Erlang/OTP Permuted Index

Permuted index of Erlang/OTP functions and commands



Rehash or create code path cache code:rehash/0
  Calculate CRC zlib:crc32/2
  Calculate CRC zlib:crc32/3
  Calculate the adler checksum zlib:adler32/2
  Calculate the adler checksum zlib:adler32/3
  Calculate time difference between now/0 timestamps timer:now_diff/2
  Calculates the Etag for a file. httpd_util:create_etag/1
Cancel an asynchronous call erl_driver:int driver_async_cancel/1
Display profiling results per function call. eprof:total_analyse/0
Remote Procedure Call erl_connect:erl_rpc/4
Remote Procedure Call erl_connect:erl_rpc_from/3
Remote Procedure Call erl_connect:erl_rpc_to/4
Return the process making the driver call erl_driver:ErlDriverTerm driver_caller/1
Pause running call count trace for all functions. cprof:pause/0
Pause running call count trace for matching functions. cprof:pause/1
Pause running call count trace for matching functions. cprof:pause/2
Pause running call count trace for matching functions. cprof:pause/3
Start call count tracing for all functions. cprof:start/0
Stop call count tracing for all functions. cprof:stop/0
Start call count tracing for matching functions. cprof:start/1
Start call count tracing for matching functions. cprof:start/2
Start call count tracing for matching functions. cprof:start/3
Stop call count tracing for matching functions. cprof:stop/1
Stop call count tracing for matching functions. cprof:stop/2
Stop call count tracing for matching functions. cprof:stop/3
Collect and analyse call counters. cprof:analyse/0
Collect and analyse call counters. cprof:analyse/1
Collect and analyse call counters. cprof:analyse/1
Collect and analyse call counters. cprof:analyse/2
Restart existing call counters for matching functions. cprof:restart/0
Restart existing call counters for matching functions. cprof:restart/1
Restart existing call counters for matching functions. cprof:restart/2
Restart existing call counters for matching functions. cprof:restart/3
Fatal error, but not system call error erl_error:erl_err_quit/2
Fatal system call error erl_error:erl_err_sys/2
Non-fatal error, and not system call error erl_error:erl_err_msg/2
Non-fatal system call error erl_error:erl_err_ret/2
Get/set if and how to save call frames int:stack_trace/0
Get/set if and how to save call frames int:stack_trace/1
Set how to save call frames i:ist/1
Remote Procedure Call from C to Erlang ei_connect:ei_rpc/7
Remote Procedure Call from C to Erlang ei_connect:ei_rpc_from/5
Remote Procedure Call from C to Erlang ei_connect:ei_rpc_to/6
  Call Function for each record in Table mnesia:foldl/3
  Call Function for each record in Table mnesia:foldr/3
Called when an asynchronous call has returned driver_entry:void ready_async/2
Extract and translate the initial call of a proc_lib spawned process. proc_lib:translate_initial_call/1
Extract the initial call of a proc_lib spawned process. proc_lib:initial_call/1
Evaluate a function call on a node rpc:call/4
Evaluate a function call on a node rpc:call/5
Evaluate a function call on a node, asynchrous version rpc:async_call/4
Deliver the result of evaluating a function call on a node (blocking) rpc:yield/1
Evaluate a function call on a node in the RPC server's context rpc:block_call/4
Evaluate a function call on a node in the RPC server's context rpc:block_call/5
Deliver the result of evaluating a function call on a node (non-blocking) rpc:nb_yield/1
Deliver the result of evaluating a function call on a node (non-blocking) rpc:nb_yield/2
Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/3
Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/4
Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/4
Evaluate a function call on a number of nodes rpc:multicall/5
Stop execution with an exception of given class, reason and call stack backtrace erlang:erlang:raise/3
Get the call stack backtrace of the last exception erlang:erlang:get_stacktrace/0
Provide an event for having the emulator call the driver erl_driver:int driver_select/4
Set a timer to call the driver erl_driver:int driver_set_timer/2
  Call the Fun in a context which is not protected by a transaction. mnesia:async_dirty/3
  Call the Fun in a context which is not protected by a transaction. mnesia:sync_dirty/3
  Call the Fun in a raw context which is not protected by a transaction. mnesia:ets/3
Make a synchronous call to a generic event manager. gen_event:call/3
Make a synchronous call to a generic event manager. gen_event:call/4
Make a synchronous call to a generic server. gen_server:call/2
Make a synchronous call to a generic server. gen_server:call/3
Synchronous call to a port with term data erlang:erlang:port_call/3
Make a synchronous call to several generic servers. gen_server:multi_call/2
Make a synchronous call to several generic servers. gen_server:multi_call/3
Make a synchronous call to several generic servers. gen_server:multi_call/4
>Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpg/2
>Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpg/3
Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctp/0
Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctp/1
Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctp/2
Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctp/3
Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctp/3
Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpg/0
Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpg/1
Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpg/3
Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpl/0
Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpl/1
Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpl/2
Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpl/3
Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpl/3
Set trace patterns for global call tracing erlang:erlang:trace_pattern/2
Synchronous call with term conversion driver_entry:int call/7
Perform an asynchronous call within a driver erl_driver:long driver_async/3
Equivalent to export(Data, Callback, []). xmerl:export/2
Equivalent to export_simple(Data, Callback, []). xmerl:export_simple/2
  Callback function that is called when the Web server is closed. httpd:Module:remove/1
Find the list of inherited callback modules for a given module. xmerl:callbacks/1
Exports "simple-form" XML content, using the specified callback-module. xmerl:export_simple/3
Exports normal, well-formed XML content, using the specified callback-module. xmerl:export/3
  Called after loading of driver driver_entry:int init/1
For controlling the EventState, to be used in an event function, and called at the beginning and at the end of a parsed entity. xmerl_scan:event_state/2
  Called for each request to the Web server. httpd:Module:do/1
  Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error:config_err/2
  Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error_io:config_err/2
  Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error_logger:config_err/2
  Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error_report:config_err/2
  Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error:user_err/2
  Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error_io:user_err/2
  Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error_logger:user_err/2
  Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error_report:user_err/2
  Called just before the dynamic driver is unloaded driver_entry:void finish/1
Create a Mnesia table called Name with properties as described by the argument TabDef. mnesia:create_table/2
  Called when an asynchronous call has returned driver_entry:void ready_async/2
  Called when an undefined function is encountered error_handler:undefined_function/3
  Called when an undefined lambda (fun) is encountered error_handler:undefined_lambda/3
  Called when port is closed driver_entry:void stop/1
  Called when port is opened driver_entry:int start/2
  Called when port is written to driver_entry:void output/3
  Called when the driver event for input or output is signaled driver_entry:void ready_input/2
  Called when the driver event for input or output is signaled driver_entry:void ready_output/2
For controlling the ContinuationState, to be used in a continuation function, and called when the parser encounters the end of the byte stream. xmerl_scan:cont_state/2
For controlling the FetchState, to be used in a fetch function, and called when the parser fetch an external resource (eg. xmerl_scan:fetch_state/2
For controlling the HookState, to be used in a hook function, and called when the parser has parsed a complete entity. xmerl_scan:hook_state/2
For controlling the RulesState, to be used in a rules function, and called when the parser store scanner information in a rules database. xmerl_scan:rules_state/2
  Called when the port is written to driver_entry:void outputv/2
  Called when the process should continue its execution sys:Mod:system_continue/3
  Called when the process should perform a code change sys:Mod:system_code_change/4
  Called when the process should terminate sys:Mod:system_terminate/4
Callback function that is called when the Web server is closed. httpd:Module:remove/1
  Called when timer reaches 0 driver_entry:void timeout/1
This function is called whenever an event occurs in mod_security mod_security:event/4
This function is called whenever an event occurs in mod_security mod_security:event/5
Send a reply to a caller. gen_fsm:reply/2
Start the boot server and links the caller erl_boot_server:start_link/1
Halt the Erlang runtime system and indicate normal exit to the calling environment erlang:halt/0
Associate a UDP port number with the process calling it gen_udp:open/1
Associate a UDP port number with the process calling it gen_udp:open/2
Creates a dynamic web page and returns it chunk by chunk to the server process by calling mod_esi:deliver/2. mod_esi:Module:Function/3
Force an immediate garbage collection of the calling process erlang:garbage_collect/0
Get the group leader for the calling process erlang:group_leader/0
Pid of the calling process erlang:self/0
Set process flags for the calling process erlang:process_flag/2
Suspend the calling process for Time amount of milliseconds. timer:sleep/1
Display the SSL verification depth for incoming calls cosFileTransferApp:ssl_server_depth/0
Display the SSL verification depth for incoming calls orber:ssl_server_depth/0
Display the SSL verification depth for outgoing calls cosFileTransferApp:ssl_client_depth/0
Display the SSL verification depth for outgoing calls orber:ssl_client_depth/0
Display the SSL verification type for incoming calls cosFileTransferApp:ssl_server_verify/0
Display the SSL verification type for incoming calls orber:ssl_server_verify/0
Display the SSL verification type for outgoing calls cosFileTransferApp:ssl_client_verify/0
Display the SSL verification type for outgoing calls orber:ssl_client_verify/0
Set pattern for traced global function calls dbg:tp/2
Set pattern for traced global function calls dbg:tp/3
Set pattern for traced global function calls dbg:tp/4
Set pattern for traced global function calls dbg:tp/4
Set pattern for traced local (as well as global) function calls dbg:tpl/2
Set pattern for traced local (as well as global) function calls dbg:tpl/3
Set pattern for traced local (as well as global) function calls dbg:tpl/4
Set pattern for traced local (as well as global) function calls dbg:tpl/4
Set the value of the SSL verification type for outgoing calls orber:set_ssl_client_verify/1
Set trace patterns for tracing of function calls erlang:erlang:trace_pattern/3
Sets the value of the SSL verification depth for outgoing calls orber:set_ssl_client_depth/1
  Calls erlang:apply(Func, Args) surrounded by trace([start | OptionList]) and trace(stop). fprof:apply/3
Evaluate several function calls on all nodes in parallel rpc:parallel_eval/1
Returns all calls stored in history ttb:list_history/0
Transforms Erlang abstract format containing calls to ets/dbg:fun2ms into literal match specifications. ms_transform:parse_transform/2
  Cancel a asynchronous request snmpm:cancel_async_request/2
  Cancel a previously requested timeout identified by TRef. timer:cancel/1
  Cancel a previously set timer erl_driver:int driver_cancel_timer/1
  Cancel a timer erlang:erlang:cancel_timer/1
  Cancel all outstanding messages for this connection megaco:cancel/2
  Cancel an asynchronous call erl_driver:int driver_async_cancel/1
  Cancel an internal timer in a generic FSM. gen_fsm:cancel_timer/1
  Cancel, if possible, triggering of event(s). Return true if an event is actually cancelled, false otherwise CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:cancel_timer/1
  Cancel request to be notified when manager started snmpm:cancel_notify_started/1
Cancel, if possible, triggering of event(s). Return true if an event is actually cancelled, false otherwise CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:cancel_timer/1
  Cancels an asynchronous HTTP-request. http:cancel_request/1
Return the canonical map. sofs:canonical_relation/1
Take care of system messages sys:handle_system_msg/6
Return the Cartesian product of a tuple of sets. sofs:product/1
Return the Cartesian product of two sets. sofs:product/2
Server receive of notification or request, and sending of reply (in case of request). ic_clib:oe_server_receive/2
Server receive of notification or request, and sending of reply (in case of request). ic_clib:oe_server_receive_tmo/4
Return the OS family and, in some cases, OS name of the current operating system os:type/0
  Center a string string:centre/2
  Center a string string:centre/3
Block user from access to a directory for a certain amount of time. mod_security:block_user/4
Block user from access to a directory for a certain amount of time. mod_security:block_user/5
Return a sub-list of a certain length, starting at the first position lists:sublist/2
Read from a file at a certain position file:pread/3
Write to a file at a certain position file:pwrite/3
Read from a file at certain positions file:pread/2
Write to a file at certain positions file:pwrite/2
Get the name of an application containing a certain process or module application:get_application/0
Get the name of an application containing a certain process or module application:get_application/1
Check if certain Quality of Service properties can be added to events in the current context of the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyConsumer:validate_event_qos/2
Start or adopt a runtime component at the local node, provided it has a certain rttag inviso:add_node_if_ref/1
Start or adopt a runtime component at the local node, provided it has a certain rttag inviso:add_node_if_ref/2
Start or adopt runtime components at some nodes, provided they have a certain rttag inviso:add_nodes_if_ref/2
Start or adopt runtime components at some nodes, provided they have a certain rttag inviso:add_nodes_if_ref/3
All nodes of a certain type in the system erlang:nodes/1
Decode a PKIX certificate. ssl_pkix:decode_cert/1
Decode a PKIX certificate. ssl_pkix:decode_cert/2
Display the path to the client certificate cosFileTransferApp:ssl_client_certfile/0
Display the path to the client certificate orber:ssl_client_certfile/0
Display the path to the server certificate orber:ssl_server_certfile/0
Display the path to the target certificate cosFileTransferApp:ssl_server_certfile/0
Return the peer certificate. ssl:peercert/1
Return the peer certificate. ssl:peercert/2
Set the value of the client certificate orber:set_ssl_client_certfile/1
Decode a PKIX certificate file. ssl_pkix:decode_cert_file/1
Decode a PKIX certificate file. ssl_pkix:decode_cert_file/2
Decrypt Cipher according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cbc_128_decrypt/3
Decrypt Cipher according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cfb_128_decrypt/3
Encrypt Text according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cbc_128_encrypt/3
Encrypt Text according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cfb_128_encrypt/3
Let other processes get a chance to execute erlang:erlang:yield/0
Called when the process should perform a code change sys:Mod:system_code_change/4
  Change a configuration parameter. mnesia:change_config/2
  Change active trace pattern globally on all trace nodes et_collector:change_pattern/2
  Change an application's permission to run on a node. application:permit/2
  Change controlling process of a socket gen_tcp:controlling_process/2
  Change controlling process of a socket gen_udp:controlling_process/2
  Change format on all records in table. Tab mnesia:transform_table/3
  Change format on all records in table. Tab mnesia:transform_table/4
  Change group of a file file:change_group/2
  Change information about a file file:write_file_info/2
  Change local working directory. ftp:lcd/2
  Change megaco trace level megaco:set_trace/1
Subscribe to node status change messages net_kernel:monitor_nodes/1
Subscribe to node status change messages net_kernel:monitor_nodes/2
  Change options for runtime components inviso:change_options/1
  Change options for runtime components inviso:change_options/2
  Change Orber configuration. orber:configure/2
  Change owner and group of a file file:change_owner/3
  Change owner of a file file:change_owner/2
  Change remote working directory. ftp:cd/2
Send the code change system message to the process sys:change_code/4
