Erlang/OTP Permuted Index

Permuted index of Erlang/OTP functions and commands



Add a new filter to the target object CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin:add_filter/2
Add a new property to the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySet:define_property/3
Add ALTERNATE_IIOP_ADDRESS component to the supplied local object corba:add_alternate_iiop_address/3
Add new properties to the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySet:define_properties/2
Associate a new property with the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef:define_property_with_mode/4
Associate the given Property Definitions with the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef:define_properties_with_modes/2
Bind a Name to an Object CosNaming_NamingContext:bind/3
Called when it is safe to close an event object driver_entry:void stop_select/2
Change the QoS settings for the target object CosNotification_QoSAdmin:set_qos/2
Check if certain Quality of Service properties can be added to events in the current context of the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyConsumer:validate_event_qos/2
Close the connection and terminate the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPushSupplier:disconnect_structured_push_supplier/1
Compare the time associated with the target object and the given UTO object CosTime_UTO:compare_time/3
Configure a graphical object. gs:config/2
Create a AliasDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_alias/5
Create a ConstantDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_constant/6
Create a EnumDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_enum/5
Create a ExceptionDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_exception/5
Create a InterfaceDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_interface/5
Create a new ConsumerAdmin object CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomainFactory:create_event_domain/3
Create a new graphical object. gs:create/2
Create a new graphical object. gs:create/3
Create a new graphical object. gs:create/4
Create a ProxyPullConsumer object CosEventChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:obtain_pull_consumer/1
Create a ProxyPullSupplier object CosEventChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:obtain_pull_supplier/1
Create a ProxyPushConsumer object CosEventChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:obtain_push_consumer/1
Create a ProxyPushSupplier object CosEventChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:obtain_push_supplier/1
Create a StructDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_struct/5
Create a TIO object representing the error interval around the time value represented by the target object CosTime_UTO:interval/1
Create a UnionDef IFR object orber_ifr:create_union/6
Create an IFR object of the type AttributeDef contained in the target InterfaceDef object orber_ifr:create_attribute/6
Create an IFR object of the type OperationDef contained in the target InterfaceDef object orber_ifr:create_operation/9
Create and start a new server object corba:create/2
Create and start a new server object corba:create/3
Create and start a new server object corba:create/4
Create and start a new server object corba:create_link/2
Create and start a new server object corba:create_link/3
Create and start a new server object corba:create_link/4
Creates a filled ellipse object. egd:filledEllipse/1
Creates a filled rectangle object. egd:filledRectangle/1
Creates a rectangle object. egd:rectangle/1
Creates a text object. egd:text/1
Destroy a graphical object. gs:destroy/1
Destroy the iterator object CosNaming_BindingIterator:destroy/1
Get the discriminator typecode of the target object orber_ifr:get_discriminator_type/1
Get the maximum size of the target object orber_ifr:get_bound/1
Get the most derived Contained object associated with the target object orber_ifr:get_containing_repository/1
Get the number of properties associated with the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_number_of_properties/1
Modify the constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:modify_constraints/3
Print the supplied object corba:print_object/2
Register the parameter Resourceobject as a participant in the transaction associated with the target object CosTransactions_Coordinator:register_resource/2
Remove a filter associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin:remove_filter/2
Remove all constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_Filter:remove_all_constraints/1
Remove all constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:remove_all_mapping_constraints/1
Remove all filters from the target object CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin:remove_all_filters/1
Return a boolean which indicates whether the transaction associated with the target object is a descendant of the transaction associated with the parameter object CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_descendant_transaction/2
Return a ConsumerAdmin object CosEventChannelAdmin_EventChannel:for_consumers/1
Return a DomainID sequence of all domains associated with the target object CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomainFactory:get_all_domains/1
Return a hash code for the top-level transaction associated with the target object CosTransactions_Coordinator:hash_top_level_tran/1
Return a hash code for the transaction associated with the target object. CosTransactions_Coordinator:hash_transaction/1
Return a hash value based on the target object corba_object:hash/2
Return a list of AdminPropertiesassociated with the target object CosNotification_AdminPropertiesAdmin:get_admin/1
Return a list of all filter Id:s associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin:get_all_filters/1
Return a list of descriptions of the IFR objects contained by the target Container object orber_ifr:describe_contents/4
Return a list of exception types that can be raised by the target object orber_ifr:get_exceptions/1
Return a list of name-value pairs which encapsulates the current QoS settings for the target object CosNotification_QoSAdmin:get_qos/1
Return a SupplierAdmin object CosEventChannelAdmin_EventChannel:for_suppliers/1
Return a tuple which describe the target object orber_ifr:describe/1
Return all channel id's associated with target object CosEventDomainAdmin_EventDomain:get_all_channels/1
Return all constraints associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_Filter:get_all_constraints/1
Return all Id:s for channels, currently alive, created by the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannelFactory:get_all_channels/1
Return all NotifySubscribe Id's associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_Filter:get_callbacks/1
Return allowed TypeCodes for the target object CosPropertyService_PropertySetDef:get_allowed_property_types/1
Return an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the type of the target object orber_ifr:get_type_def/1
Return IDLType object describing the discriminator type of the target object orber_ifr:get_discriminator_type_def/1
Return the absolute name of the target object orber_ifr:get_absolute_name/1
Return the #any{} default value associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:_get_default_value/1
Return the Coordinator object associated with the target object CosTransactions_Control:get_coordinator/1
Return the CORBA::TypeCodeof the default value associated with the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:_get_value_type/1
Return the default consumer admin associated with the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_consumer_admin/1
Return the default filter factory associated with the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_filter_factory/1
Return the default supplier admin associated with the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_default_supplier_admin/1
Return the definition kind of the IFR object orber_ifr:get_def_kind/1
Return the factory object which created the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_MyFactory/1
Return the filtering schema used by the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:_get_MyOperator/1
Return the inaccuracy associated with the target object CosTime_UTO:'_get_inaccuracy'/1
Return the interval associated with the target object CosTime_TIO:'_get_time_interval'/1
Return the members of the target object orber_ifr:get_members/1
Return the name associated with the object. CosTransactions_Coordinator:get_transaction_name/1
Return the name of the target object orber_ifr:get_name/1
Return the protocols supported by the target object CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:'_get_protocols_supported'/1
Return the status of the target object CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:'_get_status'/1
Return the status of the top-level transaction associated with the target object CosTransactions_Coordinator:get_top_level_status/1
Return the status of the transaction associated with the target object CosTransactions_Coordinator:get_status/1
Return the Terminator object associated with the target object CosTransactions_Control:get_terminator/1
Return the time associated with the target object CosTime_UTO:'_get_time'/1
Return the time displacement factor associated with the target object CosTime_UTO:'_get_tdf'/1
Return the typecode of the elements in the IFR object orber_ifr:get_element_type/1
