1
Check whether the local node is alive erlang:is_alive/0
Publish a node name ei_connect:ei_publish/2
Publish a node name erl_connect:erl_publish/1
Unpublish a node name ei_connect:ei_unpublish/1
Unpublish a node name erl_connect:erl_unpublish/1
Publish a node name with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_publish_tmo/3
Unpublish a node name with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_unpublish_tmo/2
Delete the replica of table Tab at node Node. mnesia:del_table_copy/2
Deliver the result of evaluating a function call on a node (non-blocking) rpc:nb_yield/1
Deliver the result of evaluating a function call on a node (non-blocking) rpc:nb_yield/2
Start a slave node on a host slave:start/1
Start a slave node on a host slave:start/2
Start a slave node on a host slave:start/3
Start and link to a slave node on a host slave:start_link/1
Start and link to a slave node on a host slave:start_link/2
Start and link to a slave node on a host slave:start_link/3
Start or adopt a runtime component at the local node, provided it has a certain rttag inviso:add_node_if_ref/1
Start or adopt a runtime component at the local node, provided it has a certain rttag inviso:add_node_if_ref/2
Take down an Erlang node smoothly init:reboot/0
Take down an Erlang node smoothly< init:stop/0
Subscribe to node status change messages net_kernel:monitor_nodes/1
Subscribe to node status change messages net_kernel:monitor_nodes/2
Subscribe to node status changes global_group:monitor_nodes/1
Move the copy of table Tab from node From to node To. mnesia:move_table_copy/3
Add a new node to a group of Orber nodes. orber:add_node/2
Add a remote node to the list of traced nodes dbg:n/1
Start a tracer server on given node with additional parameters dbg:tracer/3
Spawn a process on the pool node with expected lowest future load pool:pspawn/3
Spawn and link to a process on the pool node with expected lowest future load pool:pspawn_link/3
Accept a connection from another node with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_accept_tmo/4
Establish a connection to an Erlang node with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_connect_tmo/3
Establish a connection to an Erlang node with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_xconnect_tmo/4
Return the node with the expected lowest future load pool:get_node/0
Add a new node to a group of Orber nodes. orber:add_node/2
Add a remote node to the list of traced nodes dbg:n/1
Broadcast a message asynchronously to a registered process on all nodes rpc:abcast/2
Broadcast a message asynchronously to a registered process on specific nodes rpc:abcast/3
Broadcast a message synchronously to a registered process on all nodes rpc:sbcast/2
Broadcast a message synchronously to a registered process on specific nodes rpc:sbcast/3
Change active trace pattern globally on all trace nodes et_collector:change_pattern/2
Clear a node from the list of traced nodes. dbg:cn/1
Compile and load code in a file on all nodes c:nc/1
Compile and load code in a file on all nodes c:nc/2
Create a brand new schema on the specified nodes. mnesia:create_schema/1
Delete the schema on the given nodes mnesia:delete_schema/1
Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/3
Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/4
Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/4
Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/5
Interact with the servers on a number of nodes rpc:multi_server_call/2
Interact with the servers on a number of nodes rpc:multi_server_call/3
Limit access to a specified set of nodes net_kernel:allow/1
Load module on all nodes c:nl/1
Removes a node from a group of Orber nodes. orber:remove_node/1
Return the group nodes global_group:own_nodes/0
Set a lock on the specified nodes global:set_lock/1
Set a lock on the specified nodes global:set_lock/2
Set a lock on the specified nodes global:set_lock/3
Start Cover on remote nodes. cover:start/1
Start or adopt runtime components at some nodes inviso:add_nodes/2
Start or adopt runtime components at some nodes inviso:add_nodes/3
Stop Cover on remote nodes. cover:stop/1
Stop the pool and kill all the slave nodes pool:stop/0
Stop tracing and fetch/format logs from all nodes ttb:stop/1
Synchronize the group nodes global_group:sync/0
Names of Erlang nodes at a host net_adm:names/0
Names of Erlang nodes at a host net_adm:names/1
Lookup and connect to all nodes at all hosts in .hosts.erlang net_adm:world/0
Lookup and connect to all nodes at all hosts in .hosts.erlang net_adm:world/1
Lookup and connect to all nodes at specified hosts net_adm:world_list/1
Lookup and connect to all nodes at specified hosts net_adm:world_list/2
Interact with the servers on a number of nodes (deprecated) rpc:safe_multi_server_call/2
Interact with the servers on a number of nodes (deprecated) rpc:safe_multi_server_call/3
Set the master nodes for a table mnesia:set_master_nodes/2
Set the master nodes for all tables mnesia:set_master_nodes/1
Extracts the nodes from the parsed XML tree according to XPath. xmerl_xpath:string/5
Extracts the nodes from the xml tree according to XPath. xmerl_xs:select/1
Run a function on all nodes, ignoring the result rpc:eval_everywhere/3
Run a function on specific nodes, ignoring the result rpc:eval_everywhere/4
Return the number of nodes in a tree gb_trees:size/1
Evaluate several function calls on all nodes in parallel rpc:parallel_eval/1
All visible nodes in the system erlang:nodes/0
All nodes of a certain type in the system erlang:nodes/1
Return a list of the current member nodes of the pool pool:get_nodes/0
Show the list of traced nodes on the console. dbg:ln/0
Request the names of the registrered Erlang nodes on this host epmd:epmd