Send the code change system message to the process sys:change_code/5
  Change the access mode for the table. mnesia:change_table_access_mode/2
  Change the AuthAcessPassword mod_auth:update_password/5
  Change the AuthAcessPassword mod_auth:update_password/6
  Change the current working directory of the target object's associated file system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:set_directory/2
  Change the event data sent when triggered CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:set_data/2
  Change the given property's mode CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef:set_property_mode/3
  Change the head or head_func option for an owner of a disk log. disk_log:change_header/2
  Change the internal debug level of Mnesia mnesia:set_debug_level/1
  Change the listed properties mode's CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef:set_property_modes/2
  Change the load order priority for the table. mnesia:change_table_load_order/2
  Change the modification and last access time of a file file:change_time/3
  Change the modification time of a file file:change_time/2
  Change the notify option for an owner of a disk log. disk_log:change_notify/3
  Change the QoS settings for the target object CosNotification_QoSAdmin:set_qos/2
  Change the size of an open disk log. disk_log:change_size/2
  Change the size of the Audit Trail Log snmp:change_log_size/2
  Change the size of the Audit Trail Log snmpa:change_log_size/1
  Change the size of the Audit Trail Log snmpm:change_log_size/1
  Change the storage type of a table. mnesia:change_table_copy_type/3
The variable erl_errno contains the erl_interface error number. You can change the value if you wish. erl_error:erl_errno
  Change the verbosity of a running network interface process snmpa_network_interface:verbosity/2
  Change the verbosity of the network interface process snmpm_network_interface:note_store/2
  Change the verbosity of the network interface process snmpm_network_interface:verbosity/2
  Change to the next wrap log file of a disk log. disk_log:inc_wrap_file/1
  Change tool's configuration etop:config/2
  Change working directory c:cd/1
Makes a trace pattern suitable to feed change_pattern/1 et_selector:make_pattern/1
Subscribe to node status changes global_group:monitor_nodes/1
Activates/deactivates tracing by changing the current trace pattern et_selector:change_pattern/1
Connect the PullConsumer to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_pull_consumer/2
Connect the PullSupplier to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_pull_supplier/2
Connect the PushConsumer to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_push_consumer/2
Connect the PushSupplier to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_push_supplier/2
Connect the SequencePullConsumer to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_pull_consumer/2
Connect the SequencePullSupplier to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_pull_supplier/2
Connect the SequencePushConsumer to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_push_consumer/2
Connect the SequencePushSupplier to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_push_supplier/2
Connect the StructuredPullConsumer to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_pull_consumer/2
Connect the StructuredPullSupplier to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_pull_supplier/2
Connect the StructuredPushConsumer to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_push_consumer/2
Connect the StructuredPushSupplier to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_push_supplier/2
Create a new channel CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannelFactory:create_channel/3
Destroy the event channel CosEventChannelAdmin_EventChannel:destroy/1
Disconnect the ProxyPullConsumer object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPullConsumer:disconnect_pull_consumer/1
Disconnect the ProxyPullSupplier object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPullSupplier:disconnect_pull_supplier/1
Disconnect the ProxyPushConsumer object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushConsumer:disconnect_push_consumer/1
Disconnect the ProxyPushSupplier object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushSupplier:disconnect_push_supplier/1
Remove the channel associated with the given id and remove all connections of that channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:remove_channel/2
Return the ancestor channel CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:_get_MyChannel/1
Return the objects associated channel CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:_get_MyChannel/1
Terminate the channel and all its childrens CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:destroy/1
Return the channel associated with the given id CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_channel/2
Remove the channel associated with the given id and remove all connections of that channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:remove_channel/2
Start a channel factory as default cosNotificationApp:start_factory/0
Start a global channel factory as default cosNotificationApp:start_global_factory/0
Start a channel factory with options cosNotificationApp:start_factory/1
Start a global channel factory with options cosNotificationApp:start_global_factory/1
Return all id's of the channels which consume events supplied by the channel identified by the given id CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_subscription_channels/2
Return all id's of the channels which produce events received by the channel identified by the given id CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_offer_channels/2
Return all channel id's associated with target object CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_all_channels/1
Return the channel object associated with the given Id CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannelFactory:get_event_channel/2
Set the channel represented by the given id as default for supplier clients CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:set_default_consumer_channel/2
Set the channel represented by the given id as default for supplier clients CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:set_default_supplier_channel/2
Add a new channel to the EventDomain CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:add_channel/2
Start a channel, which is linked to the invoking process, with default settings cosEventApp:start_channel_link/0
Start a channel, which is linked to the invoking process, with settings defined by the given options cosEventApp:start_channel_link/1
Start a channel with default settings cosEventApp:start_channel/0
Start a channel with settings defined by the given options cosEventApp:start_channel/1
Connect the PullConsumer to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_pull_consumer_with_id/3
Connect the PullSupplier to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_pull_supplier_with_id/3
Connect the PushConsumer to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_push_consumer_with_id/3
Connect the PushSupplier to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_push_supplier_with_id/3
Connect the SequencePullConsumer to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_pull_consumer_with_id/3
Connect the SequencePullSupplier to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_pull_supplier_with_id/3
Connect the SequencePushConsumer to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_push_consumer_with_id/3
Connect the SequencePushSupplier to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_push_supplier_with_id/3
Connect the StructuredPullConsumer to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_pull_consumer_with_id/3
Connect the StructuredPullSupplier to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_pull_supplier_with_id/3
Connect the StructuredPushConsumer to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_push_consumer_with_id/3
Connect the StructuredPushSupplier to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_push_supplier_with_id/3
Return all Id:s for channels, currently alive, created by the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannelFactory:get_all_channels/1
Return all id's of the channels which consume events supplied by the channel identified by the given id CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_subscription_channels/2
Return all id's of the channels which produce events received by the channel identified by the given id CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_offer_channels/2
Write a character io_lib:write_char/1
Return the index of the first/last occurrence of Character in String string:chr/2
Return the index of the first/last occurrence of Character in String string:rchr/2
Read a specified number of characters io:get_chars/3
Remove leading and/or trailing white spaces and custom characters. httpd_conf:custom_clean/3
Returns a string consisting of numbers of characters string:chars/2
Returns a string consisting of numbers of characters string:chars/3
Strip leading or trailing characters string:strip/1
Strip leading or trailing characters string:strip/2
Strip leading or trailing characters string:strip/3
Test for a deep list of characters io_lib:deep_char_list/1
Test for a list of characters io_lib:char_list/1
Test for a list of printable characters io_lib:printable_list/1
Write a list of characters io:put_chars/2
Span characters at start of string string:cspan/2
Span characters at start of string string:span/2
Start a sequence chart viewer for trace events (messages/actions) et_viewer:start_link/1
Simplified start of a sequence chart viewer with global tracing activated. et_viewer:start/0
Start of a sequence chart viewer without linking to the parent process. et_viewer:start/1
Get time interval, in milliseconds, for the periodic disk space check disksup:get_check_interval/0
Get time interval, in milliseconds, for the periodic memory check memsup:get_check_interval/0
Set time interval, in minutes, for the periodic disk space check disksup:set_check_interval/1
Set time interval, in minutes, for the periodic memory check memsup:set_check_interval/1
Cross reference check a module c:xm/1
  Check a module for errors erl_lint:module/1
  Check a module for errors erl_lint:module/2
  Check a module for errors erl_lint:module/3
  Check a module using the code path. xref:m/1
  Check a module using the code path. xref:m/1
  Check for OID conflicts between MIBs snmpc:is_consistent/1
  Check if a date is valid calendar:valid_date/1
  Check if a date is valid calendar:valid_date/3
  Check if a DateAndTime value is correct snmp:validate_date_and_time/1
  Check if a digraph is acyclic. digraph_utils:is_acyclic/1
  Check if a file path is a directory. httpd_conf:is_directory/1
  Check if a file path is a regular file. httpd_conf:is_file/1
  Check if a function is a BIF implemented in C erlang:erlang:is_builtin/3
  Check if a function is exported and loaded erlang:erlang:function_exported/3
  Check if a module is Cover compiled. cover:is_compiled/1
  Check if a module is loaded code:is_loaded/1
  Check if a module is loaded erlang:module_loaded/1
  Check if a module is possible to interpret int:interpretable/1
  Check if a process is executing old code for a module erlang:check_process_code/2
  Check if a row in a table exists snmp_generic:table_row_exists/2
  Check if a table exists snmpa_local_db:table_exists/1
  Check if a year is a leap year calendar:is_leap_year/1
  Check if certain Quality of Service properties can be added to events in the current context of the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyConsumer:validate_event_qos/2
  Check if child specifications are syntactically correct. supervisor:check_childspecs/1
  Check if string is a valid enumeration. httpd_conf:check_enum/2
  Check if the QoS properties can be set CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:validate_event_qos/2
  Check installation of a release in the system. release_handler:check_install_release/1
  Check syntax of an IDL typecode orber_tc:check_tc/1
  Check the modules in a directory using the code path. xref:d/1
  Check whether a process is alive erlang:is_process_alive/1
  Check whether a term appears to be a record erlang:is_record/2
  Check whether a term appears to be a record erlang:is_record/3
  Check whether a term is a binary erlang:is_binary/1
  Check whether a term is a boolean erlang:is_boolean/1
  Check whether a term is a float erlang:is_float/1
  Check whether a term is a fun erlang:is_function/1
  Check whether a term is a fun with a given arity erlang:is_function/2
  Check whether a term is a list erlang:is_list/1
  Check whether a term is a number erlang:is_number/1
  Check whether a term is a pid erlang:is_pid/1
  Check whether a term is a port erlang:is_port/1
  Check whether a term is a reference erlang:is_reference/1
  Check whether a term is a tuple erlang:is_tuple/1
  Check whether a term is an atom erlang:is_atom/1
  Check whether a term is an integer erlang:is_integer/1
  Check whether terms on files are sorted. file_sorter:check/1
  Check whether terms on files are sorted. file_sorter:check/2
  Check whether terms on files are sorted by key. file_sorter:keycheck/2
  Check whether terms on files are sorted by key. file_sorter:keycheck/3
  Check whether the local node is alive erlang:is_alive/0
Activate a checkpoint. mnesia:activate_checkpoint/1
Back up all tables in a checkpoint. mnesia:backup_checkpoint/3
Deactivate a checkpoint. mnesia:deactivate_checkpoint/1
Get the timeout value, in seconds, for memory checks memsup:get_helper_timeout/0
Set the timeout value, in seconds, for memory checks memsup:set_helper_timeout/1
  Checks if an Erlang term is the result of ets:match_spec_compile ets:is_compiled_ms/1
Calculate the adler checksum zlib:adler32/2
Calculate the adler checksum zlib:adler32/3
Restart a terminated child process belonging to a supervisor. supervisor:restart_child/2
Terminate a child process belonging to a supervisor. supervisor:terminate_child/2
Dynamically add a child process to a supervisor. supervisor:start_child/2
Return information about all children specifications and child processes belonging to a supervisor. supervisor:which_children/1
Delete a child specification from a supervisor. supervisor:delete_child/2
Check if child specifications are syntactically correct. supervisor:check_childspecs/1
Terminate the target object and all its children CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:destroy/1
Return information about all children specifications and child processes belonging to a supervisor. supervisor:which_children/1
Terminate the channel and all its childrens CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:destroy/1
  Choose elements which satisfy a predicate dict:filter/2
  Choose elements which satisfy a predicate lists:filter/2
Merge logfiles into one file in chronological order inviso_lfm:merge/2
Merge logfiles into one file in chronological order inviso_lfm:merge/3
Merge logfiles into one file in chronological order inviso_lfm:merge/5
Sort logfiles in chronological order inviso_lfm_tpfreader:handle_logfile_sort_wrapset/1
Creates a dynamic web page and returns it chunk by chunk to the server process by calling mod_esi:deliver/2. mod_esi:Module:Function/3
Return information about a chunk continuation of a disk log. disk_log:chunk_info/1
Test compatibility of a table's chunk data. dets:is_compatible_bchunk_format/2
Read a chunk from the file tftp:read/1
Apply a match specification to the first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table. dets:select/3
Return a chunk of objects stored in a Dets table. dets:bchunk/2
Match a chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of objects. dets:match_object/1
Match the first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of objects. dets:match_object/3
Match a chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of variable bindings. dets:match/1
Match the first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of variable bindings. dets:match/3
Read a chunk of objects written to a disk log. disk_log:bchunk/2
Read a chunk of objects written to a disk log. disk_log:bchunk/3
Read a chunk of objects written to a disk log. disk_log:chunk/2
Read a chunk of objects written to a disk log. disk_log:chunk/3
Read a chunk of objects written to a wrap log. wrap_log_reader:chunk/1
Read a chunk of objects written to a wrap log. wrap_log_reader:chunk/2
Receive a chunk of the remote file. ftp:recv_chunk/1
Write a chunk to the file tftp:write/2
append a chunk to the remote file. ftp:append_chunk/2
Write a chunk to the remote file. ftp:send_chunk/2
Creates a dynamic web page and returns it chunk by chunk to the server process by calling mod_esi:deliver/2. mod_esi:Module:Function/3
Start chunk-reading of the remote file. ftp:recv_chunk_start/2
Start transfer of file chunks. ftp:send_chunk_start/2
Stop transfer of chunks. ftp:send_chunk_end/1
Stop transfer of chunks for appending. ftp:append_chunk_end/1
Start transfer of file chunks for appending to File. ftp:append_chunk_start/2
Read selected chunks from a BEAM file or binary beam_lib:chunks/2
Removes chunks not needed by the loader from a BEAM file beam_lib:strip/1
