View Source trace (kernel v10.1.1)

The Erlang trace interface.

The Erlang run-time system exposes several trace points that allow users to be notified when they are triggered. Trace points are things such as function calls, message sending and receiving, garbage collection, and process scheduling.

The functions in this module can be used directly, but can also be used as building blocks to build more sophisticated debugging or profiling tools. For debugging Erlang code it is recommended to use dbg and for profiling to use tprof.

Trace Sessions

All tracing is done within a trace session. Trace sessions can be created and destroyed dynamically. Each session has its own tracer that will receive all trace messages. Several sessions can exist at the same time without interfering with each other. When a trace session is destroyed, all its trace settings are automatically cleaned up.


%% Create a tracer process that will receive the trace events
1> Tracer = spawn(fun F() -> receive M -> io:format("~p~n",[M]), F() end end).
%% Create a session using the Tracer
2> Session = trace:session_create(my_session, Tracer, []).
{#Ref<0.1543805153.1548353537.92331>,{my_session, 0}}
%% Setup call tracing on self()
3> trace:process(Session, self(), true, [call]).
%% Setup call tracing on lists:seq/2
4> trace:function(Session, {lists,seq,2}, [], []).
%% Call the traced function
5> lists:seq(1, 10).
{trace,<0.89.0>,call,{lists,seq,[1,10]}} % The trace message
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] % The return value
%% Cleanup the trace session
6> trace:session_destroy(Session).

Node Local Tracing Only

The functions in this module only operates on the local node. That is, both the traced processes/ports as well as the tracer process/port/module must all reside on the same local node as the call is made. To trace remote nodes use dbg or ttb.


This trace module was introduced in OTP 27.0. The interface and semantics are similar to the older functions erlang:trace/3, erlang:trace_pattern/3, and erlang:trace_info/2.

The main difference is the old functions operate on a single static trace session per node. That could impose the problem that different users and tools would interfere with each other's trace settings. The new trace functions in this module all operate on dynamically created trace sesssions isolated from each other. Also, this makes it easier to safely disable all trace settings when done by a single call to session_destroy/1.

To change an existing tool to use the interface the following table can be useful:

Old function callcorresponds to
erlang:trace(Pid, ...)process(S, Pid, ...)
erlang:trace(processes, ...)process(S, all, ...)
erlang:trace(existing_processes, ...)process(S, existing, ...)
erlang:trace(new_processes, ...)process(S, new, ...)
erlang:trace(Port, ...)port(S, Port, ...)
erlang:trace(ports, ...)port(S, all, ...)
erlang:trace(existing_ports, ...)port(S, existing, ...)
erlang:trace(new_ports, ...)port(S, new, ...)
erlang:trace(all, ...)process(S, all, ...) and port(S, all, ...)
erlang:trace(existing, ...)process(S, existing, ...) and port(S, existing, ...)
erlang:trace(new, ...)process(S, new, ...) and port(S, new, ...)
erlang:trace_pattern(MFA, ...)function(S, MFA, ...)
erlang:trace_pattern(send, ...)send(S, ...)
erlang:trace_pattern('receive', ...)recv(S, ...)
erlang:trace_info(...)info(S, ...)

Argument S is the trace session that must first be created with session_create/3. The other arguments (implied by ...) are mostly the same. The only other difference is that the tracer is always the tracer specified when the session was created. Options {tracer,T}, {tracer,M,S}, {meta,T}, and {meta,M,S} are therefore not allowed, and the default tracer is never the calling process.



A handle to an isolated trace session.

A weak session handle as returned by session_info/1. A weak session handle can be used like a full session handle, but it will not prevent the session from being destroyed when the last strong handle is garbage collected.


Equivalent to erlang:trace_delivered(Tracee) except that it is run within the given session/0.

Enable or disable call tracing for one or more functions.

Return trace information about a port, process, function, or event.

Turn on or off trace flags for one or more ports.

Turn on or off trace flags for one or more processes.

Set trace pattern for message receiving.

Set trace pattern for message sending.

Create a new trace session.

Destroy a trace session and cleanup all its settings on processes, ports, and functions.