Return the typecode of the target object orber_ifr:get_type/1
Return the value attribute of the target ConstantDef object orber_ifr:get_value/1
Return the version of the target object orber_ifr:get_version/1
Return true if the transaction associated with the target object is related to the transaction associated with the parameter object CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_same_transaction/2
Return trueif the time has been set for an event that is yet to be triggered, falseotherwise. The outparameter represents the current time value of the target object CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:time_set/1
Returns the null object. wx:null/0
Set given name to target object orber_ifr:set_name/2
Set given TypeDef of the target object orber_ifr:set_type_def/2
Set given version of the target object orber_ifr:set_version/2
Set the exceptions attribute for the target object orber_ifr:set_exceptions/2
Set the maximum size of the target object orber_ifr:set_bound/2
Set the members attribute of the target object orber_ifr:set_members/2
Set the value attribute of the target ConstantDef object orber_ifr:set_value/2
Start a Time Service object cosTime:start_time_service/2
Start a Timer Event Service object cosTime:start_timerevent_service/1
Stop a server object corba:create_nil_objref/0
Stop a server object corba:dispose/1
Stop the target Time Service object cosTime:stop_time_service/1
Stop the target Timer Event Service object cosTime:stop_timerevent_service/1
Suspend the connection between the client and the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SequenceProxyPushSupplier:suspend_connection/1
Suspend the connection with the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPushSupplier:suspend_connection/1
Terminate the target object CosFileTransfer_FileIterator:destroy/1
Terminate the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:destroy/1
Terminate the target object CosNotifyFilter_Filter:destroy/1
Terminate the target object CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:destroy/1
Terminate the target object CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator:destroy/1
Terminate the target object CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:destroy/1
Terminate the target object cosEventApp:stop_channel/1
Terminate the target object cosEventDomainApp:stop_factory/1
Terminate the target object cosNotificationApp:stop_factory/1
Terminate the target object cosNotificationApp:stop_filter_factory/1
Terminate the target object cosTransactions:stop_factory/1
Terminate the target TimerEventHandler object CosTimerEvent_TimerEventService:unregister/2
Update the AdminPropertiesfor the target object CosNotification_AdminPropertiesAdmin:set_admin/2
Validate if the supplied QoS properties is valid for the target object CosNotification_QoSAdmin:validate_qos/2
Create a new UTO object representing the time in the target object added to current time (UTC) CosTime_UTO:absolute_time/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxAcceleratorEntry:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxAcceleratorTable:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxAuiManager:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxAuiNotebook:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxBitmap:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxBitmapButton:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxBitmapDataObject:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxBoxSizer:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxBrush:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxBufferedDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxBufferedPaintDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxButton:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxCalendarCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxCalendarDateAttr:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxCaret:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxCheckBox:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxCheckListBox:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxChoice:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxClientDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxClipboard:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxColourData:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxColourDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxColourPickerCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxComboBox:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxCursor:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxDatePickerCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxDirDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxDirPickerCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFileDataObject:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFileDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFilePickerCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFindReplaceData:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFindReplaceDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFlexGridSizer:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFont:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFontData:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFontDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFontPickerCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFrame:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxGLCanvas:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxGauge:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxGenericDirCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxGrid:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxGridBagSizer:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxGridSizer:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxHtmlEasyPrinting:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxIcon:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxIconBundle:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxImage:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxImageList:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxLayoutAlgorithm:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxListBox:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxListCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxListItem:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMDIChildFrame:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMDIClientWindow:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMDIParentFrame:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMask:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMemoryDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMenu:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMenuBar:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMenuItem:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMessageDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMiniFrame:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMirrorDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMultiChoiceDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxNotebook:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPageSetupDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPageSetupDialogData:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPaintDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPalette:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPanel:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPasswordEntryDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPen:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPostScriptDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPreviewControlBar:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPreviewFrame:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPrintData:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPrintDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPrintDialogData:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPrintPreview:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPrinter:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPrintout:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxProgressDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxRadioBox:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxRadioButton:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxRegion:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSashLayoutWindow:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSashWindow:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxScreenDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxScrollBar:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxScrolledWindow:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSingleChoiceDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSizerFlags:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSizerItem:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSlider:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSpinButton:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSpinCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSplashScreen:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSplitterWindow:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStaticBitmap:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStaticBox:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStaticBoxSizer:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStaticLine:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStaticText:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStatusBar:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStdDialogButtonSizer:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStyledTextCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxTextAttr:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxTextCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxTextDataObject:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxTextEntryDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxToggleButton:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxToolTip:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxTreeCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxWindow:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxWindowDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxXmlResource:destroy/1