Removes chunks not needed by the loader from all BEAM files of a release beam_lib:strip_release/1
Removes chunks not needed by the loader from BEAM files beam_lib:strip_files/1
Split a string in N chunks using a regular expression. httpd_util:split/3
Get current protocol version and cipher. ssl:connection_info/1
Decrypt Cipher according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cbc_128_decrypt/3
Decrypt Cipher according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cfb_128_decrypt/3
Decrypt Cipher according to DES in CBC mode crypto:des3_cbc_decrypt/5
Decrypt Cipher according to DES in CBC mode crypto:des_cbc_decrypt/3
Decrypt Cipher according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cbc_128_decrypt/3
Decrypt Cipher according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cfb_128_decrypt/3
Encrypt Text according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cbc_128_encrypt/3
Encrypt Text according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cfb_128_encrypt/3
Decrypt Cipher according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cbc_128_decrypt/3
Decrypt Cipher according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cfb_128_decrypt/3
Encrypt Text according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cbc_128_encrypt/3
Encrypt Text according to AES in Cipher Feedback mode or Cipher Block Chaining mode crypto:aes_cfb_128_encrypt/3
Get supported ciphers. ssl:ciphers/0
Stop execution with an exception of given class, reason and call stack backtrace erlang:erlang:raise/3
  Clean up after termination of an application application:Module:stop/1
  Clean up and stop subsystem. supervisor_bridge:Module:terminate/2
  Clean up before deletion. gen_event:Module:terminate/2
  Clean up before termination. gen_fsm:Module:terminate/3
  Clean up before termination. gen_server:Module:terminate/2
  Clear a node from the list of traced nodes. dbg:cn/1
  Clear all (global and local) trace patterns inviso:ctp_all/0
  Clear all (global and local) trace patterns inviso:ctp_all/1
  Clear all process trace flags inviso:ctf_all/0
  Clear all process trace flags inviso:ctf_all/1
  Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctp/0
  Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctp/1
  Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctp/2
  Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctp/3
  Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctp/3
  Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpg/0
  Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpg/1
  Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpg/3
  Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpl/0
  Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpl/1
  Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpl/2
  Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpl/3
  Clear call trace pattern for the specified functions dbg:ctpl/3
  Clear global trace patterns inviso:ctp/3
  Clear global trace patterns inviso:ctp/4
  Clear global trace patterns inviso_rt:ctp/3
  Clear information about processes executing interpreted code i:ic/0
  Clear information about processes executing interpreted code int:clear/0
  Clear local trace patterns inviso:ctpl/3
  Clear local trace patterns inviso:ctpl/4
  Clear local trace patterns inviso_rt:ctpl/3
  Clear meta trace pattern on global:register_name/2 inviso:ctpm_globalnames/0
  Clear meta trace pattern on global:register_name/2 inviso:ctpm_globalnames/1
  Clear meta trace pattern on global:register_name/2 inviso_rt:remove_global_register/0
  Clear meta trace pattern on register/2 inviso:ctpm_localnames/0
  Clear meta trace pattern on register/2 inviso:ctpm_localnames/1
  Clear meta trace pattern on register/2 inviso_rt:remove_local_register/0
  Clear process trace flags inviso:ctf/1
  Clear process trace flags inviso:ctf/2
  Clear process trace flags inviso:ctf/2
  Clear process trace flags inviso:ctf/3
  Clear process trace flags inviso_rt:ctf/1
  Clear process trace flags inviso_rt:ctf/2
Set or clear system performance monitoring options erlang:erlang:system_monitor/2
Print a term in clear text ei:ei_print_term/3
Print a term in clear text ei:ei_s_print_term/3
  Clear the event table et_collector:clear_table/1
  Clear the specified alarms alarm_handler:clear_alarm/1
  Clear the temporary boot command heart:clear_cmd/0
Set and clear trace patterns. ttb:tp, tpl, ctp, ctpl, ctpg
  Clears the ETERM freelist erl_malloc:erl_eterm_release/1
Stop the dbg server and the tracing of all processes, and clears trace patterns. dbg:stop_clear/0
Send a reply to a client. gen_server:reply/2
Send explicit reply to client corba:reply/2
Sends Data back to client. mod_esi:deliver/2
Start an ftp client. ftp:open/2
Start an ftp client. ftp:open/3
Suspend the connection between the proxy and the client CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPushSupplier:suspend_connection/1
Suspend the connection between the target object and its client CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPullConsumer:suspend_connection/1
Suspend the connection between the client and the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPullConsumer:suspend_connection/1
Suspend the connection between the client and the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPushSupplier:suspend_connection/1
Display the path to the client certificate cosFileTransferApp:ssl_client_certfile/0
Display the path to the client certificate orber:ssl_client_certfile/0
Set the value of the client certificate orber:set_ssl_client_certfile/1
Prepare client decoding of reply. ic_c_protocol:oe_prepare_reply_decoding/1
Stop a trace client gracefully. dbg:stop_trace_client/1
Saves the cookies defined in SetCookieHeaders in the client manager's cookie database. http:verify_cookie/2
Send client notification. ic_c_protocol:oe_send_notification/1
Send client notification. ic_c_protocol:oe_send_notification_tmo/2
Prepare client notification encoding. ic_c_protocol:oe_prepare_notification_encoding/1
Invoke when a new client ORB wants to setup a connection interceptors:new_in_connection/3
Invoke when a new client ORB wants to setup a connection interceptors:new_in_connection/5
Return information about a daemon, server or client process tftp:info/1
Send client request and receive reply. ic_c_protocol:oe_send_request_and_receive_reply/1
Send client request and receive reply. ic_c_protocol:oe_send_request_and_receive_reply_tmo/3
Prepare client request encoding. ic_c_protocol:oe_prepare_request_encoding/1
Prepare to open a file on the client side tftp:prepare/5
Invoke when replies arrives at the client side ORB interceptors:in_reply/6
Invoke on the client side ORB before encoding and sending the request interceptors:out_request/6
Invoke on the client side ORB before sending the request interceptors:out_request_encoded/6
Invoke when an existing connection to a client side ORB have been terminated interceptors:closed_in_connection/1
Invoke when replies arrives at the client side ORB with undecoded reply body interceptors:in_reply_encoded/6
Start a trace client that reads messages created by a trace port driver dbg:trace_client/2
Start a trace client that reads messages created by a trace port driver, with a user defined handler dbg:trace_client/3
Inform the target object which event types the client will and will not accept in the future CosNotifyComm_NotifySubscribe:subscription_change/3
Set the channel represented by the given id as default for supplier clients CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:set_default_consumer_channel/2
Set the channel represented by the given id as default for supplier clients CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:set_default_supplier_channel/2
  Close a connection to an Erlang node erl_connect:erl_close_connection/1
  Close a Dets table. dets:close/1
  Close a disk log. disk_log:close/1
  Close a disk log on one node. disk_log:lclose/1
  Close a disk log on one node. disk_log:lclose/2
  Close a file file:close/1
  Close a log wrap_log_reader:close/1
  Close a registry registry:ei_reg_close/1
Immediately close a socket gen_tcp:shutdown/2
  Close a socket of any type inet:close/1
  Close a socket returned by accept/1/2, connect/3/4, or listen/2. ssl:close/1
  Close a stream zlib:close/1
  Close a TCP socket gen_tcp:close/1
  Close a UDP socket gen_udp:close/1
  Close an open archive zip:zip_close/1
  Close an open handle ssh_sftp:close/2
  Close an open port erlang:port_close/1
  Close an open tar file erl_tar:close/1
  Close connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPullConsumer:disconnect_sequence_pull_consumer/1
  Close connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPushConsumer:disconnect_sequence_push_consumer/1
  Close connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPullSupplier:disconnect_structured_pull_supplier/1
  Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPullConsumer:disconnect_pull_consumer/1
  Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPullSupplier:disconnect_pull_supplier/1
  Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPushConsumer:disconnect_push_consumer/1
  Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPushSupplier:disconnect_push_supplier/1
  Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPullSupplier:disconnect_sequence_pull_supplier/1
  Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPushSupplier:disconnect_sequence_push_supplier/1
  Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPullConsumer:disconnect_structured_pull_consumer/1
  Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPushConsumer:disconnect_structured_push_consumer/1
  Close the connection and terminate the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPushSupplier:disconnect_structured_push_supplier/1
Terminate the target object and close the connection to the file system it represents CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:logout/1
  Close the preprocessing of the file associated with Epp epp:close/1
  Close the registry. win32reg:close/1
Callback function that is called when the Web server is closed. httpd:Module:remove/1
Called when port is closed driver_entry:void stop/1
  Closes a connection to a database. odbc:disconnect/1
Retrieve the Pid of the C-node ei_connect:ei_self/1
Return the coarsest partition given a set of sets. sofs:partition/1
Clear information about processes executing interpreted code i:ic/0
Clear information about processes executing interpreted code int:clear/0
Compute an MD5 MAC message authentification code crypto:md5_mac/2
Compute an MD5 MAC message authentification code crypto:md5_mac_96/2
Compute an MD5 MAC message authentification code crypto:sha_mac/2
Compute an MD5 MAC message authentification code crypto:sha_mac_96/2
Get information about all processes excuting interpreted code int:snapshot/0
Return the description of an HTTP 1.1 status code. httpd_util:reason_phrase/1
Generate stub and server code according to the OMG CORBA standard. ic:ic:gen/1
Generate stub and server code according to the OMG CORBA standard. ic:ic:gen/2
Called when the process should perform a code change sys:Mod:system_code_change/4
Send the code change system message to the process sys:change_code/4
Send the code change system message to the process sys:change_code/5
Return code describing a query handle. qlc:info/2
Object code file extension code:objfile_extension/0
The object code file of a module code:which/1
Check if a process is executing old code for a module erlang:check_process_code/2
Get the object code for a module code:get_object_code/1
Load object code for a module code:load_binary/3
Load object code for a module erlang:load_module/2
Remove old code for a module erlang:purge_module/1
Removes current code for a module code:delete/1
Removes old code for a module code:purge/1
Make the current code for a module old erlang:delete_module/1
Removes old code for a module, unless no process uses it code:soft_purge/1
Return a hash code for the top-level transaction associated with the target object CosTransactions_Coordinator:hash_top_level_tran/1
Return a hash code for the transaction associated with the target object. CosTransactions_Coordinator:hash_transaction/1
Compile and load code in a file c:c/1
Compile and load code in a file c:c/2
Compile and load code in a file on all nodes c:nc/1
Compile and load code in a file on all nodes c:nc/2
Add a directory to the beginning of the code path code:add_patha/1
Add a directory to the end of the code path code:add_path/1
Add a directory to the end of the code path code:add_pathz/1
Add directories to the beginning of the code path code:add_pathsa/1
Add directories to the end of the code path code:add_paths/1
Add directories to the end of the code path code:add_pathsz/1
Check a module using the code path. xref:m/1
Check a module using the code path. xref:m/1
Check the modules in a directory using the code path. xref:d/1
Delete a directory from the code path code:del_path/1
Full name of a file located in the code path code:where_is_file/1
Replace a directory with another in the code path code:replace_path/2
Rehash or create code path cache code:rehash/0
Return the code server search path code:get_path/0
Set the code server search path code:set_path/1
  Collect and analyse call counters. cprof:analyse/0
  Collect and analyse call counters. cprof:analyse/1
  Collect and analyse call counters. cprof:analyse/1
  Collect and analyse call counters. cprof:analyse/2
  Collect data segments into a buffer erl_driver:int driver_vec_to_buf/3
  Collect digit map letters according to the digit map megaco:eval_digit_map/1
  Collect digit map letters according to the digit map megaco:eval_digit_map/2
Force an immediate garbage collection of a process erlang:garbage_collect/1
Force an immediate garbage collection of the calling process erlang:garbage_collect/0
Enable or disable the collections of statistics sys:statistics/2
Enable or disable the collections of statistics sys:statistics/3
Report an event to the collector et_collector:report/2
Report an event to the collector et_collector:report_event/5
Report an event to the collector et_collector:report_event/6
Start a new event viewer and a corresponding collector and load them with trace events from a trace file. et_viewer:file/1
Return a the identity of the globally registered collector if there is any et_collector:get_global_pid/0
Returns the identifier of the collector process et_viewer:get_collector_pid/1
Send one or more events to the event collector process megaco:report_digit_event/2
Start a collector process et_collector:start_link/1
Stop a collector process et_collector:stop/1
Feed digit map collector with events and return the result megaco:test_digit_event/2
Executes a SQL query or a batch of SQL queries. If it is a SELECT query the result set is returned, on the format {selected, ColNames, Rows}. For other query types the tuple {updated, NRows} is returned, and for batched queries, if the driver supports them, this function can also return a list of result tuples. odbc:sql_query/2
Executes a SQL query or a batch of SQL queries. If it is a SELECT query the result set is returned, on the format {selected, ColNames, Rows}. For other query types the tuple {updated, NRows} is returned, and for batched queries, if the driver supports them, this function can also return a list of result tuples. odbc:sql_query/3
Get the value of the status column from Cols snmp_generic:get_status_col/2
Get the value of the status column from Cols snmp_generic:get_status_col/2
Get the value of the status column from Cols snmp_generic:get_status_col/2
Get the value of the status column from Cols snmp_generic:get_status_col/2
Queries the database to find out the data types of the columns of the table Table. odbc:describe_table/2
Queries the database to find out the data types of the columns of the table Table. odbc:describe_table/3
Clear the temporary boot command heart:clear_cmd/0
Get the temporary reboot command heart:get_cmd/0
Sends an arbitary FTP command. ftp:quote/2
Set a temporary reboot command heart:set_cmd/1
Execute a command in a shell of the target OS os:cmd/1
Get all non-flag command line arguments init:get_args/0
Get all non-flag command line arguments init:get_plain_arguments/0
Get the values associated with a command line user flag init:get_argument/1
Get all command line user flags init:get_arguments/0
Sets the number of previous commands to keep shell:history/1
Sets the number of previous commands to keep shell:results/1
Try to commit a transaction CosTransactions_Terminator:commit/2
Instruct the target object to begin the two-phase commit protocol CosTransactions_Resource:prepare/1
Instruct the target object to commit the transaction CosTransactions_Resource:commit/1
Instruct the target object to commit the transaction CosTransactions_Resource:commit_one_phase/1
  Commits or rollbacks a transaction. odbc:commit/2
  Commits or rollbacks a transaction. odbc:commit/3
Notify the target object that the transaction has committed CosTransactions_SubtransactionAwareResource:commit_subtransaction/2
Register the parameter SubtransactionAwareResource object such that it will be notified when the transaction, associated wit the target object, has committed or rolled back CosTransactions_Coordinator:register_subtran_aware/2
  Common dispatch function pg2:get_closest_pid/1