Return which trace sessions that affect a port, process, function, or event.


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View Source (not exported) (since OTP 27.0)
-type match_variable() :: atom().
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View Source (since OTP 27.0)
-type session() :: {session_strong_ref(), session_weak_ref()} | session_weak_ref().

A handle to an isolated trace session.

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View Source (since OTP 27.0)
-opaque session_strong_ref()
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View Source (since OTP 27.0)
-opaque session_weak_ref()

A weak session handle as returned by session_info/1. A weak session handle can be used like a full session handle, but it will not prevent the session from being destroyed when the last strong handle is garbage collected.

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View Source (not exported) (since OTP 27.0)
-type trace_flag() :: trace_info_flag() | all | cpu_timestamp.
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View Source (not exported) (since OTP 27.0)
-type trace_info_flag() ::
          arity | call | exiting | garbage_collection | monotonic_timestamp | procs | ports |
          'receive' | return_to | running | running_procs | running_ports | send | set_on_first_link |
          set_on_first_spawn | set_on_link | set_on_spawn | silent | strict_monotonic_timestamp |
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View Source (not exported) (since OTP 27.0)
-type trace_info_item_result() ::
          {traced, global | local | false | undefined} |
          {match_spec, trace_match_spec() | false | undefined} |
          {meta, pid() | port() | false | undefined | []} |
          {meta, module(), term()} |
          {meta_match_spec, trace_match_spec() | false | undefined} |
          {call_count, non_neg_integer() | boolean() | undefined} |
          {call_time | call_memory,
           [{pid(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}] | boolean() | undefined}.
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View Source (not exported) (since OTP 27.0)
-type trace_info_return() ::
          undefined |
          {flags, [trace_info_flag()]} |
          {tracer, pid() | port() | []} |
          {tracer, module(), term()} |
          trace_info_item_result() |
          {all, [trace_info_item_result()] | false | undefined}.
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View Source (not exported) (since OTP 27.0)
-type trace_match_spec() :: [{[term()] | '_' | match_variable(), [term()], [term()]}].
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View Source (not exported) (since OTP 27.0)
-type trace_pattern_flag() ::
          global | local | meta |
          {meta, Pid :: pid()} |
          {meta, TracerModule :: module(), TracerState :: term()} |
          call_count | call_time | call_memory.
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View Source (not exported) (since OTP 27.0)
-type trace_pattern_mfa() :: {atom(), atom(), arity() | '_'}.


Link to this function

delivered(Session, Tracee)

View Source (since OTP 27.0)
-spec delivered(Session :: session(), Tracee :: pid() | all) -> reference().

Equivalent to erlang:trace_delivered(Tracee) except that it is run within the given session/0.

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function(Session, MFA, MatchSpec, FlagList)

View Source (since OTP 27.0)
-spec function(Session, MFA, MatchSpec, FlagList) -> non_neg_integer()
                      Session :: session(),
                      MFA :: trace_pattern_mfa() | on_load,
                      MatchSpec :: trace_match_spec() | boolean() | restart | pause,
                      FlagList :: [trace_pattern_flag()].

Enable or disable call tracing for one or more functions.

Must be combined with process/4 to set the call trace flag for one or more processes.

Conceptually, call tracing works as follows. In each trace session, a set of processes and a set of functions haven been marked for tracing. If a traced process calls a traced function, the trace action is taken. Otherwise, nothing happens.

To add or remove one or more processes to the set of traced processes, use process/4.

Use this function to add or remove functions to the set of traced functions in a trace session.

Argument Session is the trace session to operate on as returned by session_create/3.

Argument MFA is to be a tuple, such as {Module, Function, Arity}, or the atom on_load (described below). The MFA tuple specifies the module, function, and arity for the functions to be traced. The atom '_' can be used as a wildcard in any of the following ways:

  • {Module,Function,'_'} - All functions of any arity named Function in module Module.

  • {Module,'_','_'} - All functions in module Module.

  • {'_','_','_'} - All functions in all loaded modules.

Other combinations, such as {Module,'_',Arity}, are not allowed.