Terminate the target object and all its children CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:destroy/1
Terminate the target object and close the connection to the file system it represents CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:logout/1
Suspend the connection between the target object and its client CosNotifyChannelAdmin_StructuredProxyPullConsumer:suspend_connection/1
Destroy, except IRObject, Contained and Container, target object and its contents orber_ifr:destroy/1
Create a TIO representing the interval between the target object and the given UTO midpoint times CosTime_UTO:time_to_interval/2
Compare the time associated with the target object and the given UTO object CosTime_UTO:compare_time/3
Return true if the target object and the supplied object easily can be determined to be equal, otherwise false corba_object:is_equivalent/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the TIO object overlap CosTime_TIO:overlaps/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the UTO object overlap CosTime_TIO:spans/2
Return a UTO in which the interval equals the time interval in the target object and time value is the midpoint of the interval CosTime_TIO:time/1
Return the object associated, if any, with the given name string CosNaming_NamingContextExt:resolve_str/2
Return the channel object associated with the given Id CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannelFactory:get_event_channel/2
Get the most derived Contained object associated with the target object orber_ifr:get_containing_repository/1
Return the Coordinator object associated with the target object CosTransactions_Control:get_coordinator/1
Return the Terminator object associated with the target object CosTransactions_Control:get_terminator/1
Get the mode of the target object (AttributeDef or OperationDef) orber_ifr:get_mode/1
Set the mode of the target object (AttributeDef or OperationDef) to the given mode orber_ifr:set_mode/2
Retrieve an Object bound to Name CosNaming_NamingContext:resolve/2
  Object code file extension code:objfile_extension/0
The object code file of a module code:which/1
Get the object code for a module code:get_object_code/1
Load object code for a module code:load_binary/3
Load object code for a module erlang:load_module/2
Return IDLType object describing the discriminator type of the target object orber_ifr:get_discriminator_type_def/1
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:non_existent/1
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:non_existent/2
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:not_existent/1
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:not_existent/2
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxAcceleratorEntry:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxAcceleratorTable:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxAuiManager:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxAuiNotebook:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxBitmap:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxBitmapButton:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxBitmapDataObject:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxBoxSizer:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxBrush:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxBufferedDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxBufferedPaintDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxButton:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxCalendarCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxCalendarDateAttr:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxCaret:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxCheckBox:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxCheckListBox:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxChoice:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxClientDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxClipboard:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxColourData:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxColourDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxColourPickerCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxComboBox:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxCursor:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxDatePickerCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxDirDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxDirPickerCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFileDataObject:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFileDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFilePickerCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFindReplaceData:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFindReplaceDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFlexGridSizer:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFont:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFontData:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFontDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFontPickerCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxFrame:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxGLCanvas:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxGauge:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxGenericDirCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxGrid:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxGridBagSizer:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxGridSizer:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxHtmlEasyPrinting:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxIcon:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxIconBundle:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxImage:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxImageList:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxLayoutAlgorithm:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxListBox:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxListCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxListItem:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMDIChildFrame:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMDIClientWindow:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMDIParentFrame:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMask:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMemoryDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMenu:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMenuBar:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMenuItem:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMessageDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMiniFrame:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMirrorDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxMultiChoiceDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxNotebook:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPageSetupDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPageSetupDialogData:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPaintDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPalette:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPanel:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPasswordEntryDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPen:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPostScriptDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPreviewControlBar:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPreviewFrame:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPrintData:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPrintDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPrintDialogData:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPrintPreview:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPrinter:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxPrintout:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxProgressDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxRadioBox:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxRadioButton:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxRegion:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSashLayoutWindow:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSashWindow:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxScreenDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxScrollBar:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxScrolledWindow:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSingleChoiceDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSizerFlags:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSizerItem:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSlider:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSpinButton:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSpinCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSplashScreen:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxSplitterWindow:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStaticBitmap:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStaticBox:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStaticBoxSizer:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStaticLine:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStaticText:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStatusBar:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStdDialogButtonSizer:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxStyledTextCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxTextAttr:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxTextCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxTextDataObject:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxTextEntryDialog:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxToggleButton:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxToolTip:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxTreeCtrl:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxWindow:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxWindowDC:destroy/1
Destroys this object, do not use object again. wxXmlResource:destroy/1
Return true if the target object and the supplied object easily can be determined to be equal, otherwise false corba_object:is_equivalent/2
Delete a given object from a Dets table. dets:delete_object/2
Move the target object from its current location to given Container, name and version orber_ifr:move/4
Creates a line object from P1 to P2 in the image. egd:line/1
Disconnect the ProxyPullConsumer object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPullConsumer:disconnect_pull_consumer/1
Disconnect the ProxyPullSupplier object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPullSupplier:disconnect_pull_supplier/1
Disconnect the ProxyPushConsumer object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushConsumer:disconnect_push_consumer/1
Disconnect the ProxyPushSupplier object from the event channel. CosEventChannelAdmin_ProxyPushSupplier:disconnect_push_supplier/1
Register the parameter SubtransactionAwareResourceobject such that it will be notified when the transaction, associated wit the target object, has committed or rolled back CosTransactions_Coordinator:register_subtran_aware/2
Get Maxproperty names. If the target object have additional associated properties they will be put in the returned Iterator CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_all_property_names/2
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references/1
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references/2
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references_remote/2
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references_remote/3
Return the IFR object identified by the given name orber_ifr:lookup/2
Convert a key to an OBJECT IDENTIFIER snmp_index:key_to_oid/2
Return a list of supported object id's corba:list_initial_services/0
Return a list of supported object id's corba:list_initial_services_remote/1
Return a list of supported object id's corba:list_initial_services_remote/2
Update a counter object in an ETS table. ets:update_counter/3
Update a counter object in an ETS table. ets:update_counter/3
Update a counter object in an ETS table. ets:update_counter/3
Return the data associated with the target object in Utc form CosTime_UTO:'_get_utc_time'/1
Return a list of InterfaceDefs from which the target InterfaceDef object inherit orber_ifr:get_base_interfaces/1
Insert an object into an ETS table. ets:insert/2
Insert an object into an ETS table if the key is not already present. ets:insert_new/2
Return a boolean which indicates whether the transaction associated with the target object is a descendant of the transaction associated with the parameter object CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_descendant_transaction/2
Return true, if the given object is a NIL object reference, otherwise false corba_object:is_nil/1
Return true if the transaction associated with the target object is a top-level transaction CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_top_level_transaction/1
Return true if the target object is an, or inherit from, object of the given type corba_object:is_a/2
Return true if the target object is an, or inherit from, object of the given type corba_object:is_a/3
Return the Container the target object is contained in orber_ifr:get_defined_in/1
Returns true if object is null, false otherwise. wx:is_null/1
Return true if the transaction associated with the target object is related to the transaction associated with the parameter object CosTransactions_Coordinator:is_same_transaction/2
Get the process id from an object key corba:get_pid/1
Display the Object Keys GC time value orber:objectkeys_gc_time/0
Return the content of the target object limited by the given constraints orber_ifr:contents/3
Return the IFR object matching the given id orber_ifr:lookup_id/2
Create an IFR object of given type orber_ifr:create_module/4
Return true if the target object is an, or inherit from, object of the given type corba_object:is_a/2
Return true if the target object is an, or inherit from, object of the given type corba_object:is_a/3
Create an IFR object of the type AttributeDef contained in the target InterfaceDef object orber_ifr:create_attribute/6
Return an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the original type orber_ifr:get_original_type_def/1
Return an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the type of the elements in Objref orber_ifr:get_element_type_def/1
Return an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the type of the result orber_ifr:get_result_def/1
Return an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the type of the target object orber_ifr:get_type_def/1
Create an IFR object of the type OperationDef contained in the target InterfaceDef object orber_ifr:create_operation/9
Return the value of an object option. gs:read/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the TIO object overlap CosTime_TIO:overlaps/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the UTO object overlap CosTime_TIO:spans/2
Convert the external string representation to an object reference corba:string_to_object/1
Convert the external string representation to an object reference corba:string_to_object/2
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references/1
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references/2
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references_remote/2
Return the object reference for the given object id corba:resolve_initial_references_remote/3
Find the IFR object reference for the Repository orber_ifr:find_repository/0
Determine whether or not an object reference is remote corba_object:is_remote/1
Return true, if the given object is a NIL object reference, otherwise false corba_object:is_nil/1
Convert the object reference to the external string representation corba:object_to_string/1
Return a list, of length Maxor less, containing Object References representing files or directories contained within the target Directory and a FileIteratoror a NILobject CosFileTransfer_Directory:list/2
Invoke after the target object replied interceptors:out_reply/6
Invoke after the target object replied with the reply encoded interceptors:out_reply_encoded/6
Create a TIO object representing the error interval around the time value represented by the target object CosTime_UTO:interval/1
Create a new TIO object representing the input parameters CosTime_TimeService:new_interval/3
Create a new UTO object representing the time in the target object added to current time (UTC) CosTime_UTO:absolute_time/1
Create a new UTO object representing the time parameters given CosTime_TimeService:new_universal_time/4
Modify the transaction associated with the target object so the only possible outcome is to rollback the transaction CosTransactions_Coordinator:rollback_only/1
Update a counter object stored in a Dets table. dets:update_counter/3
Notify the target object that the transaction has been rolled back CosTransactions_SubtransactionAwareResource:rollback_subtransaction/1
Notify the target object that the transaction has committed CosTransactions_SubtransactionAwareResource:commit_subtransaction/2
Return a list Maxproperties or less. If more properties are associated with the target object they will be put in thePropertiesIterator. CosPropertyService_PropertySet:get_all_properties/2
Instruct the target object to begin the two-phase commit protocol CosTransactions_Resource:prepare/1
Casts the object to class NewType. wx:typeCast/1
Instruct the target object to commit the transaction CosTransactions_Resource:commit/1