  Communicate event data to the consumers. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushConsumer:push/2
Initialize communication erl_connect:erl_connect_init/3
Initialize communication erl_connect:erl_connect_xinit/6
Status of communication authorization (deprecated) auth:is_auth/1
Added one community snmp_community_mib:add_community/5
Delete one community snmp_community_mib:delete_community/1
Get the request-id, context, community and address of the current request snmpa:current_address/0
Get the request-id, context, community and address of the current request snmpa:current_community/0
Get the request-id, context, community and address of the current request snmpa:current_context/0
Get the request-id, context, community and address of the current request snmpa:current_request_id/0
Creates a dynamic web page and return it as a list. This functions is deprecated and only keept for backwards compability. mod_esi:Module:Function/2
  Compare the BEAM files in two directories beam_lib:cmp_dirs/2
  Compare the BEAM files in two directories beam_lib:diff_dirs/2
  Compare the time associated with the target object and the given UTO object CosTime_UTO:compare_time/3
  Compare two BEAM files beam_lib:cmp/2
  Compares encoded byte sequences erl_marshal:erl_compare_ext/2
Test for a comparison operator erl_internal:comp_op/2
Set the ei library in compatibility mode ei:ei_set_compat_rel/1
Set the erl_interface library in compatibility mode erl_eterm:erl_set_compat_rel/1
Test compatibility of a table's chunk data. dets:is_compatible_bchunk_format/2
  Compile a file compile:file/1
  Compile a file compile:file/2
  Compile a list of files c:lc/1
  Compile a list of forms compile:forms/1
  Compile a list of forms compile:forms/2
  Compile a module for Cover analysis. cover:compile/1
  Compile a module for Cover analysis. cover:compile/2
  Compile a module for Cover analysis. cover:compile_module/1
  Compile a module for Cover analysis. cover:compile_module/2
  Compile a module for Cover analysis, using an existing beam. cover:compile_beam/1
  Compile a set of modules. make:all/0
  Compile a set of modules. make:all/1
  Compile a set of modules. make:files/1
  Compile a set of modules. make:files/2
  Compile all .beam files in a directory for Cover analysis. cover:compile_beam_directory/0
  Compile all .beam files in a directory for Cover analysis. cover:compile_beam_directory/1
  Compile all modules in a directory for Cover analysis. cover:compile_directory/0
  Compile all modules in a directory for Cover analysis. cover:compile_directory/1
  Compile all modules in a directory for Cover analysis. cover:compile_directory/2
  Compile an ASN.1 module and generate encode/decode functions according to the encoding rules BER or PER. asn1ct:compile/1
  Compile an ASN.1 module and generate encode/decode functions according to the encoding rules BER or PER. asn1ct:compile/2
  Compile and load code in a file c:c/1
  Compile and load code in a file c:c/2
  Compile and load code in a file on all nodes c:nc/1
  Compile and load code in a file on all nodes c:nc/2
  Compile files erlc:erlc
  Compile the specified MIB snmpc:compile/1
  Compile the specified MIB snmpc:compile/2
Check if a module is Cover compiled. cover:is_compiled/1
Replace newly compiled analyzed modules. xref:update/2
Performs matching, using a compiled match_spec, on a list of tuples ets:match_spec_run/2
Analyse a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse/1
Analyse a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse/2
Analyse a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse/2
Analyse a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse/3
Detailed coverage analysis of a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse_to_file/1
Detailed coverage analysis of a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse_to_file/2
Detailed coverage analysis of a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse_to_file/2
Detailed coverage analysis of a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse_to_file/3
Reset coverage data for Cover compiled modules. cover:export/1
Reset coverage data for Cover compiled modules. cover:export/2
Reset coverage data for Cover compiled modules. cover:import/1
Reset coverage data for Cover compiled modules. cover:reset/0
Reset coverage data for Cover compiled modules. cover:reset/1
Return all Cover compiled modules. cover:modules/0
Library directory for the compiler code:compiler_dir/0
Returns compiler information about the Module. asn1rt:info/1
Find the filename and compiler options for a module filename:find_src/1
Find the filename and compiler options for a module filename:find_src/2
  Compiles a match specification into its internal representation ets:match_spec_compile/1
  Compiles a trace into raw profile data held by the fprof server. fprof:profile/1
For controlling the HookState, to be used in a hook function, and called when the parser has parsed a complete entity. xmerl_scan:hook_state/2
Create a new name component lname_component:create/0
Get the id field of a name component lname_component:get_id/1
Get the kind field of a name component lname_component:get_kind/1
Return the value of a trace token component seq_trace:get_token/1
Set the id field of a name component lname_component:set_id/2
Set the kind field of a name component lname_component:set_kind/2
Stop the control component inviso:stop/0
Start a control component at the local node inviso:start/0
Start a control component at the local node inviso:start/1
Starts or adopts a runtime component at the local node inviso:add_node/1
Starts or adopts a runtime component at the local node inviso:add_node/2
Start or adopt a runtime component at the local node, provided it has a certain rttag inviso:add_node_if_ref/1
Start or adopt a runtime component at the local node, provided it has a certain rttag inviso:add_node_if_ref/2
Delete a name component from a name lname:delete_component/2
Get a name component from a name lname:get_component/2
Insert a new name component in a name lname:insert_component/3
Fetch log files to control component node inviso:fetch_log/2
Fetch log files to control component node inviso:fetch_log/3
Return the last component of a filename filename:basename/1
Return the last component of a filename, stripped of the specified extension filename:basename/2
Set a component of the trace token seq_trace:set_token/2
Add ALTERNATE_IIOP_ADDRESS component to the supplied local object corba:add_alternate_iiop_address/3
Change options for runtime components inviso:change_options/1
Change options for runtime components inviso:change_options/2
Get status of runtime components inviso:get_status/0
Get status of runtime components inviso:get_status/1
Get tracerdata of runtime components inviso:get_tracerdata/0
Get tracerdata of runtime components inviso:get_tracerdata/1
Reactivate suspended runtime components inviso:cancel_suspend/1
Reactivate suspended runtime components inviso:cancel_suspension/0
Split a filename into its path components filename:split/1
Stop both control and runtime components inviso:stop_all/0
Stop runtime components inviso:stop_nodes/0
Stop runtime components inviso:stop_nodes/1
Suspend runtime components inviso:suspend/1
Suspend runtime components inviso:suspend/2
Start or adopt runtime components at some nodes inviso:add_nodes/2
Start or adopt runtime components at some nodes inviso:add_nodes/3
Start or adopt runtime components at some nodes, provided they have a certain rttag inviso:add_nodes_if_ref/2
Start or adopt runtime components at some nodes, provided they have a certain rttag inviso:add_nodes_if_ref/3
Count the number of name components in a name lname:num_components/1
Return the components of a digraph. digraph_utils:components/1
Return the cyclic strong components of a digraph. digraph_utils:cyclic_strong_components/1
Return the strong components of a digraph. digraph_utils:strong_components/1
Join a list of filename components with directory separators filename:join/1
Join two filename components with directory separators filename:join/2
Return the composite of two functions. sofs:composite/2
Return a handle for a query list comprehension. qlc:q/2
Return a handle for a query list comprehension. qlc:string_to_handle/3
  Compress a binary with gz header zlib:gzip/1
  Compress a binary with standard zlib functionality zlib:compress/1
  Compress a binary without the zlib headers zlib:zip/1
  Compress data zlib:deflate/2
  Compress data zlib:deflate/3
Initialize a session for compression zlib:deflateInit/1
Initialize a session for compression zlib:deflateInit/2
Initialize a session for compression zlib:deflateInit/6
Initialize the compression dictionary zlib:deflateSetDictionary/2
  Compute an MD5 MAC message authentification code crypto:md5_mac/2
  Compute an MD5 MAC message authentification code crypto:md5_mac_96/2
  Compute an MD5 MAC message authentification code crypto:sha_mac/2
  Compute an MD5 MAC message authentification code crypto:sha_mac_96/2
  Compute an MD5 message digest erlang:erlang:md5/1
  Compute an MD5 message digest from Data crypto:md5/1
  Compute an SHA message digest from Data crypto:sha/1
  Compute days and time from seconds calendar:seconds_to_daystime/1
  Compute local time calendar:local_time/0
  Compute the date given the number of gregorian days calendar:gregorian_days_to_date/1
  Compute the date given the number of gregorian days calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime/1
  Compute the day of the week calendar:day_of_the_week/1
  Compute the day of the week calendar:day_of_the_week/3
  Compute the difference between two times (deprecated) calendar:time_difference/2
  Compute the number of days from year 0 up to the given date calendar:date_to_gregorian_days/1
  Compute the number of days from year 0 up to the given date calendar:date_to_gregorian_days/3
  Compute the number of days in a month calendar:last_day_of_the_month/2
  Compute the number of seconds from year 0 up to the given date and time calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds/2
  Compute the number of seconds since midnight up to the given time calendar:time_to_seconds/1
  Compute the size of a possibly nested list. httpd_util:flatlength/1
  Compute time from seconds calendar:seconds_to_time/1
  Compute universal time calendar:universal_time/0
Finish the update of an MD5 Context and return the computed MD5 message digest crypto:md5_final/1
Finish the update of an MD5 context and return the computed MD5 message digest erlang:erlang:md5_final/1
  Concatenate a list of atoms lists:concat/1
  Concatenate a list of binaries (deprecated) erlang:concat_binary/1
  Concatenate two strings string:concat/2
  Concatenates all text nodes within the tree. xmerl_xs:value_of/1
Return a condensed graph of a digraph. digraph_utils:condensation/1
Set the conditional test of a breakpoint i:ibc/3
Set the conditional test of a breakpoint int:test_at_break/3
Send a message conditionally erlang:erlang:send/3
Convert old snmp config to new agent config snmpa:convert_config/1
Retrieve agent config snmpm:agent_info/3
Retrieve usm user config snmpm:usm_user_info/3
Update agent config snmpm:update_agent_info/5
Update agent config snmpm:update_usm_user_info/4
Expand a request uri using Alias config directives. mod_alias:real_name/3
Expand a request uri using ScriptAlias config directives. mod_alias:real_script_name/3
Creates a config file. ttb:write_config/3
Executes all entries in a config file. ttb:run_config/1
Executes selected entries from a config file. ttb:run_config/2
Lists all entries in a config file. ttb:list_config/1
Start a server as specified in the given config file. httpd:start/0
Start a server as specified in the given config file. httpd:start/1
Start a server as specified in the given config file. httpd:start_link/0
Start a server as specified in the given config file. httpd:start_link/1
Convert old snmp config to new agent config snmpa:convert_config/1
  Configurate with a simple SNMP agent configuration tool snmp:config/0
Change Orber configuration. orber:configure/2
Change tool's configuration etop:config/2
Return the ACL configuration orber:iiop_acl/0
Start WebTool with default configuration. webtool:start/2
Verify if the IP address versus the current configuration orber_acl:match/2
Verify if the IP address versus the current configuration orber_acl:match/3
Returns configuration data needed by WebTool to configure and start a tool. webtool:Module:Func/1
Alter the value of one or more configuration directive. httpd:Module:store/3
Load a configuration directive. httpd:Module:load/2
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error:config_err/2
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error_io:config_err/2
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error_logger:config_err/2
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error_report:config_err/2
Create an autostart configuration file inviso_as_lib:setup_autostart/8
Delete the configuration of a user megaco:stop_user/1
Initial configuration of a user megaco:start_user/2
Change a configuration parameter. mnesia:change_config/2
Get the value of a configuration parameter application:get_env/1
Get the value of a configuration parameter application:get_env/2
Set the value of a configuration parameter application:set_env/3
Set the value of a configuration parameter application:set_env/4
Unset the value of a configuration parameter application:unset_env/2
Unset the value of a configuration parameter application:unset_env/3
Return the value of the configuration parameter type_check cosNotificationApp:type_check/0
Return a list of IP configuration parameters inet:get_rc/0
Get the configuration parameters for an application application:get_all_env/0
Get the configuration parameters for an application application:get_all_env/1
Update the configuration parameters for an application. application:Module:config_change/3
Generate Info Report, which contain Orber's configuration settings orber:info/0
Generate Info Report, which contain Orber's configuration settings orber:info/1
Configurate with a simple SNMP agent configuration tool snmp:config/0
  Configure a graphical object. gs:config/2
Returns configuration data needed by WebTool to configure and start a tool. webtool:Module:Func/1
  Configure Orber before starting it corba:orb_init/1
  Configure the SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB snmp_community_mib:configure/1
  Configure the SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB snmp_community_mib:reconfigure/1
  Configure the SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB snmp_framework_mib:configure/1
  Configure the SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB snmp_notification_mib:configure/1
  Configure the SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB snmp_notification_mib:reconfigure/1
  Configure the SNMP-TARGET-MIB snmp_target_mib:configure/1
  Configure the SNMP-TARGET-MIB snmp_target_mib:reconfigure/1
  Configure the SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB snmp_user_based_sm_mib:configure/1
  Configure the SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB snmp_user_based_sm_mib:reconfigure/1
  Configure the SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB snmp_view_based_acm_mib:configure/1
  Configure the SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB snmp_view_based_acm_mib:reconfigure/1
  Configure the STANDARD-MIB and SNMPv2-MIB snmp_standard_mib:configure/1
  Configure the STANDARD-MIB and SNMPv2-MIB snmp_standard_mib:reconfigure/1
Give information about resolved and unresolved parse action conflicts. yecc:file/2
Check for OID conflicts between MIBs snmpc:is_consistent/1
  Connect a consumer to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPullSupplier:connect_any_pull_consumer/2
  Connect a consumer to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPushSupplier:connect_any_push_consumer/2
  Connect a consumer to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPullSupplier:connect_sequence_pull_consumer/2
  Connect a consumer to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPushSupplier:connect_sequence_push_consumer/2
  Connect a consumer to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPullSupplier:connect_structured_pull_consumer/2
  Connect a consumer to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPushSupplier:connect_structured_push_consumer/2
  Connect a supplier to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPullConsumer:connect_any_pull_supplier/2
  Connect a supplier to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPushConsumer:connect_any_push_supplier/2
  Connect a supplier to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPullConsumer:connect_sequence_pull_supplier/2
  Connect a supplier to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPushConsumer:connect_sequence_push_supplier/2
  Connect a supplier to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPullConsumer:connect_structured_pull_supplier/2
  Connect a supplier to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPushConsumer:connect_structured_push_supplier/2
  Connect NotifySubscribe object, which should be informed when the target object's constraints are updated CosNotifyFilter_Filter:attach_callback/2
  Connect the pull consumer to the proxy pull supplier CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPullSupplier:connect_pull_consumer/2