Start or adopt runtime components at some nodes, provided they have a certain rttag inviso:add_nodes_if_ref/2
Start or adopt runtime components at some nodes, provided they have a certain rttag inviso:add_nodes_if_ref/3
Return all nodes that are part of the coverage analysis. cover:which_nodes/0
Displays which nodes that this orber domain consist of. orber:orber_nodes/0
Concatenates all text nodes within the tree. xmerl_xs:value_of/1
Deliver the result of evaluating a function call on a node (non-blocking) rpc:nb_yield/1
Deliver the result of evaluating a function call on a node (non-blocking) rpc:nb_yield/2
Turn a node into a non-distributed Erlang runtime system net_kernel:stop/0
Remove a (possibly non-existing) element from a gb_set gb_sets:del_element/2
Remove a (possibly non-existing) element from a gb_set gb_sets:delete_any/2
Remove a (possibly non-existing) node from a tree gb_trees:delete_any/2
  Non-fatal error, and not system call error erl_error:erl_err_msg/2
  Non-fatal system call error erl_error:erl_err_ret/2
Get all non-flag command line arguments init:get_args/0
Get all non-flag command line arguments init:get_plain_arguments/0
Return trueif a Property exists at the current position and the out parameter is a valid Property. Otherwise false and a non-valid property CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator:next_one/1
Return true if a Property Name exists at the current position and the out parameter is a valid Property Name. Otherwise false and a non-valid Property Name CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:next_one/1
Halt the Erlang runtime system and indicate normal exit to the calling environment erlang:halt/0
Exits a restricted shell and starts a normal shell. shell:stop_restricted/0
Exits a normal shell and starts a restricted shell. shell:start_restricted/1
Exports normal, well-formed XML content, using the specified callback-module. xmerl:export/3
Exports normal XML content directly, without further context. xmerl:export_content/2
Exports a normal XML element directly, without further context. xmerl:export_element/2
Function to accumulate and normalize whitespace. xmerl_scan:accumulate_whitespace/1
Return the next FileWrapper and a boolean which indicate whether the FileWrapper is valid or not. CosFileTransfer_FileIterator:next_one/1
Handle a notification snmpa_notification_filter:handle_notification/2
Send a notification snmpa:send_notification/3
Send a notification snmpa:send_notification/4
Send a notification snmpa:send_notification/5
Send a notification snmpa:send_notification/6
Send client notification. ic_c_protocol:oe_send_notification/1
Send client notification. ic_c_protocol:oe_send_notification_tmo/2
Prepare client notification encoding. ic_c_protocol:oe_prepare_notification_encoding/1
Register a notification filter snmpa:register_notification_filter/3
Register a notification filter snmpa:register_notification_filter/4
Register a notification filter snmpa:register_notification_filter/4
Register a notification filter snmpa:register_notification_filter/5
Unregister a notification filter snmpa:unregister_notification_filter/1
Unregister a notification filter snmpa:unregister_notification_filter/2
Which notification filter snmpa:which_notification_filter/0
Which notification filter snmpa:which_notification_filter/1
Server receive of notification or request, and sending of reply (in case of request). ic_clib:oe_server_receive/2
Server receive of notification or request, and sending of reply (in case of request). ic_clib:oe_server_receive_tmo/4
Cancel request to be notified when manager started snmpm:cancel_notify_started/1
Request to be notified when manager started snmpm:notify_started/1
Register the parameter SubtransactionAwareResource object such that it will be notified when the transaction, associated wit the target object, has committed or rolled back CosTransactions_Coordinator:register_subtran_aware/2
Name resolving function that notifies both pids global:notify_all_name/3
Name resolving function that notifies one pid global:random_notify_name/3
  Notify an event manager about an event. gen_event:notify/2
  Notify an event manager about an event. gen_event:sync_notify/2
Added one notify definition snmp_notification_mib:add_notify/3
Delete one notify definition snmp_notification_mib:delete_notify/1
Change the notify option for an owner of a disk log. disk_log:change_notify/3
  Notify the target object that the transaction has been rolled back CosTransactions_SubtransactionAwareResource:rollback_subtransaction/1
  Notify the target object that the transaction has committed CosTransactions_SubtransactionAwareResource:commit_subtransaction/2
Return all NotifySubscribe Id's associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_Filter:get_callbacks/1
Connect NotifySubscribe object, which should be informed when the target object's constraints are updated CosNotifyFilter_Filter:attach_callback/2
Disconnect the NotifySubscribe object with the given Id CosNotifyFilter_Filter:detach_callback/2
Calculate time difference between now/0 timestamps timer:now_diff/2
Executes a SQL query or a batch of SQL queries. If it is a SELECT query the result set is returned, on the format {selected, ColNames, Rows}. For other query types the tuple {updated, NRows} is returned, and for batched queries, if the driver supports them, this function can also return a list of result tuples. odbc:sql_query/2
Executes a SQL query or a batch of SQL queries. If it is a SELECT query the result set is returned, on the format {selected, ColNames, Rows}. For other query types the tuple {updated, NRows} is returned, and for batched queries, if the driver supports them, this function can also return a list of result tuples. odbc:sql_query/3