If argument MFA is the atom on_load, the match specification and flag list are used on all functions in all modules that are newly loaded.

Argument MatchSpec can take the following forms:

  • true - Enable tracing for the matching functions. Any match specification is removed.

  • false - Disable tracing for the matching functions. Any match specification is removed.

  • MatchExpression - A match specification. An empty list is equivalent to true. For a description of match specifications, see section Match Specifications in Erlang in the User's Guide for the ERTS application.

  • restart - For the FlagList options call_count, call_time and call_memory: restarts the existing counters. The behavior is undefined for other FlagList options.

  • pause - For the FlagList options call_count, call_time and call_memory: pauses the existing counters. The behavior is undefined for other FlagList options.

Argument FlagList is a list of options. The following are the valid options:

  • global - Turn on or off call tracing for global function calls (that is, calls specifying the module explicitly). Only exported functions match and only global calls generate trace messages. This is the default if FlagList is empty.

  • local - Turn on or off call tracing for all types of function calls. Trace messages are sent whenever any of the specified functions are called, regardless of how they are called. If flag return_to is set for the process, a return_to message is also sent when this function returns to its caller.

  • meta - Turn on or off meta-tracing for all types of function calls. Trace messages are sent to the tracer whenever any of the specified functions are called.

    Meta-tracing traces all processes and does not care about the process trace flags set by process/4, the trace flags are instead fixed to [call, timestamp].

    The match specification function {return_trace} works with meta-trace.

  • call_count - Start (MatchSpec == true) or stop (MatchSpec == false) call count tracing for all types of function calls. For every function, a counter is incremented when the function is called, in any process. No process trace flags need to be activated.

    If call count tracing is started while already running, the count is restarted from zero. To pause running counters, use MatchSpec == pause. Paused and running counters can be restarted from zero with MatchSpec == restart.

    To read the counter value for a function, call trace:info(_, MFA, call_count).

  • call_time - Start (MatchSpec is true) or stops (MatchSpec is false) call time tracing for all types of function calls. For every function, a counter is incremented when the function is called and the time spent in the function is measured and accumulated in another counter. The counters are stored for each call traced process.

    If call time tracing is started while already running, the count and time restart from zero. To pause running counters, use MatchSpec == pause. Paused and running counters can be restarted from zero with MatchSpec == restart.

    To read the counter values, use info/3.

  • call_memory - Start (MatchSpec == true) or stop (MatchSpec == false) call memory tracing for all types of function calls.

    If call memory tracing is started while already running, counters and allocations restart from zero. To pause running counters, use MatchSpec == pause. Paused and running counters can be restarted from zero with MatchSpec == restart.

    To read the counter value, use info/3.

Option global cannot be combined with any of the other options, which all perform some kind of local tracing. If global tracing is specified for a set of functions, then local, meta, call_count, call_time, and call_memory tracing for the matching set of functions are disabled, and vice versa.

When disabling trace, the option must match the type of trace set on the function. That is, local tracing must be disabled with option local and global tracing with option global (or no option), and so on.

Part of a match specification cannot be changed directly. If a function has a match specification, it can be replaced with a new one. Function info/3 can be used to retrieve the existing match specification.

Returns the number of functions matching argument MFA. Zero is returned if none matched or if on_load was specified.

Fails by raising an error exception with an error reason of:

  • badarg - If an argument is invalid.

  • system_limit - If a match specification passed as argument has excessive nesting which causes scheduler stack exhaustion for the scheduler that the calling process is executing on. Scheduler stack size can be configured when starting the runtime system.

Link to this function

info(Session, PidPortFuncEvent, Item)

View Source (since OTP 27.0)
-spec info(Session, PidPortFuncEvent, Item) -> Res
                  Session :: session(),
                  PidPortFuncEvent ::
                      pid() |
                      port() |
                      new | new_processes | new_ports | MFA | on_load | send | 'receive',
                  MFA :: {module(), atom(), arity()},
                  Item ::
                      flags | tracer | traced | match_spec | meta | meta_match_spec | call_count |
                      call_time | call_memory | all,
                  Res :: trace_info_return().