  Connect the pull supplier to the proxy pull consumer CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPullConsumer:connect_pull_supplier/2
  Connect the PullConsumer to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_pull_consumer_with_id/3
  Connect the PullConsumer to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_pull_consumer/2
  Connect the PullSupplier to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_pull_supplier_with_id/3
  Connect the PullSupplier to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_pull_supplier/2
  Connect the push consumer to the proxy push supplier CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushSupplier:connect_push_consumer/2
  Connect the push supplier to the proxy push consumer CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushConsumer:connect_push_supplier/2
  Connect the PushConsumer to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_push_consumer_with_id/3
  Connect the PushConsumer to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_push_consumer/2
  Connect the PushSupplier to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_push_supplier_with_id/3
  Connect the PushSupplier to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_push_supplier/2
  Connect the SequencePullConsumer to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_pull_consumer_with_id/3
  Connect the SequencePullConsumer to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_pull_consumer/2
  Connect the SequencePullSupplier to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_pull_supplier_with_id/3
  Connect the SequencePullSupplier to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_pull_supplier/2
  Connect the SequencePushConsumer to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_push_consumer_with_id/3
  Connect the SequencePushConsumer to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_push_consumer/2
  Connect the SequencePushSupplier to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_push_supplier_with_id/3
  Connect the SequencePushSupplier to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_sequence_push_supplier/2
  Connect the StructuredPullConsumer to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_pull_consumer_with_id/3
  Connect the StructuredPullConsumer to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_pull_consumer/2
  Connect the StructuredPullSupplier to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_pull_supplier_with_id/3
  Connect the StructuredPullSupplier to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_pull_supplier/2
  Connect the StructuredPushConsumer to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_push_consumer_with_id/3
  Connect the StructuredPushConsumer to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_push_consumer/2
  Connect the StructuredPushSupplier to the Channel with the given MembereID CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_push_supplier_with_id/3
  Connect the StructuredPushSupplier to the default Channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:connect_structured_push_supplier/2
  Connect to a TCP port gen_tcp:connect/3
  Connect to a TCP port gen_tcp:connect/4
Lookup and connect to all nodes at all hosts in .hosts.erlang net_adm:world/0
Lookup and connect to all nodes at all hosts in .hosts.erlang net_adm:world/1
Lookup and connect to all nodes at specified hosts net_adm:world_list/1
Lookup and connect to all nodes at specified hosts net_adm:world_list/2
  Connect to an SFTP server ssh_sftp:connect/1
  Connect to an SFTP server ssh_sftp:connect/2
  Connect to an SFTP server ssh_sftp:connect/3
  Connect to an ssh daemon ssh_cm:connect/1
  Connect to an ssh daemon ssh_cm:connect/2
  Connect to an ssh daemon ssh_cm:connect/3
  Connect to an ssh daemon ssh_sshd:listen/1
  Connect to an ssh daemon ssh_sshd:listen/2
  Connect to an ssh daemon ssh_sshd:listen/3
  Connect to Port at Address. ssl:connect/3
  Connect to Port at Address. ssl:connect/4
Close a socket returned by accept/1/2, connect/3/4, or listen/2. ssl:close/1
Display the ports Orber may use when connecting to another ORB orber:iiop_out_ports/0
Accept a connection erl_connect:erl_accept/2
Add a new listen process for incoming connection orber:add_listen_interface/2
Add a new listen process for incoming connection orber:add_listen_interface/3
Cancel all outstanding messages for this connection megaco:cancel/2
Establish a "virtual" connection megaco:connect/4
Initialize for a connection. ei_connect:ei_connect_init/4
Initialize for a connection. ei_connect:ei_connect_xinit/7
Invoke when a new client ORB wants to setup a connection interceptors:new_in_connection/3
Invoke when a new client ORB wants to setup a connection interceptors:new_in_connection/5
Lookup information about an active connection megaco:conn_info/2
Resume a previously suspended connection CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPushSupplier:resume_connection/1
Return the address and port for the other end of a connection inet:peername/1
Tear down a "virtual" connection megaco:disconnect/2
Terminate listen process for incoming connection orber:remove_listen_interface/1
Update information about an active connection megaco:update_conn_info/3
Executes a SQL SELECT query and associates the result set with the connection. A cursor is positioned before the first row in the result set and the tuple {ok, NrRows} is returned. odbc:select_count/2
Executes a SQL SELECT query and associates the result set with the connection. A cursor is positioned before the first row in the result set and the tuple {ok, NrRows} is returned. odbc:select_count/3
Close connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPullConsumer:disconnect_sequence_pull_consumer/1
Close connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPushConsumer:disconnect_sequence_push_consumer/1
Close connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPullSupplier:disconnect_structured_pull_supplier/1
Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPullConsumer:disconnect_pull_consumer/1
Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPullSupplier:disconnect_pull_supplier/1
Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPushConsumer:disconnect_push_consumer/1
Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPushSupplier:disconnect_push_supplier/1
Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPullSupplier:disconnect_sequence_pull_supplier/1
Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPushSupplier:disconnect_sequence_push_supplier/1
Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPullConsumer:disconnect_structured_pull_consumer/1
Close the connection and terminate the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPushConsumer:disconnect_structured_push_consumer/1
Close the connection and terminate the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPushSupplier:disconnect_structured_push_supplier/1
Return a #'CosEventDomainAdmin_Connection'{} struct describing the connection associated with the given id within the target domain CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_connection/2
Suspend the connection between the client and the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPullConsumer:suspend_connection/1
Suspend the connection between the client and the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPushSupplier:suspend_connection/1
Suspend the connection between the proxy and the client CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPushSupplier:suspend_connection/1
Suspend the connection between the target object and its client CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPullConsumer:suspend_connection/1
If possible, setup a connection described by the #'CosEventDomainAdmin_Connection'{} struct CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:add_connection/2
Accept a connection from another node ei_connect:ei_accept/3
Accept a connection from another node with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_accept_tmo/4
Remove the connection identified by the given id from the target domain CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:remove_connection/2
Invoked when a new connection is established megaco_user:handle_connect/2
Invoked when a connection is teared down megaco_user:handle_disconnect/3
Accept an incoming connection request. ssl:accept/1
Accept an incoming connection request. ssl:accept/2
Accept an incoming connection request on a listen socket gen_tcp:accept/1
Accept an incoming connection request on a listen socket gen_tcp:accept/2
Display the IIOP connection timeout value orber:iiop_connection_timeout/0
Display the IIOP connection timeout value for incoming connections orber:iiop_in_connection_timeout/0
Invoke when an existing connection to a client side ORB have been terminated interceptors:closed_in_connection/1
Closes a connection to a database. odbc:disconnect/1
Establish a connection to a node net_kernel:connect_node/1
Set up a connection to a node net_adm:ping/1
Invoke when setting up a new connection to a server side ORB interceptors:new_out_connection/3
Invoke when setting up a new connection to a server side ORB interceptors:new_out_connection/5
Invoke when an existing connection to a server side ORB have been terminated interceptors:closed_out_connection/1
Close a connection to an Erlang node erl_connect:erl_close_connection/1
Establishe a connection to an Erlang node ei_connect:ei_connect/2
Establishe a connection to an Erlang node ei_connect:ei_xconnect/3
Establishe a connection to an Erlang node erl_connect:erl_connect/1
Establishe a connection to an Erlang node erl_connect:erl_xconnect/2
Establish a connection to an Erlang node with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_connect_tmo/3
Establish a connection to an Erlang node with optional timeout ei_connect:ei_xconnect_tmo/4
Opens a connection to the database. odbc:connect/2
Terminate the target object and close the connection to the file system it represents CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:logout/1
Resume a previously suspended connection with the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPullConsumer:resume_connection/1
Resume a previously suspended connection with the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPushSupplier:resume_connection/1
Resume a previously suspended connection with the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPullConsumer:resume_connection/1
Resume a previously suspended connection with the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPushSupplier:resume_connection/1
Resume a previously suspended connection with the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPullConsumer:resume_connection/1
Suspend the connection with the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPullConsumer:suspend_connection/1
Suspend the connection with the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPushSupplier:suspend_connection/1
Return the ConnectionReliability QoS identifier CosNotification:'ConnectionReliability'/0
Display the IIOP connection timeout value for incoming connections orber:iiop_in_connection_timeout/0
Display the IIOP port number used for secure connections orber:iiop_ssl_port/0
Remove the channel associated with the given id and remove all connections of that channel CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:remove_channel/2
List all connections to another ORB currently being set up orber:iiop_connections_pending/0
List all existing connections to/from other ORB's orber:iiop_connections/0
List all existing connections to/from other ORB's orber:iiop_connections/1
Destroy the event domain and all connections within it CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:destroy/1
Return a sequence of all connections within the target domain CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_all_connections/1
Selects N consecutive rows of the result set. odbc:select/3
Selects N consecutive rows of the result set. odbc:select/4
Displays which nodes that this orber domain consist of. orber:orber_nodes/0
Returns a string consisting of numbers of characters string:chars/2
Returns a string consisting of numbers of characters string:chars/3
List saved match_spec's on the console. dbg:ltp/0
Show the list of traced nodes on the console. dbg:ln/0
Create a ConstantDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_constant/6
Return the value attribute of the target ConstantDef object orber_ifr:get_value/1
Set the value attribute of the target ConstantDef object orber_ifr:set_value/2
Generate constants for the objects in the MIB snmpc:mib_to_hrl/1
Match the Any event if it satisfies at least one constraint CosNotifyFilter_Filter:match/2
Match the structured event if it satisfies at least one constraint CosNotifyFilter_Filter:match_structured/2
Add new mapping constraints CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:add_mapping_constraints/2
Create a new PropertySet with specified constraints CosPropertyService_PropertySetFactory:create_constrained_propertyset/3
Create a new PropertySetDef with specified constraints CosPropertyService_PropertySetDefFactory:create_constrained_propertysetdef/3
Evaluate the given Any event with the Filter's constraints CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:match/2
Evaluate the given structured event with the Filter's constraints CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:match_structured/2
Modify existing constraints CosNotifyFilter_Filter:modify_constraints/3
Return the content of the target object limited by the given constraints orber_ifr:contents/3
Return the target object's all associated constraints CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:get_all_mapping_constraints/1
Connect NotifySubscribe object, which should be informed when the target object's constraints are updated CosNotifyFilter_Filter:attach_callback/2
Modify the constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:modify_constraints/3
Remove all constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_Filter:remove_all_constraints/1
Remove all constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:remove_all_mapping_constraints/1
Return all constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_Filter:get_all_constraints/1
Add new constraints to the filter CosNotifyFilter_Filter:add_constraints/2
Return all constraints which match the supplied Ids CosNotifyFilter_Filter:get_constraints/2
Return the target object's associated constraints with given ID:s CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:get_mapping_constraints/2
Return an URL string constructed from the given Address and Name strings CosNaming_NamingContextExt:to_url/3
Return all id's of the channels which consume events supplied by the channel identified by the given id CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_subscription_channels/2
Connect the pull supplier to the proxy pull consumer CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPullConsumer:connect_pull_supplier/2
Connect the push supplier to the proxy push consumer CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushConsumer:connect_push_supplier/2
Return the default consumer admin associated with the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_consumer_admin/1
Connect a consumer to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPullSupplier:connect_any_pull_consumer/2
Connect a consumer to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyPushSupplier:connect_any_push_consumer/2
Connect a consumer to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPullSupplier:connect_sequence_pull_consumer/2
Connect a consumer to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPushSupplier:connect_sequence_push_consumer/2
Connect a consumer to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPullSupplier:connect_structured_pull_consumer/2
Connect a consumer to the proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPushSupplier:connect_structured_push_consumer/2
Connect the pull consumer to the proxy pull supplier CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPullSupplier:connect_pull_consumer/2
Connect the push consumer to the proxy push supplier CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushSupplier:connect_push_consumer/2
Return the ConsumerAdmin matching AdminID CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:get_consumeradmin/2
Create a new ConsumerAdmin object CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomainFactory:create_event_domain/3
Create a new ConsumerAdmin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:for_consumers/1
Create a new ConsumerAdmin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:new_for_consumers/2
Return a ConsumerAdmin object CosEventChannelAdmin_EventChannel:for_consumers/1
Return a list of all ConsumerAdmins, currently active, Id:s CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:get_all_consumeradmins/1
Communicate event data to the consumers. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushConsumer:push/2
Transmit data from suppliers to consumers. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPullSupplier:pull/1
Transmit data from suppliers to consumers. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPullSupplier:try_pull/1
