Erlang/OTP Permuted Index

Permuted index of Erlang/OTP functions and commands



Sends one or more transaction request(s) but does NOT wait for a reply megaco:cast/3
Send a message and wait for an answer lib:sendw/2
Cancel all timetraps and wait for call to continue/0. test_server:break/1
  Wait for tables to be accessible. mnesia:wait_for_tables/2
Get data from telnet and wait for the expected pattern. ct_telnet:expect/3
  Wait on a condition variable erl_driver:void erl_drv_cond_wait/2
Send data to server on specified session channel and wait to receive the server response. ct_ssh:send_and_receive/6
Sends one or more transaction request(s) and waits for the reply megaco:call/3
Send status replies to requests that want such replies. ssh_connection:reply_request/4
Invoke when a new client ORB wants to setup a connection interceptors:new_in_connection/3
Invoke when a new client ORB wants to setup a connection interceptors:new_in_connection/5
Send a standard warning event to the error logger error_logger:warning_msg/1
Send a standard warning event to the error logger error_logger:warning_msg/2
Return the current mapping for warning events error_logger:warning_map/0
Ask framework if test server should issue a warning for What. test_server_ctrl:warn/1
Creates an abstract warning marker. erl_syntax:warning_marker/1
Get the string version of a warning message. dialyzer:format_warning/1
Send a standard warning report event to the error logger error_logger:warning_report/1
Send a user defined warning report event to the error logger error_logger:warning_report/2
Returns the ErrorInfo structure of a warning_marker node. erl_syntax:warning_marker_info/1
Return the weak relation corresponding to a given relation. sofs:weak_relation/1
Starts webserver. percept:start_webserver/0
Starts webserver. percept:start_webserver/1
Stops webserver. percept:stop_webserver/0
Start WebTool. webtool:start/0
Stop WebTool. webtool:stop/0
Debug a WebTool application. webtool:debug_app/1
Start a WebTool Application start_webtool:start_webtool
Returns configuration data needed by WebTool to configure and start a tool. webtool:Module:Func/1
Start WebTool with default configuration. webtool:start/2
Compute the day of the week calendar:day_of_the_week/1
Compute the day of the week calendar:day_of_the_week/3
Convert the day of the week (integer [1-7]) to an abbreviated string. httpd_util:day/1
Equivalent to new(Size, Family, Style, Weight, []). wxFont:new/1
Exports normal, well-formed XML content, using the specified callback-module. xmerl:export/3
Validates a parsed well-formed XML element (Element). xmerl_xsd:validate/3
Checks wether the module is natively compiled or not test_server:is_native/1
Ask framework if test server should issue a warning for What. test_server_ctrl:warn/1
Remove leading and/or trailing white spaces. httpd_conf:clean/1
Remove leading and/or trailing white spaces and custom characters. httpd_conf:custom_clean/3
Arranges documents horizontally or vertically, separated by whitespace. prettypr:sep/1
Function to accumulate and normalize whitespace. xmerl_scan:accumulate_whitespace/1
Returns the line widh field of the prettyprinter context. erl_prettypr:get_ctxt_linewidth/1
Returns the paper widh field of the prettyprinter context. erl_prettypr:get_ctxt_paperwidth/1
Updates the line widh field of the prettyprinter context. erl_prettypr:set_ctxt_linewidth/1
Updates the paper widh field of the prettyprinter context. erl_prettypr:set_ctxt_paperwidth/1
Similar to text/1, but the result is treated as having zero width. prettypr:null_text/1
Yields the empty document, which has neither height nor width. prettypr:empty/0
Equivalent to setDefaultColSize(This, Width, []). wxGrid:setDefaultColSize/1
Equivalent to create(This, Width, Height, []). wxBitmap:create/1
Equivalent to create(This, Width, Height, []). wxImage:create/1
Equivalent to create(This, Width, Height, []). wxImageList:create/1
Equivalent to new(Bits, Width, Height, []). wxCursor:new/1
Equivalent to new(Parent, X, Y, Width, Height, []). wxPanel:new/1
Equivalent to rescale(This, Width, Height, []). wxImage:rescale/1
Equivalent to scale(This, Width, Height, []). wxImage:scale/1
Equivalent to setSize(This, X, Y, Width, Height, []). wxWindow:setSize/1
Match filenames using Unix-style wildcards. filelib:wildcard/1
Match filenames using Unix-style wildcards starting at a specified directory. filelib:wildcard/2
Equivalent to insertPage(This, Position, Win, StrText, []). wxNotebook:insertPage/1
Adjusts the ssh flowcontrol window. ssh_connection:adjust_window/3
Start a Pman trace window. pman:proc/1
Start a Pman trace window. pman:proc/3
Equivalent to addPane(This, Window, []). wxAuiManager:addPane/1
Equivalent to add(This, Window, []). wxSizer:add/1
Looks up a control with Name in a window created with XML resources. wxXmlResource:xrcctrl/1