Instruct the target object to commit the transaction CosTransactions_Resource:commit_one_phase/1
Instruct the target object to forget any heuristic decisions CosTransactions_Resource:forget/1
Instruct the target object to rollback the transaction CosTransactions_Resource:rollback/1
Set the params attibute of the target object to the given parameter description records orber_ifr:set_params/2
Set the type_def attribute of the target object to the given ResultDef orber_ifr:set_result_def/2
Set the attribute discriminator_type_def for the target object to the given TypeDef orber_ifr:set_discriminator_type_def/2
Set the element_type_def attribute of the target object to the given TypeDef orber_ifr:set_element_type_def/2
Bind an Object to the Name even if the Name already is bound CosNaming_NamingContext:rebind/3
Returns the object type. wx:getObjectType/1
Return the factory object which created the target object CosNotifyChannelAdmin_EventChannel:_get_MyFactory/1
Inform the target object which event types the client will and will not accept in the future CosNotifyComm_NotifySubscribe:subscription_change/3
Connect NotifySubscribe object, which should be informed when the target object's constraints are updated CosNotifyFilter_Filter:attach_callback/2
Inform the target object which type of events the supplier will deliver CosNotifyComm_NotifyPublish:offer_change/3
Creates a wxPrintout object with a callback fun and optionally other callback funs. wxPrintout:new/1
Updates the Pos:th element of the object with a given key in an ETS table. ets:update_element/4
Updates the Pos:th element of the object with a given key in an ETS table. ets:update_element/4
Disconnect the NotifySubscribe object with the given Id CosNotifyFilter_Filter:detach_callback/2
Return the object_reference IDL typecode orber_tc:object_reference/2
Continues selecting objects. mnesia:select/1
Create a hierarchy of graphical objects. gs:create_tree/2
Match a chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of objects. dets:match_object/1
Match the first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of objects. dets:match_object/3
Match the objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of objects. dets:match_object/2
Return the target object's all associated constraints CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:get_all_mapping_constraints/1
Return the target object's associated absolute name. CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_complete_file_name'/1
Return the target object's associated Adminobject CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_get_MyAdmin/1
Return the objects associated channel CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:_get_MyChannel/1
Return the target object's associated constraints with given ID:s CosNotifyFilter_MappingFilter:get_mapping_constraints/2
Change the current working directory of the target object's associated file system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:set_directory/2
Delete the file or directory, represented by the Fileobject, from the target objects associated file system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:delete/2
Return the target object's associated file system CosFileTransfer_VirtualFileSystem:'_get_file_system_type'/1
Create a new directory in the target objects associated file systems domain CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:create_directory/2
Return the target object's associated FileTransferSession CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_associated_session'/1
Return the target object's associated lifetime MappingFilter CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_get_lifetime_filter/1
Set the target object's associated lifetime MappingFilter CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_set_lifetime_filter/2
Return the target object's associated name CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_name'/1
Return the target object's associated priority MappingFilter CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_get_priority_filter/1
Set the target object's associated priority MappingFilter CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxySupplier:_set_priority_filter/2
Return the list of objects associated with a slot of a Dets table. dets:slot/2
Connect NotifySubscribe object, which should be informed when the target object's constraints are updated CosNotifyFilter_Filter:attach_callback/2
Return a list of descriptions of the IFR objects contained by the target Container object orber_ifr:describe_contents/4
Return the target object's container. CosFileTransfer_File:'_get_parent'/1
Append the file represented by the SourceFilefrom the target object's file system to a file in the destination FileTransferSession'sfile system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:append/3
Copy the file represented by the SourceFilefrom the target object's file system to a file in the destination FileTransferSession'sfile system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:transfer/3
Match the objects in an ETS table against a match_spec and returns the number of objects for which the match_spec returned 'true' ets:select_count/2
Delete all objects from a Dets table. dets:delete_all_objects/1
Fill an ETS table with objects from a Dets table. ets:from_dets/2
Fill a Dets table with objects from an ETS table. ets:to_dets/2
Return the objects Id CosNotifyChannelAdmin_SupplierAdmin:_get_MyID/1
Return the target object's Id CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin:_get_MyID/1
Return all objects in a given slot of an ETS table. ets:slot/2
Continue matching objects in an ETS table. ets:select/1
Continues matching objects in an ETS table. ets:match/1
Continues matching objects in an ETS table. ets:match_object/1
Delete all objects in an ETS table. ets:delete_all_objects/1
Return a list of all objects in an ETS table. ets:tab2list/1
Return a list of all objects in an ETS table. ets:tabfile_info/1
Match the objects in an ETS table against a match_spec. ets:select/2
Match the objects in an ETS table against a match_spec and deletes objects where the match_spec returns 'true' ets:select_delete/2
Match the objects in an ETS table against a match_spec and returns part of the answers. ets:select/3
Match the objects in an ETS table against a match_spec and returns the number of objects for which the match_spec returned 'true' ets:select_count/2
Match the objects in an ETS table against a pattern. ets:match/2
Match the objects in an ETS table against a pattern. ets:match_object/2
Match the objects in an ETS table against a pattern and returns part of the answers. ets:match/3
Match the objects in an ETS table against a pattern and returns part of the answers. ets:match_object/3
Dirty match the objects in Tabagainst MatchSpec. mnesia:dirty_select/2
Match the objects in Tabagainst MatchSpec. mnesia:select/3
Match the objects in Tabagainst MatchSpec. mnesia:select/4
Generate constants for the objects in the MIB snmpc:mib_to_hrl/1
Insert one or more objects into a Dets table. dets:insert/2
Insert one or more objects into a Dets table. dets:insert_new/2
Return a list of IFR objects matching the given name orber_ifr:lookup_name/5
Replace all objects of a Dets table. dets:init_table/3
Insert all objects of a Dets table into an Ets table. dets:to_ets/2
Replace the objects of a Dets table with the objects of an Ets table. dets:from_ets/2
Replace all objects of an ETS table. ets:init_table/2
Replace the objects of a Dets table with the objects of an Ets table. dets:from_ets/2
Return the target object's repository id orber_ifr:get_id/1
Set the target object's repository id orber_ifr:set_id/2
Apply a function to all or some objects stored in a Dets table. dets:traverse/2
Apply a match specification to all objects stored in a Dets table. dets:select/2
Apply a match specification to some objects stored in a Dets table. dets:select/1
Apply a match specification to the first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table. dets:select/3
Return a chunk of objects stored in a Dets table. dets:bchunk/2
Match a chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of objects. dets:match_object/1
Match the objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of objects. dets:match_object/2
Match the first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of objects. dets:match_object/3
Match a chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of variable bindings. dets:match/1
Match the objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of variable bindings. dets:match/2
Match the first chunk of objects stored in a Dets table and return a list of variable bindings. dets:match/3
Display all objects stored in the Name Service orber_diagnostics:nameservice/0
Display all objects stored in the Name Service orber_diagnostics:nameservice/1
Return the target object's supported content types. CosFileTransfer_VirtualFileSystem:'_get_supported_content_types'/1
Delete all objects that match a given pattern from a Dets table. dets:match_delete/2
Delete all objects that match a given pattern from a Dets table. dets:select_delete/2
Match the objects in an ETS table against a match_spec and deletes objects where the match_spec returns 'true' ets:select_delete/2
Delete all objects which match a given pattern from an ETS table. ets:match_delete/2
Delete all objects with a given key from a Dets table. dets:delete/2