Return all associated pull consumers Id:s CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:_get_pull_consumers/1
Return all associated push consumers Id:s CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:_get_push_consumers/1
Optionally invoked for a time consuming transaction request megaco_user:handle_trans_long_request/3
Generate Info Report, which contain Orber's configuration settings orber:info/0
Generate Info Report, which contain Orber's configuration settings orber:info/1
Destroy, except IRObject, Contained and Container, target object and its contents orber_ifr:destroy/1
Return a list of descriptions of the IFR objects contained by the target Container object orber_ifr:describe_contents/4
Return the Container the target object is contained in orber_ifr:get_defined_in/1
Create an IFR object of the type AttributeDef contained in the target InterfaceDef object orber_ifr:create_attribute/6
Create an IFR object of the type OperationDef contained in the target InterfaceDef object orber_ifr:create_operation/9
Get the most derived Contained object associated with the target object orber_ifr:get_containing_repository/1
Return a list, of length Max or less, containing Object References representing files or directories contained within the target Directory and a FileIterator or a NIL object CosFileTransfer_Directory:list/2
Return the target object's container. CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_parent'/1
Move the target object from its current location to given Container, name and version orber_ifr:move/4
Return a list of descriptions of the IFR objects contained by the target Container object orber_ifr:describe_contents/4
Destroy, except IRObject, Contained and Container, target object and its contents orber_ifr:destroy/1
Return the Container the target object is contained in orber_ifr:get_defined_in/1
Get the name of an application containing a certain process or module application:get_application/0
Get the name of an application containing a certain process or module application:get_application/1
Parse file containing an XML document. xmerl_scan:file/1
Parse string containing an XML document. xmerl_scan:string/1
Parse file containing an XML document as a stream, DOM style. xmerl_eventp:stream/1
Parse file containing an XML document as a stream, SAX style. xmerl_eventp:stream_sax/4
Parse file containing an XML document, SAX style. xmerl_eventp:file_sax/1
Parse file containing an XML document, SAX style. xmerl_eventp:string_sax/1
Transforms Erlang abstract format containing calls to ets/dbg:fun2ms into literal match specifications. ms_transform:parse_transform/2
Return a list, of length Max or less, containing FileWrappers and a boolean which indicates if more FileWrappers exists CosFileTransfer_FileIterator:next_n/2
Return a list, of length Max or less, containing Object References representing files or directories contained within the target Directory and a FileIterator or a NIL object CosFileTransfer_Directory:list/2
Return a UTO containing the time at which the associated event was triggered CosTimerEvent_TimerEventService:event_time/2
Invoked when a received message just contains an error megaco_user:handle_message_error/3
The variable erl_errno contains the erl_interface error number. You can change the value if you wish. erl_error:erl_errno
Exports normal XML content directly, without further context. xmerl:export_content/2
Exports simple XML content directly, without further context. xmerl:export_simple_content/2
Extracts the content of a variable erl_eterm:erl_var_content/2
Return the content of the target object limited by the given constraints orber_ifr:contents/3
Return the target object's supported content types. CosFileTransfer_VirtualFileSystem:'_get_supported_content_types'/1
Exports "simple-form" XML content, using the specified callback-module. xmerl:export_simple/3
Exports normal, well-formed XML content, using the specified callback-module. xmerl:export/3
Copy file contents file:copy/2
Copy file contents file:copy/3
Destroy, except IRObject, Contained and Container, target object and its contents orber_ifr:destroy/1
Flush the contents of a disk log to the disk. disk_log:sync/1
List contents of remote directory. ftp:ls/2
List contents of remote directory. ftp:nlist/2
Fetch the contents of the private key field corba:get_subobject_key/1
Added one context snmp_framework_mib:add_context/1
Create an MD5 context erlang:erlang:md5_init/0
Create an SHA context crypto:sha_init/0
Creates an MD5 context crypto:md5_init/0
Delete one context snmp_framework_mib:delete_context/1
Evaluate a function call on a node in the RPC server's context rpc:block_call/4
Evaluate a function call on a node in the RPC server's context rpc:block_call/5
Exports a normal XML element directly, without further context. xmerl:export_element/2
Exports a simple XML element directly, without further context. xmerl:export_simple_element/2
Exports normal XML content directly, without further context. xmerl:export_content/2
Exports simple XML content directly, without further context. xmerl:export_simple_content/2
Finish the update of an SHA context crypto:sha_final/1
List returns a all bindings in the context CosNaming_NamingContext:list/2
Update an MD5 context with data, and return a new context erlang:erlang:md5_update/2
Update an SHA context crypto:sha_update/2
Finish the update of an MD5 Context and return the computed MD5 message digest crypto:md5_final/1
Finish the update of an MD5 context and return the computed MD5 message digest erlang:erlang:md5_final/1
Set the context attribute for the operation orber_ifr:set_contexts/2
Get the request-id, context, community and address of the current request snmpa:current_address/0
Get the request-id, context, community and address of the current request snmpa:current_community/0
Get the request-id, context, community and address of the current request snmpa:current_context/0
Get the request-id, context, community and address of the current request snmpa:current_request_id/0
Return a list of context identifiers for the operation orber_ifr:get_contexts/1
Check if certain Quality of Service properties can be added to events in the current context of the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyConsumer:validate_event_qos/2
Call the Fun in a context which is not protected by a transaction. mnesia:async_dirty/3
Call the Fun in a context which is not protected by a transaction. mnesia:sync_dirty/3
Call the Fun in a raw context which is not protected by a transaction. mnesia:ets/3
Update an MD5 context with data, and return a new context erlang:erlang:md5_update/2
Update an MD5 Context with Data, and return a NewContext crypto:md5_update/2
Repair a continuation from ets:select/1 or ets:select/3 that has passed through external representation ets:repair_continuation/2
Repair a continuation from select/1 or select/3. dets:repair_continuation/2
For controlling the ContinuationState, to be used in a continuation function, and called when the parser encounters the end of the byte stream. xmerl_scan:cont_state/2
Return information about a chunk continuation of a disk log. disk_log:chunk_info/1
For controlling the ContinuationState, to be used in a continuation function, and called when the parser encounters the end of the byte stream. xmerl_scan:cont_state/2
Called when the process should continue its execution sys:Mod:system_continue/3
  Continue matching objects in an ETS table. ets:select/1
  Continues matching objects in an ETS table. ets:match/1
  Continues matching objects in an ETS table. ets:match_object/1
  Continues selecting objects. mnesia:select/1
Add GS contributions toolbar:add_gs_contribs/0
Stop both control and runtime components inviso:stop_all/0
Stop the control component inviso:stop/0
Start a control component at the local node inviso:start/0
Start a control component at the local node inviso:start/1
Fetch log files to control component node inviso:fetch_log/2
Fetch log files to control component node inviso:fetch_log/3
Set flags on how to handle control entry function erl_driver:void set_port_control_flags/2
Perform a synchronous control operation on a port erlang:port_control/3
Perform a control operation on the active trace port driver on the given node. dbg:trace_port_control/2
Change controlling process of a socket gen_tcp:controlling_process/2
Change controlling process of a socket gen_udp:controlling_process/2
Assign a new controlling process to the socket. ssl:controlling_process/2
For controlling the ContinuationState, to be used in a continuation function, and called when the parser encounters the end of the byte stream. xmerl_scan:cont_state/2
For controlling the EventState, to be used in an event function, and called at the beginning and at the end of a parsed entity. xmerl_scan:event_state/2
For controlling the FetchState, to be used in a fetch function, and called when the parser fetch an external resource (eg. xmerl_scan:fetch_state/2
For controlling the HookState, to be used in a hook function, and called when the parser has parsed a complete entity. xmerl_scan:hook_state/2
For controlling the RulesState, to be used in a rules function, and called when the parser store scanner information in a rules database. xmerl_scan:rules_state/2
For controlling the UserState, to be used in a user function. xmerl_scan:user_state/2
Equivalent to cont_state(ContinuationState, S). xmerl_scan:cont_state/1
  Convers a UTC value to DateAndTime snmp:universal_time_to_date_and_time/1
Return the converse of a binary relation. sofs:converse/1
Synchronous call with term conversion driver_entry:int call/7
  Convert a base64 encoded string to a plain ascii string. httpd_util:decode_base64/1
  Convert a binary to a list erlang:binary_to_list/1
  Convert a DateAndTime value to a list of possible utc() snmp:date_and_time_to_universal_time_dst/1
  Convert a DateAndTime value to a string snmp:date_and_time_to_string/1
  Convert a dictionary to a list of pairs dict:to_list/1
  Convert a filename to a flat string filename:flatten/1
  Convert a filename to an absolute name, relative a specified directory filename:absname/2
  Convert a filename to an absolute name, relative the working directory filename:absname/1
  Convert a gb_set into a list gb_sets:to_list/1
  Convert a hex value into its decimal equivalent. httpd_util:decode_hex/1
  Convert a hexadecimal string to an integer. httpd_util:hexlist_to_integer/1
  Convert a key to an OBJECT IDENTIFIER snmp_index:key_to_oid/2
  Convert a list into a gb_set gb_sets:from_list/1
  Convert a list into an Set sets:from_list/1
  Convert a list of options to a debug structure sys:debug_options/1
  Convert a list of pairs to a dictionary dict:from_list/1
  Convert a list to a binary erlang:list_to_binary/1
  Convert a list to a queue queue:from_list/1
  Convert a list to a tuple erlang:list_to_tuple/1
  Convert a Local time value to a list of possible DateAndTime(s) snmp:local_time_to_date_and_time_dst/1
  Convert a number to a float erlang:float/1
  Convert a queue to a list queue:to_list/1
  Convert a stringified Name to a Name sequence CosNaming_NamingContextExt:to_name/2
  Convert a symbolic name to an OID snmpa:name_to_oid/1
  Convert a symbolic name to an OID snmpa:name_to_oid/2
  Convert a token tag to a string megaco:token_tag2string/1
  Convert a token tag to a string megaco:token_tag2string/2
  Convert a token tag to a string megaco:token_tag2string/3
  Convert a tree into a list gb_trees:to_list/1
  Convert a tuple to a list erlang:tuple_to_list/1
  Convert abstract form to an Erlang term erl_parse:normalise/1
  Convert an ASCII string to a Base64 encoded string. httpd_util:encode_base64/1
  Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmp:log_to_txt/5
  Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmp:log_to_txt/6
  Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmp:log_to_txt/7
  Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmpa:log_to_txt/2
  Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmpa:log_to_txt/3
  Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmpa:log_to_txt/4
  Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmpa:log_to_txt/5
  Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmpa:log_to_txt/6
  Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmpa:log_to_txt/7
  Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmpm:log_to_txt/2
  Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmpm:log_to_txt/3
  Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmpm:log_to_txt/4
  Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmpm:log_to_txt/5
  Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmpm:log_to_txt/6
  Convert an Audit Trail Log to text format snmpm:log_to_txt/7
  Convert an enum value to an integer snmpa:enum_to_int/2
  Convert an enum value to an integer snmpa:enum_to_int/3
  Convert an Erlang term into an abstract form erl_parse:abstract/1
  Convert an integer to a hexadecimal string. httpd_util:integer_tohexlist/1
  Convert an integer to an enum value snmpa:int_to_enum/2
  Convert an integer to an enum value snmpa:int_to_enum/3
  Convert an iolist to a binary erlang:iolist_to_binary/1
  Convert an OID to a symbolic name snmpa:oid_to_name/1
  Convert an OID to a symbolic name snmpa:oid_to_name/2
  Convert an POSIX errorcode to a string win32reg:format_error/1
  Convert an Set into a list sets:to_list/1
  Convert an sh regular expression into an AWK one regexp:sh_to_awk/1
  Convert between binary multi-precision integer and erlang big integer crypto:erlint/1
  Convert between binary multi-precision integer and erlang big integer crypto:mpint/1
  Convert error term to a readable string erl_tar:format_error/1
  Convert from local time to universal time (deprecated) calendar:local_time_to_universal_time/2
  Convert from local time to universal time(s) calendar:local_time_to_universal_time_dst/2
  Convert from local to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) date and time erlang:erlang:localtime_to_universaltime/2
  Convert from local to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) date and time erlang:erlang:localtime_to_universaltime/3
  Convert from text representation to a float erlang:list_to_float/1
  Convert from text representation to a pid erlang:list_to_pid/1
  Convert from text representation to an atom erlang:list_to_atom/1
  Convert from text representation to an atom erlang:list_to_existing_atom/1
  Convert from text representation to an integer erlang:erlang:list_to_integer/2
  Convert from text representation to an integer erlang:list_to_integer/1
  Convert from Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) to local date and time erlang:erlang:universaltime_to_localtime/2
  Convert from universal time to local time calendar:universal_time_to_local_time/2
  Convert Hours to Milliseconds. timer:hours/1
  Convert Hours+Minutes+Seconds to Milliseconds. timer:hms/3
  Convert lower-case letters to upper-case. httpd_util:to_upper/1
  Convert now to date and time calendar:now_to_datetime/1
  Convert now to date and time calendar:now_to_universal_time/1
  Convert now to local date and time calendar:now_to_local_time/1
  Convert old snmp config to new agent config snmpa:convert_config/1
  Convert part of a binary to a list erlang:binary_to_list/3
  Convert Seconds to Milliseconds. timer:seconds/1
  Convert the day of the week (integer [1-7]) to an abbreviated string. httpd_util:day/1
  Convert the external string representation to an object reference corba:string_to_object/1
  Convert the external string representation to an object reference corba:string_to_object/2
  Convert the month as an integer (1-12) to an abbreviated string. httpd_util:month/1
  Convert the object reference to the external string representation corba:object_to_string/1
  Convert The the date to the Erlang date format. httpd_util:convert_request_date/1
  Convert upper-case letters to lower-case. httpd_util:to_lower/1
  Convert X,Y,Z to a pid c:pid/3
  Converts a term from Erlang external format erl_marshal:erl_decode/1
  Converts a term from Erlang external format erl_marshal:erl_decode_buf/1
  Converts a term into Erlang external format erl_marshal:erl_encode/2
  Converts a term into Erlang external format erl_marshal:erl_encode_buf/2
  Converts an IO list to a binary erl_eterm:erl_iolist_to_binary/1
  Converts an IO list to a zero terminated string erl_eterm:erl_iolist_to_string/1
  Converts Minutes to Milliseconds. timer:minutes/1
Saves the cookies defined in SetCookieHeaders in the client manager's cookie database. http:verify_cookie/2
Set the magic cookie for a node and verify authorization (deprecated) auth:node_cookie/2
Set the magic cookie for a node and verify authorization (deprecated) auth:node_cookie/2
Magic cookie for local node (deprecated) auth:cookie/0
Returns the cookie header that would be sent when making a request to Url. http:cookie_header/1
Set the magic cookie of a node erlang:erlang:set_cookie/2
Get the magic cookie of the local node erlang:erlang:get_cookie/0
Saves the cookies defined in SetCookieHeaders in the client manager's cookie database. http:verify_cookie/2
Current date and time according to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) erlang:erlang:universaltime/0
Convert from local to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) date and time erlang:erlang:localtime_to_universaltime/2