Equivalent to insertPane(This, Window, Insert_location, []). wxAuiManager:insertPane/1
Start main window process reltool:start/0
Stop a server or window process reltool:stop/1
Start main window process with options reltool:start/1
Start main window process with options reltool:start_link/1
Equivalent to splitHorizontally(This, Window1, Window2, []). wxSplitterWindow:splitHorizontally/1
Equivalent to splitVertically(This, Window1, Window2, []). wxSplitterWindow:splitVertically/1
Equivalent to splitHorizontally(This, Window1, Window2, []). wxSplitterWindow:splitHorizontally/1
Equivalent to splitVertically(This, Window1, Window2, []). wxSplitterWindow:splitVertically/1
Equivalent to windowPos2d(X, Y). gl:windowPos2dv/2
Equivalent to windowPos2f(X, Y). gl:windowPos2fv/2
Equivalent to windowPos2i(X, Y). gl:windowPos2iv/2
Equivalent to windowPos2s(X, Y). gl:windowPos2sv/2
Equivalent to windowPos3d(X, Y, Z). gl:windowPos3dv/3
Equivalent to windowPos3f(X, Y, Z). gl:windowPos3fv/3
Equivalent to windowPos3i(X, Y, Z). gl:windowPos3iv/3
Equivalent to windowPos3s(X, Y, Z). gl:windowPos3sv/3
Equivalent to windowPos4dMESA(X, Y, Z, W). gl:windowPos4dvMESA/4
Equivalent to windowPos4fMESA(X, Y, Z, W). gl:windowPos4fvMESA/4
Equivalent to windowPos4iMESA(X, Y, Z, W). gl:windowPos4ivMESA/4
Equivalent to windowPos4sMESA(X, Y, Z, W). gl:windowPos4svMESA/4
Equivalent to new(Parent, Winid, []). wxNotebook:new/1
Test for a reserved word erl_scan:reserved_word/1
Count blank separated words string:words/1
Count blank separated words string:words/2
Get the wordsize of running os. memsup:get_os_wordsize/0
Allows Igor to work as a component of the Erlang compiler. igor:parse_transform/1
Restart the worker process of a multi-threaded agent snmpa:restart_worker/0
Restart the worker process of a multi-threaded agent snmpa:restart_worker/1
Restart the set worker process of a multi-threaded agent snmpa:restart_set_worker/0
Restart the set worker process of a multi-threaded agent snmpa:restart_set_worker/1
Change working directory c:cd/1
Change local working directory. ftp:lcd/2
Change remote working directory. ftp:cd/2
Convert a filename to an absolute name, relative the working directory filename:absname/1
Get local current working directory. ftp:lpwd/1
Get remote current working directory. ftp:pwd/1
Get the current working directory file:get_cwd/0
Print working directory c:pwd/0
Set the current working directory file:set_cwd/1
Get the current working directory for the drive specified file:get_cwd/1
Change the current working directory of the target object's associated file system CosFileTransfer_FileTransferSession:set_directory/2
Returns the cookie header that would be sent when making a request to Url using the profile Profile. http:cookie_header/1
Returns the cookie header that would be sent when making a request to Url using the profile Profile. http:cookie_header/2
Read a chunk of objects written to a wrap log. wrap_log_reader:chunk/1
Read a chunk of objects written to a wrap log. wrap_log_reader:chunk/2
Change to the next wrap log file of a disk log. disk_log:inc_wrap_file/1
Step forward or backward among the wrap log files of a disk log. disk_log:chunk_step/3
xslapply is a wrapper to make things look similar to xsl:apply-templates. xmerl_xs:xslapply/2
  Write a character io_lib:write_char/1
  Write a chunk to the file tftp:write/2
  Write a chunk to the remote file. ftp:send_chunk/2
  Write a file file:write_file/2
  Write a file file:write_file/3
  Write a file ssh_sftp:write_file/3
  Write a file ssh_sftp:write_file/4
  Write a list of characters io:put_chars/2
  Write a newline io:nl/1
  Write a newline io_lib:nl/0
  Write a string io_lib:write_string/1
  Write a term io:write/2
  Write a term io_lib:write/1
  Write a term io_lib:write/2
  Write a (virtual) file to a TFTP server tftp:write_file/3
Open a file for read or write access tftp:open/6
  Write all saved and built-in match specifications to a file dbg:wtp/1
  Write an atom io_lib:write_atom/1
  Write an record into the database. mnesia:write/3
  Write asynchronously to an open file ssh_sftp:apwrite/4
  Write asynchronously to an open file ssh_sftp:awrite/3
  Write data to a socket. new_ssl:send/2
  Write data to a socket. ssl:send/2
  Write formatted output io:format/1
  Write formatted output io:format/3
  Write formatted output io:fwrite/1
  Write formatted output io:fwrite/3
  Write formatted output io_lib:format/2
  Write formatted output io_lib:fwrite/2
  Write information about a local process on standard error erlang:erlang:process_display/2
  Write information for a file ssh_sftp:write_file_info/3
  Write information for a file ssh_sftp:write_file_info/4
Set write lock on an entire table. mnesia:write_lock_table/1
Dirty write of a record. mnesia:dirty_write/1