Return trace information about a port, process, function, or event.

Argument Session is the trace session to inspect as returned by session_create/3 or session_info/1.

To get information about a port or process, PidPortFuncEvent is to be a process identifier (pid), port identifier, or one of the atoms new, new_processes, or new_ports. The atom new or new_processes means that the default trace state for processes to be created is returned. The atom new_ports means that the default trace state for ports to be created is returned.

Valid Item values for ports and processes:

  • flags - Returns a list of atoms indicating what kind of traces is enabled for the process. The list is empty if no traces are enabled, and one or more of trace_info_flag() if traces are enabled. The order is arbitrary.

  • tracer - Returns the identifier for process, port, or a tuple containing the tracer module and tracer state tracing this process. If this process is not traced, the return value is [].

To get information about a function, PidPortFuncEvent is to be the three-element tuple {Module, Function, Arity} or the atom on_load. No wildcards are allowed. Returns undefined if the function does not exist or false if the function is not traced. If PidPortFuncEvent is on_load, the information returned refers to the default value for code that will be loaded.

Valid Item values for functions:

  • traced - Returns global if this function is traced on global function calls, local if this function is traced on local function calls (that is, local and global function calls), and false if local or global function calls are not traced.

  • match_spec - Returns the match specification for this function, if it has one. If the function is locally or globally traced but has no match specification defined, the returned value is [].

  • meta - Returns the meta-trace tracer process, port, or trace module for this function, if it has one. If the function is not meta-traced, the returned value is false. If the function is meta-traced but has once detected that the tracer process is invalid, the returned value is [].

  • meta_match_spec - Returns the meta-trace match specification for this function, if it has one. If the function is meta-traced but has no match specification defined, the returned value is [].

  • call_count - Returns the call count value for this function or true for the pseudo function on_load if call count tracing is active. Otherwise false is returned.

    See also function/4.

  • call_time - Returns the call time values for this function or true for the pseudo function on_load if call time tracing is active. Otherwise false is returned. The call time values returned, [{Pid, Count, S, Us}], is a list of each process that executed the function and its specific counters. Count is the call count. S and Us are the accumulated call time expressed in seconds and microseconds.

    See also function/4.

  • call_memory - Returns the accumulated number of words allocated by this function. Accumulation stops at the next memory traced function: if there are outer, middle and inner functions each allocating 3 words, but only outer is traced, it will report 9 allocated words. If outer and inner are traced, 6 words are reported for outer and 3 for inner. When function is not traced, false is returned. Returned tuple is [{Pid, Count, Words}], for each process that executed the function.

    See also function/4.

  • all - Returns a list containing the {Item, Value} tuples for all other items, or returns false if no tracing is active for this function.

To get information about an event, PidPortFuncEvent is to be one of the atoms send or 'receive'.

One valid Item for events exists:

  • match_spec - Returns the match specification for this event, if it has one, or true if no match specification has been set.

The return value is {Item, Value}, where Value is the requested information as described earlier. If a pid for a dead process was specified, or the name of a non-existing function, Value is undefined.

Link to this function

port(Session, Ports, How, FlagList)

View Source (since OTP 27.0)
-spec port(Session, Ports, How, FlagList) -> integer()
                  Session :: session(),
                  Ports :: port() | all | existing | new,
                  How :: boolean(),
                  FlagList :: [trace_flag()].

Turn on or off trace flags for one or more ports.

Argument Session is the trace session to operate on as returned by session_create/3.

Ports is either a port identifier for a local port or one of the following atoms:

  • all - All currently existing ports and all that will be created in the future.

  • existing - All currently existing ports.

  • new - All ports that will be created in the future.

FlagList can contain any number of the following flags (the "message tags" refers to the list of trace messages):

The tracing process receives the trace messages described in the following list. Port is the port identifier of the traced port in which the traced event has occurred. The third tuple element is the message tag.