Delete all objects with a given key from an ETS table. ets:delete/2
Return all objects with a given key in an ETS table. ets:lookup/2
Return the Pos:th element of all objects with a given key in an ETS table. ets:lookup_element/3
Return all objects with a given key stored in a Dets table. dets:lookup/2
Read a chunk of objects written to a wrap log. wrap_log_reader:chunk/1
Read a chunk of objects written to a wrap log. wrap_log_reader:chunk/2
Return an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the type of the elements in Objref orber_ifr:get_element_type_def/1
Create an IFR objref of the type ArrayDef orber_ifr:create_array/3
Create an IFR objref of the type FixedDef orber_ifr:create_fixed/3
Create an IFR objref of the type IDLType orber_ifr:create_idltype/2
Create an IFR objref of the type SequenceDef orber_ifr:create_sequence/3
Create an IFR objref of the type StringDef orber_ifr:create_string/2
Create an IFR objref of the type WstringDef orber_ifr:create_wstring/2
Checks an applications .app file for obvious errors test_server:app_test/1
Checks an applications .app file for obvious errors test_server:app_test/2
Test for occurrence of a key in a Dets table. dets:member/2
Tests for occurrence of a key in an ETS table ets:member/2
Substitute the first occurrence of a regular expression regexp:sub/3
Return the index of the first/last occurrence ofCharacterin String string:chr/2
Return the index of the first/last occurrence ofCharacterin String string:rchr/2
Substitute all occurrences of a regular expression regexp:gsub/3
Returns the names of variables occurring in a syntax tree, The result is a set of variable names represented by atoms. erl_syntax_lib:variables/1
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error:config_err/2
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error_io:config_err/2
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error_logger:config_err/2
Called if a configuration error occurs snmpa_error_report:config_err/2
Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error:user_err/2
Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error_io:user_err/2
Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error_logger:user_err/2
Called if a user related error occurs snmpa_error_report:user_err/2
This function is called whenever an event occurs in mod_security mod_security:event/4
This function is called whenever an event occurs in mod_security mod_security:event/5
Return the current date and time as an OCTET STRING snmp:date_and_time/0
Stops the odbc application. odbc:stop/0
Return the index of the first/last occurrence ofCharacterin String string:chr/2
Return the index of the first/last occurrence ofCharacterin String string:rchr/2
  Official name of a host net_adm:dns_hostname/1
Return the official name of the current host. httpd_socket:resolve/0
Get all the possible oid's for an alias-name snmpm:name_to_oid/1
Executes a SQL SELECT query and associates the result set with the connection. A cursor is positioned before the first row in the result set and the tuple {ok, NrRows}is returned. odbc:select_count/2
Executes a SQL SELECT query and associates the result set with the connection. A cursor is positioned before the first row in the result set and the tuple {ok, NrRows}is returned. odbc:select_count/3
Triggers the next message to be streamed, e.i. same behavior as active once for sockets. http:stream_next/1
Remove a link, if there is one, to another process or port erlang:unlink/1
Get the start type of an ongoing application startup. application:start_type/0
Returns status of ongoing tests. ct:get_status/0
  Online restore of backup. mnesia:restore/2
Disable the service (Solaris only) os_sup:disable/0
Disable the service (Solaris only) os_sup:disable/2
Enable the service (Solaris only) os_sup:enable/0
Enable the service (Solaris only) os_sup:enable/2
For special purposes only. erl_syntax:data/1
For special purposes only. erl_syntax:is_tree/1
For special purposes only. erl_syntax:tree/1
Add nodes to current cover test (only works if cover support is active!). ct_cover:add_nodes/1
@equiv new(Title, OnPrintPage, []). wxPrintout:new/1
For on-the-fly exporting during parsing (SAX style) of the XML document. xmerl:export_element/3
Asynchronously log an item onto a disk log. disk_log:alog/2
Asynchronously log an item onto a disk log. disk_log:balog/2
Asynchronously log several items onto a disk log. disk_log:alog_terms/2
Asynchronously log several items onto a disk log. disk_log:balog_terms/2
Log an item onto a disk log. disk_log:blog/2
Log an item onto a disk log. disk_log:log/2
Log several items onto a disk log. disk_log:blog_terms/2
Log several items onto a disk log. disk_log:log_terms/2
Create the function that maps each element of a set onto another set. sofs:constant_function/2
Map the given function onto each element of the array. array:map/2
Map the given function onto each element of the array, skipping default-valued entries. array:sparse_map/2
Equivalent to render(Image, png, [{render_engine, opaque}]). egd:render/1
Equivalent to render(Image, Type, [{render_engine, opaque}]). egd:render/1
  Open a Dets table. dets:open_file/2
  Open a directory and return a handle ssh_sftp:opendir/2
  Open a directory and return a handle ssh_sftp:opendir/3
  Open a disk log file. disk_log:open/1
  Open a file file:open/2
  Open a file file:path_open/3
  Open a file and return a handle ssh_sftp:open/3
  Open a file and return a handle ssh_sftp:open/4
  Open a file for preprocessing epp:open/2
  Open a file for preprocessing epp:open/3
  Open a file for read or write access tftp:open/6
Prepare to open a file on the client side tftp:prepare/6
  Open a ftp connection and fetch a file from the remote host. ct_ftp:get/3
  Open a ftp connection and send a file to the remote host. ct_ftp:put/3
  Open a log file wrap_log_reader:open/1
  Open a log file wrap_log_reader:open/2
  Open a port erlang:open_port/2
  Open a stream and return a stream reference zlib:open/0
  Open a tar file for writing. erl_tar:open/2
  Open a telnet connection to the specified target host. ct_telnet:open/2
  Open a telnet connection to the specified target host. ct_telnet:open/4
  Open an archive and return a handle to it zip:zip_open/1
  Open an archive and return a handle to it zip:zip_open/2
  Open an existing Dets table. dets:open_file/1
  Open an FTP connection to the specified node. ct_ftp:open/1
  Open an SSH or SFTP connection using the information associated with KeyOrName. ct_ssh:connect/3
Close an open archive zip:zip_close/1
Extract files from an open archive zip:zip_get/1
Extract files from an open archive zip:zip_get/2
Return a list of the names of all open Dets tables on this node. dets:all/0
Change the size of an open disk log. disk_log:change_size/2
Read asynchronously from an open file ssh_sftp:apread/4
Read asynchronously from an open file ssh_sftp:aread/3
Read from an open file ssh_sftp:pread/4
Read from an open file ssh_sftp:pread/5
Read from an open file ssh_sftp:read/3
Read from an open file ssh_sftp:read/4
Seek position in open file ssh_sftp:position/3
Seek position in open file ssh_sftp:position/4
Write asynchronously to an open file ssh_sftp:apwrite/4
Write asynchronously to an open file ssh_sftp:awrite/3
Write to an open file ssh_sftp:pwrite/4
Write to an open file ssh_sftp:pwrite/5
Write to an open file ssh_sftp:write/3
Write to an open file ssh_sftp:write/4
Close an open handle ssh_sftp:close/2
Close an open handle ssh_sftp:close/3
Close an open port erlang:port_close/1
All open ports erlang:erlang:ports/0
Add a file to an open tar file erl_tar:add/3
Add a file to an open tar file erl_tar:add/4
Close an open tar file erl_tar:close/1
  Open the registry for reading or writing win32reg:open/1
Return a table of files in open zip archive zip:zip_list_dir/1
Called when port is opened driver_entry:int start/2
Return the next Erlang form from the opened Erlang source file epp:parse_erl_form/1
Equivalent to open(KeyOrName, ConnType, TargetMod, []). ct_telnet:open/3
Equivalent to open(Name, telnet). ct_telnet:open/1
  Opens a channel for a ssh session. A session is a remote execution of a program. The program may be a shell, an application, a system command, or some built-in subsystem. ssh_connection:session_channel/2
  Opens a channel for a ssh session. A session is a remote execution of a program. The program may be a shell, an application, a system command, or some built-in subsystem. ssh_connection:session_channel/4
  Opens a channel for an SSH session. ct_ssh:session_open/2
  Opens a connection to the database. odbc:connect/2
  Opens an ssl connection to Host, Port. new_ssl:connect/3
  Opens an ssl connection to Host, Port. new_ssl:connect/4
Return the OS family and, in some cases, OS name of the current operating system os:type/0
Return the Operating System version os:version/0
"Optimising" list skeleton cons operation. erl_syntax:cons/1
Combines map and fold in a single operation. erl_syntax_lib:mapfold/2
Return a list of context identifiers for the operation orber_ifr:get_contexts/1
Return typecode describing the type of the value returned by the operation orber_ifr:get_result/1
Set the context attribute for the operation orber_ifr:set_contexts/2
Perform a synchronous control operation on a port erlang:port_control/3
Perform a control operation on the active trace port driver on the given node. dbg:trace_port_control/2
Perform a get operation on the agent snmpa:get/2