Convert from local to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) date and time erlang:erlang:localtime_to_universaltime/3
Convert from Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) to local date and time erlang:erlang:universaltime_to_localtime/2
Return the Coordinator object associated with the target object CosTransactions_Control:get_coordinator/1
Make N copies of element lists:duplicate/2
  Copy a string string:copies/2
  Copy a table to a remote node. mnesia:add_table_copy/3
  Copy file contents file:copy/2
  Copy file contents file:copy/3
Creates a copy of an Erlang term erl_eterm:erl_copy_term/1
Move the copy of table Tab from node From to node To. mnesia:move_table_copy/3
  Copy the file represented by the SourceFile from the target object's file system to a file in the destination FileTransferSession's file system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:transfer/3
Generate stub and server code according to the OMG CORBA standard. ic:ic:gen/1
Generate stub and server code according to the OMG CORBA standard. ic:ic:gen/2
Return the CORBA::TypeCode of the default value associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:_get_value_type/1
Check if a DateAndTime value is correct snmp:validate_date_and_time/1
Check if child specifications are syntactically correct. supervisor:check_childspecs/1
Tests if the Actions argument is correct megaco:test_request/5
Tests if the Reply argument is correct megaco:test_reply/5
Start the Erlang emulator with the correct release data start_erl:start_erl
Start a new event viewer and a corresponding collector and load them with trace events from a trace file. et_viewer:file/1
Get the corresponding Mnesia key from an SNMP index. mnesia:snmp_get_mnesia_key/2
Return the strict relation corresponding to a given relation. sofs:strict_relation/1
Return the weak relation corresponding to a given relation. sofs:weak_relation/1
Return the Proxy which corresponds to the given Id CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:get_proxy_consumer/2
Install the cosEvent application cosEventApp:install/0
Start the cosEvent application cosEventApp:start/0
Stop the cosEvent application cosEventApp:stop/0
Uninstall the cosEvent application cosEventApp:uninstall/0
Install the necessary cosEvent interfaces cosNotificationApp:install_event/0
Install the necessary cosEvent interfaces cosNotificationApp:install_event/1
Uninstall the inherrited cosEvent interfaces cosNotificationApp:uninstall_event/0
Uninstall the inherrited cosEvent interfaces cosNotificationApp:uninstall_event/1
Create a new TimerEventHandler object which push the given Data to given CosEventCommPushConsumer after the timer have been set CosTimerEvent_TimerEventService:register/3
Install the cosEventDomain application cosEventDomainApp:install/0
Start the cosEventDomain application cosEventDomainApp:start/0
Stop the cosEventDomain application cosEventDomainApp:stop/0
Uninstall the cosEventDomain application cosEventDomainApp:uninstall/0
If possible, setup a connection described by the #'CosEventDomainAdmin_Connection'{} struct CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:add_connection/2
Return a #'CosEventDomainAdmin_Connection'{} struct describing the connection associated with the given id within the target domain CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_connection/2
Install the cosFileTransfer application cosFileTransferApp:install/0
Start the cosFileTransfer application cosFileTransferApp:start/0
Stop the cosFileTransfer application cosFileTransferApp:stop/0
Uninstall the cosFileTransfer application cosFileTransferApp:uninstall/0
Install the cosNotification application cosNotificationApp:install/0
Install the cosNotification application cosNotificationApp:install/1
Start the cosNotification application cosNotificationApp:start/0
Stop the cosNotification application cosNotificationApp:stop/0
Uninstall the cosNotification application cosNotificationApp:uninstall/0
Uninstall the cosNotification application cosNotificationApp:uninstall/1
Install data in mnesia necessary for running the cosProperty applicatio cosProperty:install_db/0
Remove all data from mnesia related to the cosProperty application cosProperty:uninstall_db/0
Remove all data in the IFR related to the cosProperty application cosProperty:uninstall/0
Start the cosProperty application cosProperty:start/0
Stop the cosProperty application cosProperty:stop/0
Install the cosProperty application in the IFR cosProperty:install/0
Start the cosTime application cosTime:start/0
Stop the cosTime application cosTime:stop/0
Install the cosTime Time Service part application cosTime:install_time/0
Uninstall the cosTime Time Service part application cosTime:uninstall_time/0
Install the cosTime Timer Event Service part application cosTime:install_timerevent/0
Uninstall the cosTime Timer Event Service part application cosTime:uninstall_timerevent/0
Start the cosTransactions application cosTransactions:start/0
Stop the cosTransactions application cosTransactions:stop/0
  Count blank separated words string:words/1
  Count blank separated words string:words/2
Decrement the reference count of a driver binary erl_driver:long driver_binary_dec_refc/1
Get the reference count of a driver binary erl_driver:long driver_binary_get_refc/1
Increment the reference count of a driver binary erl_driver:long driver_binary_inc_refc/1
  Count the number of name components in a name lname:num_components/1
Pause running call count trace for all functions. cprof:pause/0
Pause running call count trace for matching functions. cprof:pause/1
Pause running call count trace for matching functions. cprof:pause/2
Pause running call count trace for matching functions. cprof:pause/3
Start call count tracing for all functions. cprof:start/0
Stop call count tracing for all functions. cprof:stop/0
Start call count tracing for matching functions. cprof:start/1
Start call count tracing for matching functions. cprof:start/2
Start call count tracing for matching functions. cprof:start/3
Stop call count tracing for matching functions. cprof:stop/1
Stop call count tracing for matching functions. cprof:stop/2
Stop call count tracing for matching functions. cprof:stop/3
Increment the reduction counter erlang:erlang:bump_reductions/1
Update a counter object in an ETS table. ets:update_counter/3
Update a counter object in an ETS table. ets:update_counter/4
Update a counter object in an ETS table. ets:update_counter/6
Update a counter object stored in a Dets table. dets:update_counter/3
Dirty update of a counter record. mnesia:dirty_update_counter/3
Dirty update of a counter record. mnesia:dirty_update_counter/3
Collect and analyse call counters. cprof:analyse/0
Collect and analyse call counters. cprof:analyse/1
Collect and analyse call counters. cprof:analyse/1
Collect and analyse call counters. cprof:analyse/2
Restart existing call counters for matching functions. cprof:restart/0
Restart existing call counters for matching functions. cprof:restart/1
Restart existing call counters for matching functions. cprof:restart/2
Restart existing call counters for matching functions. cprof:restart/3
Reset all snmp counters to 0 snmp_standard_mib:reset/0
  Counts elements in encoded term erl_marshal:erl_ext_size/1
Start Cover. cover:start/0
Stop Cover. cover:stop/0
Compile a module for Cover analysis. cover:compile/1
Compile a module for Cover analysis. cover:compile/2
Compile a module for Cover analysis. cover:compile_module/1
Compile a module for Cover analysis. cover:compile_module/2
Compile all .beam files in a directory for Cover analysis. cover:compile_beam_directory/0
Compile all .beam files in a directory for Cover analysis. cover:compile_beam_directory/1
Compile all modules in a directory for Cover analysis. cover:compile_directory/0
Compile all modules in a directory for Cover analysis. cover:compile_directory/1
Compile all modules in a directory for Cover analysis. cover:compile_directory/2
Compile a module for Cover analysis, using an existing beam. cover:compile_beam/1
Check if a module is Cover compiled. cover:is_compiled/1
Analyse a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse/1
Analyse a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse/2
Analyse a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse/2
Analyse a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse/3
Detailed coverage analysis of a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse_to_file/1
Detailed coverage analysis of a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse_to_file/2
Detailed coverage analysis of a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse_to_file/2
Detailed coverage analysis of a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse_to_file/3
Reset coverage data for Cover compiled modules. cover:export/1
Reset coverage data for Cover compiled modules. cover:export/2
Reset coverage data for Cover compiled modules. cover:import/1
Reset coverage data for Cover compiled modules. cover:reset/0
Reset coverage data for Cover compiled modules. cover:reset/1
Return all Cover compiled modules. cover:modules/0
Start Cover on remote nodes. cover:start/1
Stop Cover on remote nodes. cover:stop/1
Return all nodes that are part of the coverage analysis. cover:which_nodes/0
Detailed coverage analysis of a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse_to_file/1
Detailed coverage analysis of a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse_to_file/2
Detailed coverage analysis of a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse_to_file/2
Detailed coverage analysis of a Cover compiled module. cover:analyse_to_file/3
Reset coverage data for Cover compiled modules. cover:export/1
Reset coverage data for Cover compiled modules. cover:export/2
Reset coverage data for Cover compiled modules. cover:import/1
Reset coverage data for Cover compiled modules. cover:reset/0
Reset coverage data for Cover compiled modules. cover:reset/1
Create a TAGS file covering all files in the Erlang distribution. tags:root/1
Format a crash report. proc_lib:format/1
Start the crashdump_viewer crashdump:start/0
Stop the crashdump_viewer crashdump:stop/0
Shorthand equivalents of create. gs:ObjType/1
Shorthand equivalents of create. gs:ObjType/2
Shorthand equivalents of create. gs:ObjType/3
  Create a AliasDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_alias/5
  Create a binary relation from a family. sofs:family_to_relation/1
  Create a brand new schema on the specified nodes. mnesia:create_schema/1
  Create a breakpoint i:ib/2
  Create a breakpoint int:break/2
  Create a ConstantDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_constant/6
  Create a cursor in preparation for fetching answers mnemosyne:cursor/1
  Create a cursor in preparation for fetching answers mnemosyne:cursor/2
  Create a dictionary dict:new/0
  Create a directed graph from a family. sofs:family_to_digraph/2
  Create a directory ssh_sftp:make_dir/2
  Create a EnumDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_enum/5
  Create a ExceptionDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_exception/5
  Create a family from a binary relation. sofs:relation_to_family/1
  Create a family from a directed graph. sofs:digraph_to_family/2
  Create a family of subsets. sofs:family/2
  Create a File Object representing a file which may or may not exist CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:create_file/2
  Create a FileWrapper which represents a file or directory CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:get_file/2
  Create a Filter object CosNotifyFilter_FilterFactory:create_filter/2
  Create a fixed type fixed:create/3
  Create a function. sofs:a_function/2
  Create a generic event manager process in a supervision tree. gen_event:start_link/0
  Create a generic event manager process in a supervision tree. gen_event:start_link/1
  Create a gen_fsm process in a supervision tree. gen_fsm:start_link/3
  Create a gen_fsm process in a supervision tree. gen_fsm:start_link/4
  Create a gen_server process in a supervision tree. gen_server:start_link/3
  Create a gen_server process in a supervision tree. gen_server:start_link/4
  Create a hierarchy of graphical objects. gs:create_tree/2
  Create a InterfaceDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_interface/5
  Create a link to another process (or port) erlang:link/1
  Create a MappingFilter object CosNotifyFilter_FilterFactory:create_mapping_filter/2
  Create a Mnesia table called Name with properties as described by the argument TabDef. mnesia:create_table/2
  Create a new channel CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannelFactory:create_channel/3
  Create a new ConsumerAdmin object CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomainFactory:create_event_domain/3
  Create a new ConsumerAdmin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:for_consumers/1
  Create a new ConsumerAdmin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:new_for_consumers/2
  Create a new directory in the target objects associated file systems domain CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:create_directory/2
  Create a new empty digraph. digraph:new/1
  Create a new empty FIFO queue queue:new/0
  Create a new, empty process group pg2:create/1
  Create a new ETS table. ets:new/2
  Create a new graphical object. gs:create/2
  Create a new graphical object. gs:create/3
  Create a new graphical object. gs:create/4
  Create a new instance of a FileTransferSession and a Directory CosFileTransfer_VirtualFileSystem:login/4
  Create a new instance of a Virtual File System cosFileTransferApp:create_VFS/5
  Create a new name lname:create/0
  Create a new name component lname_component:create/0
  Create a new NamingContext CosNaming_NamingContext:new_context/1
  Create a new NamingContext and bind it to a Name CosNaming_NamingContext:bind_new_context/2
  Create a new process with a fun as entry point erlang:spawn/1
  Create a new process with a fun as entry point erlang:spawn_opt/2
  Create a new process with a fun as entry point on a given node erlang:spawn/2
  Create a new process with a fun as entry point on a given node erlang:spawn_opt/3
  Create a new process with a function as entry point erlang:spawn/3
  Create a new process with a function as entry point erlang:spawn_opt/4
  Create a new process with a function as entry point on a given node erlang:spawn/4
  Create a new process with a function as entry point on a given node erlang:spawn_opt/5
  Create a new PropertySet with no predefined properties CosPropertyService_PropertySetFactory:create_propertyset/1
  Create a new PropertySet with specified constraints CosPropertyService_PropertySetFactory:create_constrained_propertyset/3
  Create a new PropertySet with specified initial properties CosPropertyService_PropertySetFactory:create_initial_propertyset/2
  Create a new PropertySetDef with no predefined settings CosPropertyService_PropertySetDefFactory:create_propertysetdef/1
  Create a new PropertySetDef with specified constraints CosPropertyService_PropertySetDefFactory:create_constrained_propertysetdef/3
  Create a new PropertySetDef with specified initial properties CosPropertyService_PropertySetDefFactory:create_initial_propertysetdef/2
  Create a new proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:obtain_notification_pull_consumer/2
  Create a new proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:obtain_notification_push_consumer/2
  Create a new proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:obtain_pull_consumer/1
  Create a new proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:obtain_push_consumer/1
  Create a new snmp index structure snmp_index:new/1
  Create a new subtransaction. CosTransactions_Coordinator:create_subtransaction/1
  Create a new SupplierAdmin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:for_suppliers/1
  Create a new SupplierAdmin object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:new_for_suppliers/2
  Create a new TimerEventHandler object which push the given Data to given CosEventCommPushConsumer after the timer have been set CosTimerEvent_TimerEventService:register/3
  Create a new TIO object representing the input parameters CosTime_TimeService:new_interval/3
  Create a new top-level transaction CosTransactions_TransactionFactory:create/2
  Create a new tuple of a given arity erlang:erlang:make_tuple/2
  Create a new UTO object representing the time in the target object added to current time (UTC) CosTime_UTO:absolute_time/1
  Create a new UTO object representing the time parameters given CosTime_TimeService:new_universal_time/4
  Create a ProxyPullConsumer object CosEventChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:obtain_pull_consumer/1
  Create a ProxyPullSupplier object CosEventChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:obtain_pull_supplier/1
  Create a ProxyPushConsumer object CosEventChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:obtain_push_consumer/1
  Create a ProxyPushSupplier object CosEventChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:obtain_push_supplier/1
  Create a query cursor. qlc:cursor/2
  Create a query setup mnemosyne:setup_query/1
  Create a relation. sofs:relation/2
  Create a release package. systools:make_tar/1
  Create a release package. systools:make_tar/2