If flag timestamp, strict_monotonic_timestamp, or monotonic_timestamp is specified, the first tuple element is trace_ts instead, and the time stamp is added as an extra element last in the message tuple. If multiple time stamp flags are passed, timestamp has precedence over strict_monotonic_timestamp, which in turn has precedence over monotonic_timestamp. All time stamp flags are remembered, so if two are passed and the one with highest precedence later is disabled, the other one becomes active.

If a match specification (applicable only for send and 'receive' tracing) contains a {message} action function with a non-boolean value, that value is added as an extra element to the message tuple either in the last position or before the timestamp (if it is present).

Trace messages:

  • {trace, Port, send, Msg, To} - When Port sends message Msg to process To.

  • {trace, Port, send_to_non_existing_process, Msg, To} - When Port sends message Msg to the non-existing process To.

  • {trace, Port, 'receive', Msg} - When Port receives message Msg. If Msg is set to time-out, a receive statement can have timed out, or the process received a message with the payload timeout.

  • {trace, Port, register, RegName} - When Port gets the name RegName registered.

  • {trace, Port, unregister, RegName} - When Port gets the name RegName unregistered. This is done automatically when a registered process or port exits.

  • {trace, Port, getting_linked, Pid2} - When Port gets linked to a process Pid2.

  • {trace, Port, getting_unlinked, Pid2} - When Port gets unlinked from a process Pid2.

  • {trace, Port, open, Pid, Driver} - When Pid opens a new port Port with the running Driver.

    Driver is the name of the driver as an atom.

  • {trace, Port, closed, Reason} - When Port closes with Reason.

  • {trace, Port, in, Command | 0} - When Port is scheduled to run. Command is the first thing the port will execute, it can however run several commands before being scheduled out. On some rare occasions, the current function cannot be determined, then the last element is 0.

    The possible commands are call, close, command, connect, control, flush, info, link, open, and unlink.

  • {trace, Port, out, Command | 0} - When Port is scheduled out. The last command run was Command. On some rare occasions, the current function cannot be determined, then the last element is 0. Command can contain the same commands as in

If the tracing process/port dies or the tracer module returns remove, the flags are silently removed.

Returns a number indicating the number of ports that matched Ports. If Ports is a port identifier, the return value is 1. If Ports is all or existing, the return value is the number of existing ports. If Ports is new, the return value is 0.

Failure: badarg if the specified arguments are not supported. For example, cpu_timestamp is not supported on all platforms.

Link to this function

process(Session, Procs, How, FlagList)

View Source (since OTP 27.0)
-spec process(Session, Procs, How, FlagList) -> integer()
                     Session :: session(),
                     Procs :: pid() | all | existing | new,
                     How :: boolean(),
                     FlagList :: [trace_flag()].

Turn on or off trace flags for one or more processes.

Argument Session is the trace session to operate on as returned by session_create/3.

Argument Procs is either a process identifier (pid) for a local process or one of the following atoms:

  • all - All currently existing processes and all that will be created in the future.

  • existing - All currently existing processes.

  • new - All processes that will be created in the future.

Argument How is either true to turn on trace flags or false to turn them off.

Argument FlagList can contain any number of the following flags (the "message tags" refers to the list of trace messages):

  • all - Sets all trace flags except cpu_timestamp, which is in its nature different than the others.

  • send - Traces sending of messages. Limit which sent messages to trace by calling send/3.

    Message tags: send and send_to_non_existing_process.

  • 'receive' - Traces receiving of messages. Limit which received messages to trace by calling recv/3.

    Message tags: 'receive'.

  • call - Traces certain function calls. Specify which function calls to trace by calling function/4.

    Message tags: call and return_from.

  • silent - Used with the call trace flag. The call, return_from, and return_to trace messages are inhibited if this flag is set, but they are executed as normal if there are match specifications.

    Silent mode is inhibited by executing trace:process(_, _, false, [silent|_]), or by a match specification executing the function {silent, false}.

    The silent trace flag facilitates setting up a trace on many or even all processes in the system. The trace can then be activated and deactivated using the match specification function {silent,Bool}, giving a high degree of control of which functions with which arguments that trigger the trace.

    Message tags: call, return_from, and return_to. Or rather, the absence of.