Perform a get operation on the agent snmpa:get/3
Perform a get-next operation on the agent snmpa:get_next/2
Perform a get-next operation on the agent snmpa:get_next/3
Does a mapfold operation over the immediate subtrees of a syntax tree. erl_syntax_lib:mapfold_subtrees/2
Get the mode of the target object (AttributeDef or OperationDef) orber_ifr:get_mode/1
Return a list of parameter description records describing the parameters of the target OperationDef orber_ifr:get_params/1
Create an IFR object of the type OperationDef contained in the target InterfaceDef object orber_ifr:create_operation/9
Set the mode of the target object (AttributeDef or OperationDef) to the given mode orber_ifr:set_mode/2
Creates an abstract operator. erl_syntax:operator/1
Test for a Boolean operator erl_internal:bool_op/2
Test for a comparison operator erl_internal:comp_op/2
Test for a list operator erl_internal:list_op/2
Test for a send operator erl_internal:send_op/2
Test for an arithmetic operator erl_internal:arith_op/2
Creates an abstract infix operator expression. erl_syntax:infix_expr/1
Creates an abstract prefix operator expression. erl_syntax:prefix_expr/1
Returns the literal string represented by an operator node. erl_syntax:operator_literal/1
Returns the name of an operator node. erl_syntax:operator_name/1
Returns the operator precedence field of the prettyprinter context. erl_prettypr:get_ctxt_precedence/1
Updates the operator precedence field of the prettyprinter context. erl_prettypr:set_ctxt_precedence/1
Returns the operator subtree of a prefix_expr node. erl_syntax:prefix_expr_operator/1
Returns the operator subtree of an application node. erl_syntax:application_operator/1
Returns the operator subtree of an infix_expr node. erl_syntax:infix_expr_operator/1
Return operator type erl_internal:op_type/2
Get the data associated with a debug option sys:get_debug/3
Return the value of an object option. gs:read/2
See edoc:layout/2 for a description of the layout option. edoc_lib:run_layout/2
See edoc:run/3 for a description of the doclet option. edoc_lib:run_doclet/2
Change the head or head_func option for an owner of a disk log. disk_log:change_header/2
Change the notify option for an owner of a disk log. disk_log:change_notify/3
Returns a list of currently running services where each service is described by a [{Option, Value}] list. inets:services_info/0
Load is used to convert a line in a Apache like config file to a {Option, Value} tuple. httpd:Module:load/2
Equivalent to disconnect(This, null, []) Can also have an optional callback Fun() as an additional last argument. wxEvtHandler:disconnect/1
  Optionally invoked for a time consuming transaction request megaco_user:handle_trans_long_request/3
  Optionally invoked for a time consuming transaction request megaco_user:handle_trans_long_request/4
  Optionally invoked for a transaction acknowledgement megaco_user:handle_trans_ack/4
  Optionally invoked for a transaction acknowledgement megaco_user:handle_trans_ack/5
  Optionally invoked for a transaction reply megaco_user:handle_trans_reply/4
  Optionally invoked for a transaction reply megaco_user:handle_trans_reply/5
Creates a wxPrintout object with a callback fun and optionally other callback funs. wxPrintout:new/1
Same as apply({Module, Function}, Args, OptionList). fprof:apply/4
Calls erlang:apply(Func, Args)surrounded bytrace([start | OptionList])andtrace(stop). fprof:apply/3
Create a new array according to the given options. array:new/1
Create a new array according to the given size and options. array:new/1
Create a tar archive with options erl_tar:create/3
Create a zip archive with options zip:create/2
Create a zip archive with options zip:create/3
Create a zip archive with options zip:zip/2
Create a zip archive with options zip:zip/3
Create thread options erl_driver:ErlDrvThreadOpts *erl_drv_thread_opts_create/1
Destroy thread options erl_driver:void erl_drv_thread_opts_destroy/1
Equivalent to merge_files(Name, [], Files, Options). igor:merge_files/1
Equivalent to string(Str, Doc, [], Doc, Options). xmerl_xpath:string/3
Get the value of the specified options. new_ssl:getopts/1
Get the value of the specified options. new_ssl:getopts/2
List options epmd:epmd
Return the default values of options. xref:get_default/1
Return the default values of options. xref:get_default/2
Set options io:setopts/2
Set or clear system performance monitoring options erlang:erlang:system_monitor/2
Set socket options. new_ssl:setopts/2
Set socket options. ssl:setopts/2
Set system performance monitoring options erlang:erlang:system_monitor/2
Set the default values of options. xref:set_default/2
Set the default values of options. xref:set_default/3
Spawn a new process with given options. proc_lib:spawn_opt/2
Spawn a new process with given options. proc_lib:spawn_opt/3
Spawn a new process with given options. proc_lib:spawn_opt/4
Spawn a new process with given options. proc_lib:spawn_opt/5
Start a channel factory with options cosNotificationApp:start_factory/1
Start a channel, which is linked to the invoking process, with settings defined by the given options cosEventApp:start_channel_link/1
Start a channel with settings defined by the given options cosEventApp:start_channel/1
Start a factory, which is linked to the invoking process, with settings defined by the given options cosEventDomainApp:start_factory_link/1
Start a factory with settings defined by the given options cosEventDomainApp:start_factory/1
Start a global channel factory with options cosNotificationApp:start_global_factory/1
Start a Transaction Factorywith given options cosTransactions:start_factory/1
Start main window process with options reltool:start/1
Start server process with options reltool:start_server/1
Starts profiling with supplied options. percept_profile:start/1
Thread options erl_driver:ErlDrvThreadOpts
Get the supported options and values from an I/O-server io:getopts/1
Find the filename and compiler options for a module filename:find_src/1
Find the filename and compiler options for a module filename:find_src/2
Get one or more options for a socket inet:getopts/2
Get one or more statistic options for a socket inet:getstat/1
Get one or more statistic options for a socket inet:getstat/2
Set one or more options for a socket inet:setopts/2
List all Erlang services or all options for one service. erlsrv:erlsrv
Change options for runtime components inviso:change_options/1
Change options for runtime components inviso:change_options/2
Run tests as specified by the combination of options in Opts. ct:run_test/1
Get options set for socket ssl:getopts/2
See edoc:run/3 for a description of the options subpackages, source_suffix and exclude_packages. edoc_lib:find_sources/3
Convert a list of options to a debug structure sys:debug_options/1
Sets options to be used for subsequent requests. http:set_options/1
Sets options to be used for subsequent requests. http:set_options/2
Same as analyse([{OptionName, OptionValue}]). fprof:analyse/2
Same as analyse([{OptionName, OptionValue}]). fprof:analyse/2
Same as profile([{OptionName, OptionValue}]). fprof:profile/2
Same as profile([{OptionName, OptionValue}]). fprof:profile/2
Same as trace([{OptionName, OptionValue}]). fprof:trace/2
Same as trace([{OptionName, OptionValue}]). fprof:trace/2
Equivalent to get_doc_env([], [], [], Opts). edoc_lib:get_doc_env/1
Run tests as specified by the combination of options in Opts. ct:run_test/1
Same as connect(Socket, Addr, Port, Opts, infinity). gen_sctp:connect/4
Echo missing modules required by Orber orber_diagnostics:missing_modules/0
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface:own_functions/4
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface:own_functions/5
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:code_change/3
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:handle_info/2
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:init/1
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/4
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/4
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/5
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/5
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/5
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:own_functions/6
User defined function which is not a part of Orber Module_Interface:Module_Interface_impl:terminate/2
Install the Orber application orber:install/1
Install the Orber application orber:install/2
Start the Orber application orber:start/0
Start the Orber application orber:start/1
Stop the Orber application orber:stop/0
Uninstall the Orber application orber:uninstall/0
Start the Orber application during tests orber:jump_start/1
Configure Orber before starting it corba:orb_init/1
Change Orber configuration. orber:configure/2
Displays which nodes that this orber domain consist of. orber:orber_nodes/0
Display the Orber domain name orber:domain/0
Display the security mode Orber is running in orber:secure/0
Display the ports Orber may use when connecting to another ORB orber:iiop_out_ports/0
Add a new node to a group of Orber nodes. orber:add_node/2
Removes a node from a group of Orber nodes. orber:remove_node/1
Start a Orber server. Module_Interface:Module_Interface:oe_create/0
Start a Orber server. Module_Interface:Module_Interface:oe_create/1
Start a linked Orber server. Module_Interface:Module_Interface:oe_create_link/0