  Create a row in a table snmpa_local_db:table_create_row/3
  Create a set. sofs:from_external/2
  Create a set. sofs:from_term/2
  Create a set of atoms or any type of sets. sofs:set/2
  Create a set out of a list of sets. sofs:from_sets/1
  Create a stand-alone event manager process. gen_event:start/0
  Create a stand-alone event manager process. gen_event:start/1
  Create a stand-alone gen_fsm process. gen_fsm:start/3
  Create a stand-alone gen_fsm process. gen_fsm:start/4
  Create a stand-alone gen_server process. gen_server:start/3
  Create a stand-alone gen_server process. gen_server:start/4
  Create a StructDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_struct/5
  Create a structured event cosNotificationApp:create_structured_event/6
  Create a supervisor bridge process. supervisor_bridge:start_link/2
  Create a supervisor bridge process. supervisor_bridge:start_link/3
  Create a supervisor process. supervisor:start_link/2
  Create a supervisor process. supervisor:start_link/3
  Create a supplier proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:obtain_notification_pull_supplier/2
  Create a supplier proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:obtain_notification_push_supplier/2
  Create a supplier proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:obtain_pull_supplier/1
  Create a supplier proxy CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:obtain_push_supplier/1
  Create a table snmpa_local_db:table_create/1
Descend recursively down all the directories in DirList and create a TAGS file based on all files found. tags:subdirs/2
Descend recursively down the directory Dir and create a TAGS file based on all files found. tags:subdir/2
  Create a TAGS file covering all files in the Erlang distribution. tags:root/1
  Create a TAGS file for all files in any directory in DirList. tags:dirs/2
  Create a TAGS file for all files in directory Dir. tags:dir/2
  Create a TAGS file for the file File. tags:file/2
  Create a TAGS file for the files in the list FileList. tags:files/2
  Create a tar archive erl_tar:create/2
  Create a tar archive with options erl_tar:create/3
  Create a TIO object representing the error interval around the time value represented by the target object CosTime_UTO:interval/1
  Create a TIO representing the interval between the target object and the given UTO midpoint times CosTime_UTO:time_to_interval/2
  Create a UnionDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_union/6
  Create a UTO representing the given time in Utc form CosTime_TimeService:uto_from_utc/2
  Create a zip archive with options zip:create/2
  Create a zip archive with options zip:create/3
  Create a zip archive with options zip:zip/2
  Create a zip archive with options zip:zip/3
  Create an any record any:create/0
  Create an any record any:create/2
  Create an ASN.1 value for test purposes. asn1ct:value/2
  Create an autostart configuration file inviso_as_lib:setup_autostart/8
  Create an empty group pg:create/1
  Create an empty group on another node pg:create/2
  Create an IFR object of given type orber_ifr:create_module/4
  Create an IFR object of the type AttributeDef contained in the target InterfaceDef object orber_ifr:create_attribute/6
  Create an IFR object of the type OperationDef contained in the target InterfaceDef object orber_ifr:create_operation/9
  Create an IFR objref of the type ArrayDef orber_ifr:create_array/3
  Create an IFR objref of the type FixedDef orber_ifr:create_fixed/3
  Create an IFR objref of the type IDLType orber_ifr:create_idltype/2
  Create an IFR objref of the type SequenceDef orber_ifr:create_sequence/3
  Create an IFR objref of the type StringDef orber_ifr:create_string/2
  Create an IFR objref of the type WstringDef orber_ifr:create_wstring/2
  Create an index for a table. mnesia:add_table_index/2
  Create an initial RELEASES file. release_handler:create_RELEASES/4
  Create an MD5 context erlang:erlang:md5_init/0
  Create an ordered set out of a tuple of sets. sofs:from_sets/1
  Create an SHA context crypto:sha_init/0
  Create an Xref server. xref:start/2
  Create and link to a new process with a fun as entry point erlang:spawn_link/1
  Create and link to a new process with a fun as entry point on a specified node erlang:spawn_link/2
  Create and link to a new process with a function as entry point erlang:spawn_link/3
  Create and link to a new process with a function as entry point on a given node erlang:spawn_link/4
  Create and open a registry registry:ei_reg_open/1
  Create and returns a trace port generating fun dbg:trace_port/2
  Create and start a new server object corba:create/2
  Create and start a new server object corba:create/3
  Create and start a new server object corba:create/4
  Create and start a new server object corba:create_link/2
  Create and start a new server object corba:create_link/3
  Create and start a new server object corba:create_link/4
  Create breakpoints in the specified function i:ib/3
  Create breakpoints in the specified function int:break_in/3
Rehash or create code path cache code:rehash/0
Move to a key, create it if it is not there win32reg:change_key_create/2
  Create remote directory. ftp:mkdir/2
  Create symbolic link ssh_sftp:make_symlink/3
  Create the function that maps each element of a set onto another set. sofs:constant_function/2
  Create tool files toolbar:create_tool_file/0
  Create TypeCode representing the supplied fixed type fixed:get_typecode/1
Start a trace client that reads messages created by a trace port driver dbg:trace_client/2
Start a trace client that reads messages created by a trace port driver, with a user defined handler dbg:trace_client/3
Return all Id:s for channels, currently alive, created by the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannelFactory:get_all_channels/1
Used when transforming fun's created in the shell into match_specifications. ms_transform:transform_from_shell/3
Return the factory object which created the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_MyFactory/1
  Creates a binary object erl_eterm:erl_mk_binary/2
  Creates a config file. ttb:write_config/3
  Creates a copy of an Erlang term erl_eterm:erl_copy_term/1
  Creates a customized registry table in Mnesia. mnesia_registry:create_table/2
  Creates a dynamic web page and return it as a list. This functions is deprecated and only keept for backwards compability. mod_esi:Module:Function/2
  Creates a dynamic web page and returns it chunk by chunk to the server process by calling mod_esi:deliver/2. mod_esi:Module:Function/3
  Creates a list from an array erl_eterm:erl_mk_list/2
  Creates a port identifier erl_eterm:erl_mk_port/3
  Creates a process identifier erl_eterm:erl_mk_pid/4
  Creates a registry table in Mnesia. mnesia_registry:create_table/1
  Creates a string erl_eterm:erl_mk_string/1
  Creates an atom erl_eterm:erl_mk_atom/1
  Creates an empty Erlang list erl_eterm:erl_mk_empty_list/0
  Creates an Erlang float erl_eterm:erl_mk_float/1
  Creates an Erlang integer erl_eterm:erl_mk_int/1
  Creates an Erlang reference erl_eterm:erl_mk_long_ref/5
  Creates an Erlang string erl_eterm:erl_mk_estring/2
  Creates an Erlang term erl_format:erl_format/2
  Creates an Erlang tuple from an array erl_eterm:erl_mk_tuple/2
  Creates an Erlang variable erl_eterm:erl_mk_var/1
  Creates an MD5 context crypto:md5_init/0
  Creates an old Erlang reference erl_eterm:erl_mk_ref/3
  Creates an unsigned integer erl_eterm:erl_mk_uint/1
  Cross reference check a module c:xm/1
Provide a list of available crypto functions. crypto:info/0
Register a fun that provides a crypto key beam_lib:crypto_key_fun/1
Unregister the current crypto key fun beam_lib:clear_crypto_key_fun/0
Start the crypto server. crypto:start/0
Stop the crypto server. crypto:stop/0
Removes current code for a module code:delete/1
Make the current code for a module old erlang:delete_module/1
Verify if the IP address versus the current configuration orber_acl:match/2
Verify if the IP address versus the current configuration orber_acl:match/3
Check if certain Quality of Service properties can be added to events in the current context of the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyConsumer:validate_event_qos/2
Get current CRC zlib:crc32/1
Unregister the current crypto key fun beam_lib:clear_crypto_key_fun/0
Returns the next row of the result set relative the current cursor position and positions the cursor at this row. odbc:next/1
Returns the next row of the result set relative the current cursor position and positions the cursor at this row. odbc:next/2
Returns the previous row of the result set relative the current cursor position and positions the cursor at this row. odbc:prev/1
Returns the previous row of the result set relative the current cursor position and positions the cursor at this row. odbc:prev/2
  Current date erlang:date/0
  Current date and time according to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) erlang:erlang:universaltime/0
Return the current date and time as an OCTET STRING snmp:date_and_time/0
Return the current date in RFC 1123 format. httpd_util:rfc1123_date/0
Return the current date in RFC 1123 format. httpd_util:rfc1123_date/6
List files in the current directory c:ls/0
Dump the current display to a file. etop:dump/1
Return the official name of the current host. httpd_socket:resolve/0
Request to proceed with current job overload:request/0
Delete the current key win32reg:delete_key/1
Delete the named value on the current key. win32reg:delete_value/2
Get all values on the current key. win32reg:values/1
Get subkeys to the current key. win32reg:sub_keys/1
Get the named value on the current key. win32reg:value/2
Return the path to the current key. win32reg:current_key/1
Return the current list of allowed slave hosts erl_boot_server:which_slaves/0
  Current local date and time erlang:erlang:localtime/0
Move the target object from its current location to given Container, name and version orber_ifr:move/4
Return the current mapping for warning events error_logger:warning_map/0
Return a list of the current member nodes of the pool pool:get_nodes/0
Return the current memory allocation map instrument:memory_data/0
Store the current memory allocation map on a file instrument:store_memory_data/1
Return current memory allocation status instrument:memory_status/1
Store the current memory allocation status on a file instrument:store_memory_status/1
Return the accessible disk logs on the current node. disk_log:accessible_logs/0
Return the OS family and, in some cases, OS name of the current operating system os:type/0
Return current overload information data overload:get_overload_info/0
Return true if a Property Name exists at the current position and the out parameter is a valid Property Name. Otherwise false and a non-valid Property Name CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:next_one/1
Return trueif a Property exists at the current position and the out parameter is a valid Property. Otherwise false and a non-valid property CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator:next_one/1
Hibernate the current process until a message is sent to it proc_lib:hibernate/3
Get current protocol version and cipher. ssl:connection_info/1
Return a list of name-value pairs which encapsulates the current QoS settings for the target object CosNotification_QoSAdmin:get_qos/1
Set value at the current registry key with specified name. win32reg:set_value/3
Get the request-id, context, community and address of the current request snmpa:current_address/0
Get the request-id, context, community and address of the current request snmpa:current_community/0
Get the request-id, context, community and address of the current request snmpa:current_context/0
Get the request-id, context, community and address of the current request snmpa:current_request_id/0
Manipulate the current service status. erlsrv:erlsrv
Make a printout of the current status of all interpreted processes i:ip/0
Return the current status of the transaction CosTransactions_RecoveryCoordinator:replay_completion/3
  Current system performance monitoring settings erlang:erlang:system_monitor/0
Return the pid() or port() of the current system tracer. seq_trace:get_system_tracer/0
  Current time erlang:time/0
Return the current time and the Inaccuracy given when starting this application in a UTO CosTime_TimeService:universal_time/1
Create a new UTO object representing the time in the target object added to current time (UTC) CosTime_UTO:absolute_time/1
Return true if the time has been set for an event that is yet to be triggered, false otherwise. The outparameter represents the current time value of the target object CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:time_set/1
Activates/deactivates tracing by changing the current trace pattern et_selector:change_pattern/1
Abort the current transaction. mnesia:abort/1
Return current version number toolbar:version/0
  Current version number of the interpreter i:iv/0
Get local current working directory. ftp:lpwd/1
Get remote current working directory. ftp:pwd/1
Get the current working directory file:get_cwd/0
Set the current working directory file:set_cwd/1
Get the current working directory for the drive specified file:get_cwd/1
Change the current working directory of the target object's associated file system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:set_directory/2
Return a list of all ConsumerAdmins, currently active, Id:s CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:get_all_consumeradmins/1
Return a list of all SupplierAdmins, currently active, Id:s CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:get_all_supplieradmins/1
Return all Id:s for channels, currently alive, created by the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannelFactory:get_all_channels/1
List all connections to another ORB currently being set up orber:iiop_connections_pending/0
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/1
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/2
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/2
List users that are currently blocked from access to a specified port number, for a given address (if specified). mod_security:list_blocked_users/3
Get the currently loaded applications application:loaded_applications/0
Get the currently running applications application:which_applications/0
Get the currently running applications application:which_applications/1
Iterate over the currently stored events et_collector:iterate/5
Iterates over the currently stored events et_collector:iterate/3
Create a query cursor. qlc:cursor/2
Delete a query cursor. qlc:delete_cursor/1
Stop the query associated with Cursor mnemosyne:delete_cursor/1
Returns the first row of the result set and positions a cursor at this row. odbc:first/1
Returns the first row of the result set and positions a cursor at this row. odbc:first/2
Returns the last row of the result set and positions a cursor at this row. odbc:last/1
Returns the last row of the result set and positions a cursor at this row. odbc:last/2
Returns the next row of the result set relative the current cursor position and positions the cursor at this row. odbc:next/1
Returns the next row of the result set relative the current cursor position and positions the cursor at this row. odbc:next/2
Returns the previous row of the result set relative the current cursor position and positions the cursor at this row. odbc:prev/1
Returns the previous row of the result set relative the current cursor position and positions the cursor at this row. odbc:prev/2
Return all answers from Cursor in a list mnemosyne:all_answers/1
Create a cursor in preparation for fetching answers mnemosyne:cursor/1
Create a cursor in preparation for fetching answers mnemosyne:cursor/2
Executes a SQL SELECT query and associates the result set with the connection. A cursor is positioned before the first row in the result set and the tuple {ok, NrRows} is returned. odbc:select_count/2
Executes a SQL SELECT query and associates the result set with the connection. A cursor is positioned before the first row in the result set and the tuple {ok, NrRows} is returned. odbc:select_count/3
Returns the next row of the result set relative the current cursor position and positions the cursor at this row. odbc:next/1
Returns the next row of the result set relative the current cursor position and positions the cursor at this row. odbc:next/2
Returns the previous row of the result set relative the current cursor position and positions the cursor at this row. odbc:prev/1
Returns the previous row of the result set relative the current cursor position and positions the cursor at this row. odbc:prev/2
Remove leading and/or trailing white spaces and custom characters. httpd_conf:custom_clean/3
Creates a customized registry table in Mnesia. mnesia_registry:create_table/2
Find one cycle in a digraph. digraph:get_cycle/2
Find one short cycle in a digraph. digraph:get_short_cycle/2
Return the CycleDetection identifier required when defining QoS Properties CosEventDomainAdmin:'CycleDetection'/0
Return a protected empty digraph, where cycles are allowed. digraph:new/0
Return a list of all cycles which exists within the target domain CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_cycles/1
Return the cyclic strong components of a digraph. digraph_utils:cyclic_strong_components/1