Dirty write of a record. mnesia:dirty_write/2
  Write Recordand sets stick lock. mnesia:s_write/1
  Write the agent community config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_community_config/2
  Write the agent community config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_community_config/3
  Write the agent config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_agent_config/2
  Write the agent config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_agent_config/3
  Write the agent context(s) to the config file snmpa_conf:write_context_config/2
  Write the agent context(s) to the config file snmpa_conf:write_context_config/3
  Write the agent notify config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_notify_config/2
  Write the agent notify config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_notify_config/3
  Write the agent standard config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_standard_config/2
  Write the agent standard config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_standard_config/3
  Write the agent target_addr config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_target_addr_config/2
  Write the agent target_addr config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_target_addr_config/3
  Write the agent target_params config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_target_params_config/2
  Write the agent target_params config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_target_params_config/3
  Write the agent usm config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_usm_config/2
  Write the agent usm config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_usm_config/3
  Write the agent vacm config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_vacm_config/2
  Write the agent vacm config to the config file snmpa_conf:write_vacm_config/3
  Write the given Text to the file named by Name in directory Dir. edoc_lib:write_file/1
  Write the manager agents to the config file snmpm_conf:write_agents_config/2
  Write the manager agents to the config file snmpm_conf:write_agents_config/3
  Write the manager config to the config file snmpm_conf:write_manager_config/2
  Write the manager config to the config file snmpm_conf:write_manager_config/3
  Write the manager users config to the config file snmpm_conf:write_users_config/2
  Write the manager users config to the config file snmpm_conf:write_users_config/3
  Write the manager usm config to the config file snmpm_conf:write_usm_config/2
  Write the manager usm config to the config file snmpm_conf:write_usm_config/3
  Write to a file file:write/2
  Write to a file at a certain position file:pwrite/3
  Write to a file at certain positions file:pwrite/2
  Write to an open file ssh_sftp:pwrite/4
  Write to an open file ssh_sftp:pwrite/5
  Write to an open file ssh_sftp:write/3
  Write to an open file ssh_sftp:write/4
Equivalent to write_config(ConfigFile,Config,[]). ttb:write_config/2
Like write_file/3, but adds path components to the target directory corresponding to the specified package. edoc_lib:write_file/1
  Writes a record into the database. mnesia:write/1
  Writes any information to the .tifile. ttb:write_trace_info/2
Open a tar file for writing. erl_tar:open/2
Open the registry for reading or writing win32reg:open/1
Run a script written in Erlang escript:escript
Run a script written in Erlang escript:script-name
Called when port is written to driver_entry:void output/3
Called when the port is written to driver_entry:void outputv/2
Read a chunk of items written to a disk log. disk_log:bchunk/2
Read a chunk of items written to a disk log. disk_log:bchunk/3
Read a chunk of items written to a disk log. disk_log:chunk/2
Read a chunk of items written to a disk log. disk_log:chunk/3
Read a chunk of objects written to a wrap log. wrap_log_reader:chunk/1
Read a chunk of objects written to a wrap log. wrap_log_reader:chunk/2
Ensure that all updates made to a Dets table are written to disk. dets:sync/1
Return the wstring IDL typecode orber_tc:wstring/1
Create an IFR objref of the type WstringDef orber_ifr:create_wstring/2
Starts a wxErlang demo if examples directory exists and is compiled. wx:demo/0
Make a call to a wx_object server. wx_object:call/2
Make a call to a wx_object server. wx_object:call/3
Starts a generic wx_object server and invokes Mod:init(Args) in the new process. wx_object:start/3
Starts a generic wx_object server and invokes Mod:init(Args) in the new process. wx_object:start/4
Starts a generic wx_object server and invokes Mod:init(Args) in the new process. wx_object:start_link/3
Starts a generic wx_object server and invokes Mod:init(Args) in the new process. wx_object:start_link/4
Creates a wxPrintout object with a callback fun and optionally other callback funs. wxPrintout:new/1