Executes a SQL SELECT query and associates the result set with the connection. A cursor is positioned before the first row in the result set and the tuple {ok, NrRows} is returned. odbc:select_count/2
Executes a SQL SELECT query and associates the result set with the connection. A cursor is positioned before the first row in the result set and the tuple {ok, NrRows} is returned. odbc:select_count/3
Reserved, set to NULL driver_entry:void *handle
A useful number math:pi/0
Check whether a term is a number erlang:is_number/1
Display the IIOP port number orber:iiop_port/0
Generate a random number crypto:rand_uniform/2
Get erlang error atom name from error number erl_driver:char* erl_errno_id/1
Resolves the key of a record into a fragment number mnesia_frag_hash:key_to_frag_number/2
Return an integer by rounding a number erlang:round/1
Return an integer by the truncating a number erlang:trunc/1
Return current version number toolbar:version/0
List users that have authenticated within the SecurityAuthTimeout time for a given address (if specified), port number and directory (if specified). mod_security:list_auth_users/1
List users that have authenticated within the SecurityAuthTimeout time for a given address (if specified), port number and directory (if specified). mod_security:list_auth_users/2
List users that have authenticated within the SecurityAuthTimeout time for a given address (if specified), port number and directory (if specified). mod_security:list_auth_users/2
List users that have authenticated within the SecurityAuthTimeout time for a given address (if specified), port number and directory (if specified). mod_security:list_auth_users/3
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/1
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/2
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/2
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/3
Return the local address and port number for a socket inet:sockname/1
Return the local port number for a socket inet:port/1
Return default state for random number generation random:seed0/0
Seeds random number generation with default values random:seed/0
Seeds random number generator random:seed/3
Read a specified number of characters io:get_chars/3
Compute the number of days from year 0 up to the given date calendar:date_to_gregorian_days/1
Compute the number of days from year 0 up to the given date calendar:date_to_gregorian_days/3
Compute the number of days in a month calendar:last_day_of_the_month/2
Return the number of edges of the a digraph. digraph:no_edges/1
Return a sub-list starting at a given position and with a given number of elements lists:sublist/3
Return the number of elements in a gb_set gb_sets:size/1
Return the number of elements in a set sets:size/1
Return the number of elements in the array orber_ifr:get_length/1
Set the number of elements in the array orber_ifr:set_length/2
Return the number of elements of a set. sofs:no_elements/1
Compute the date given the number of gregorian days calendar:gregorian_days_to_date/1
Compute the date given the number of gregorian days calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime/1
  Number of milliseconds remaining for a timer erlang:erlang:read_timer/1
Count the number of name components in a name lname:num_components/1
Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/3
Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/4
Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/4
Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/5
Interact with the servers on a number of nodes rpc:multi_server_call/2
Interact with the servers on a number of nodes rpc:multi_server_call/3
Interact with the servers on a number of nodes (deprecated) rpc:safe_multi_server_call/2
Interact with the servers on a number of nodes (deprecated) rpc:safe_multi_server_call/3
Return the number of nodes in a tree gb_trees:size/1
Match the objects in an ETS table against a match_spec and returns the number of objects for which the match_spec returned 'true' ets:select_count/2
Sets the number of previous commands to keep shell:history/1
Sets the number of previous commands to keep shell:results/1
Get the number of properties associated with the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_number_of_properties/1
Return true if the requested number of properties can be delivered and there are additional properties. Otherwise false is returned and a sequence of max HowMany properties CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator:next_n/2
Start a number of pseudo servers slave:pseudo/1
Start a number of pseudo servers slave:pseudo/2
Compute the number of seconds from year 0 up to the given date and time calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds/2
Compute the number of seconds since midnight up to the given time calendar:time_to_seconds/1
Current version number of the interpreter i:iv/0
Get the number of UNIX processes running on this host cpu_sup:nprocs/0
Return the number of vertices of a digraph. digraph:no_vertices/1
Convert a number to a float erlang:float/1
Display the IIOP port number used for secure connections orber:iiop_ssl_port/0
Associate a UDP port number with the process calling it gen_udp:open/1
Associate a UDP port number with the process calling it gen_udp:open/2
The variable erl_errno contains the erl_interface error number. You can change the value if you wish. erl_error:erl_errno
Resolves a MatchSpec into a list of fragment numbers mnesia_frag_hash:match_spec_to_frag_numbers/2
Returns the memory block type numbers instrument:type_no_range/1
Replace type numbers in memory allocation map with type descriptions instrument:descr/1
Returns a string consisting of numbers of characters string:chars/2
Returns a string consisting of numbers of characters string:chars/3