Start a linked Orber server. Module_Interface:Module_Interface:oe_create_link/1
Start a Orber stub/skeleton Module_Interface:Module_Interface:oe_create/2
Start a Orber stub/skeleton Module_Interface:Module_Interface:oe_create_link/2
Get the Mnesia tables Orber uses. orber:get_tables/0
Generate Info Report, which contain Orber's configuration settings orber:info/0
Generate Info Report, which contain Orber's configuration settings orber:info/1
List all existing connections to/from other ORB's orber:iiop_connections/0
List all existing connections to/from other ORB's orber:iiop_connections/1
Make a tree from an orddict gb_trees:from_orddict/1
Merge logfiles into one file in chronological order inviso_lfm:merge/2
Merge logfiles into one file in chronological order inviso_lfm:merge/3
Merge logfiles into one file in chronological order inviso_lfm:merge/5
Returns a list of all successful set requests performed in the test case in reverse order. ct_snmp:set_info/1
Sort logfiles in chronological order inviso_lfm_tpfreader:handle_logfile_sort_wrapset/1
Create a binary UTF byte order mark from encoding. unicode:encoding_to_bom/1
Identify UTF byte order marks in a binary. unicode:bom_to_encoding/1
Change the load order priority for the table. mnesia:change_table_load_order/2
Return the number of elements in an ordered dictionary orddict:size/1
Convert the array to an ordered list of pairs {Index, Value}. array:to_orddict/1
Convert the array to an ordered list of pairs {Index, Value}, skipping default-valued entries. array:sparse_to_orddict/1
Convert an ordered list of pairs {Index, Value} to a corresponding extendible array. array:from_orddict/1
Create an ordered set out of a tuple of sets. sofs:from_sets/1
Return the OrderPolicy QoS identifier CosNotification:'OrderPolicy'/0
Add an element to an Ordset ordsets:add_element/2
Convert a list into an Ordset ordsets:from_list/1
Remove an element from an Ordset ordsets:del_element/2
Test for an Ordset ordsets:is_set/1
Test for membership of an Ordset ordsets:is_element/2
Make a gb_set from an ordset list gb_sets:from_ordset/1
Convert an Ordsetinto a list ordsets:to_list/1
Return the difference of two Ordsets ordsets:subtract/2
Return the intersection of a list of Ordsets ordsets:intersection/1
Return the intersection of two Ordsets ordsets:intersection/2
Return the union of a list of Ordsets ordsets:union/1
Return the union of two Ordsets ordsets:union/2
Check whether two Ordsets are disjoint ordsets:is_disjoint/2
  Organize a Mnesia table as an SNMP table. mnesia:snmp_open_table/2
Equivalent to setScrollPos(This, Orient, Pos, []). wxWindow:setScrollPos/1
Equivalent to setScrollbar(This, Orient, Pos, ThumbVisible, Range, []). wxWindow:setScrollbar/1
Return an IFR object of the type IDLType describing the original type orber_ifr:get_original_type_def/1
Set the original_type_def attribute which describes the original type orber_ifr:set_original_type_def/2
Set the original_type_def attribute which describes the original type orber_ifr:set_original_type_def/2
Returns true if Node represents a proper list, and false otherwise. erl_syntax:is_proper_list/1
Returns true if object is null, false otherwise. wx:is_null/1
Yields false if the node has no associated comments, and true otherwise. erl_syntax:has_comments/1
Return true, if the given object is a NIL object reference, otherwise false corba_object:is_nil/1
Return true if the supplied exception is a system defined exception otherwise false orber:is_system_exception/1
Return true if the target object and the supplied object easily can be determined to be equal, otherwise false corba_object:is_equivalent/2
Returns true if Node has type atom and represents Value, otherwise false. erl_syntax:is_atom/1
Returns true if Node has type char and represents Value, otherwise false. erl_syntax:is_char/1
Returns true if Node has type integer and represents Value, otherwise false. erl_syntax:is_integer/1
Returns true if Node has type list or nil, otherwise false. erl_syntax:is_list_skeleton/1
Returns true if Node has type string and represents Value, otherwise false. erl_syntax:is_string/1
Returns true if Node is a leaf node, otherwise false. erl_syntax:is_leaf/1
Returns true if Node is a syntax tree representing a so-called "source code form", otherwise false. erl_syntax:is_form/1
Returns true if Node represents a literal term, otherwise false. erl_syntax:is_literal/1
Returns true if X appears to be an array, otherwise false. array:is_array/1
Return true if a Property exists at the current position and the out parameter is a valid Property. Otherwise false and a non-valid property CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator:next_one/1
Return true if a Property Name exists at the current position and the out parameter is a valid Property Name. Otherwise false and a non-valid Property Name CosPropertyService_PropertyNamesIterator:next_one/1
Return true if the requested number of properties can be delivered and there are additional properties. Otherwise false is returned and a sequence of max HowManyproperties CosPropertyService_PropertiesIterator:next_n/2
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:non_existent/1
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:non_existent/2
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:not_existent/1
Return false if the target object do not exist, otherwise true corba_object:not_existent/2
Load the OTP-MIB otp_mib:load/1
Unload the OTP-MIB otp_mib:unload/1
Load the OTP-OS-MON-MIB os_mon_mib:load/1
Unload the OTP-OS-MON-MIB os_mon_mib:unload/1
Send a message to all members of a process group, except ourselves pg:esend/2
Modify the transaction associated with the target object so the only possible outcome is to rollback the transaction CosTransactions_Coordinator:rollback_only/1
Return the out-degree of a vertex of a digraph. digraph:out_degree/2
Display the SSL verification depth for outgoing calls cosFileTransferApp:ssl_client_depth/0
Display the SSL verification depth for outgoing calls orber:ssl_client_depth/0
Display the SSL verification type for outgoing calls cosFileTransferApp:ssl_client_verify/0
Display the SSL verification type for outgoing calls orber:ssl_client_verify/0
Set the value of the SSL verification type for outgoing calls orber:set_ssl_client_verify/1
Sets the value of the SSL verification depth for outgoing calls orber:set_ssl_client_depth/1
Terminate outgoing connection(s) orber:close_connection/1
Terminate outgoing connection(s) orber:close_connection/2
Return all out-neighbours of a vertex of a digraph. digraph:out_neighbours/2
Return trueif the time has been set for an event that is yet to be triggered, falseotherwise. The outparameter represents the current time value of the target object CosTimerEvent_TimerEventHandler:time_set/1
Give a list of available help items on standard output. dbg:h/0
Print a term on standard output erlang:erlang:display/1
Put the Erlang term TraceInfointo the sequential trace output seq_trace:print/1
Put the Erlang term TraceInfointo the sequential trace output seq_trace:print/2
Write formatted output io:format/1
Write formatted output io:format/3
Write formatted output io:fwrite/1
Write formatted output io:fwrite/3
Write formatted output io_lib:format/2
Write formatted output io_lib:fwrite/2
Determine whether the compile will generate an output file compile:output_generated/1
Determine whether the compile will generate an output file (ignoring ERL_COMPILER_OPTIONS) compile:noenv_output_generated/1
Called when the driver event for input or output is signaled driver_entry:void ready_input/2
Called when the driver event for input or output is signaled driver_entry:void ready_output/2
Redirect all output to FileName rb:start_log/1
Captures all output to stdout for a process. test_server:capture_get/0
Captures all output to stdout for a process. test_server:capture_start/0
Captures all output to stdout for a process. test_server:capture_stop/0
Reads a source code file and outputs formatted documentation to a corresponding file. edoc:file/1
Cancel all outstanding messages for this connection megaco:cancel/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the TIO object overlap CosTime_TIO:overlaps/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the UTO object overlap CosTime_TIO:spans/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the TIO object overlap CosTime_TIO:overlaps/2
Return an OverlapType which describe how the interval in the target object and the timerange represented by the UTO object overlap CosTime_TIO:spans/2
Return current overload information data overload:get_overload_info/0
Send data and binary data to port owner erl_driver:int driver_output2/5
Send data from a driver binary to port owner erl_driver:int driver_output_binary/6
Send data from driver to port owner erl_driver:int driver_output/3
Send term data from driver to port owner erl_driver:int driver_output_term/3
Send vectorized data to port owner erl_driver:int driver_outputv/5
Change owner and group of a file file:change_owner/3
Change the head or head_func option for an owner of a disk log. disk_log:change_header/2
Change the notify option for an owner of a disk log. disk_log:change_notify/3
Change owner of a file file:change_owner/2
Set the owner of a port erlang:port_connect/2
Return the port owner process erl_driver:ErlDrvTermData driver_connected/1
Send term data to other process than port owner process erl_driver:int driver_send_term/4