  • return_to - Used with the call trace flag. Traces the exit from call traced functions back to where the execution resumes. Only works for functions traced with option local to function/4.

    The semantics is that a return_to trace message is sent when a call traced function returns or throws and exception that is caught. For tail calls, only one trace message is sent per chain of tail calls, so the properties of tail recursiveness for function calls are kept while tracing with this flag. Similar for exceptions, only one return_to trace message is sent, even if the exception passed more than one call traced function before it was caught.

    Using call and return_to trace together makes it possible to know exactly in which function a process executes at any time.

    To get trace messages containing return values from functions, use the {return_trace} match specification action instead.

    Message tags: return_to.

  • procs - Traces process-related events.

    Message tags: spawn, spawned, exit, register, unregister, link, unlink, getting_linked, and getting_unlinked.

  • running - Traces scheduling of processes.

    Message tags: in and out.

  • exiting - Traces scheduling of exiting processes.

    Message tags: in_exiting, out_exiting, and out_exited.

  • running_procs - Traces scheduling of processes just like running. However, this option also includes schedule events when the process executes within the context of a port without being scheduled out itself.

    Message tags: in and out.

  • garbage_collection - Traces garbage collections of processes.

    Message tags: gc_minor_start, gc_max_heap_size, and gc_minor_end.

  • timestamp - Includes a time stamp in all trace messages. The time stamp (Ts) has the same form as returned by erlang:now/0.

  • cpu_timestamp - A global trace flag for the Erlang node that makes all trace time stamps using flag timestamp to be in CPU time, not wall clock time. That is, cpu_timestamp is not be used if monotonic_timestamp or strict_monotonic_timestamp is enabled. Only allowed with Procs==all. If the host machine OS does not support high-resolution CPU time measurements, process/4 exits with badarg. Notice that most OS do not synchronize this value across cores, so be prepared that time can seem to go backwards when using this option.

  • monotonic_timestamp - Includes an Erlang monotonic time time stamp in all trace messages. The time stamp (Ts) has the same format and value as produced by erlang:monotonic_time(nanosecond). This flag overrides flag cpu_timestamp.

  • strict_monotonic_timestamp - Includes an time stamp consisting of Erlang monotonic time and a monotonically increasing integer in all trace messages. The time stamp (Ts) has the same format and value as produced by { erlang:monotonic_time(nanosecond), erlang:unique_integer([monotonic])}. This flag overrides flag cpu_timestamp.

    If multiple time stamp flags are passed, timestamp has precedence over strict_monotonic_timestamp, which in turn has precedence over monotonic_timestamp. All time stamp flags are remembered, so if two are passed and the one with highest precedence later is disabled, the other one becomes active.

  • arity - Used with the call trace flag. {M, F, Arity} is specified instead of {M, F, Args} in call trace messages.

  • set_on_spawn - Makes any process created by a traced process inherit all its trace flags, including flag set_on_spawn itself.

  • set_on_first_spawn - Makes the first process created by a traced process inherit all its trace flags, excluding flag set_on_first_spawn itself. That is, after the first spawn is done, set_on_first_spawn will be cleared in both the spawned process and the spawning process.

    If both are set, set_on_first_spawn will supersede set_on_spawn.

  • set_on_link - Makes any process linked by a traced process inherit all its trace flags, including flag set_on_link itself.

  • set_on_first_link - Makes the first process linked to by a traced process inherit all its trace flags, excluding flag set_on_first_link itself. That is, after the first link is done, set_on_first_link will be cleared in both the linked process and the linking process.

    If both are set, set_on_first_link will supersede set_on_link.

The tracing process receives the trace messages described in the following list. Pid is the process identifier of the traced process in which the traced event has occurred. The third tuple element is the message tag.

If flag timestamp, strict_monotonic_timestamp, or monotonic_timestamp is specified, the first tuple element is trace_ts instead, and the time stamp is added as an extra element last in the message tuple.

If a match specification (applicable only for call, send, and 'receive' tracing) contains a {message} action function with a non-boolean value, that value is added as an extra element to the message tuple either in the last position or before the timestamp (if it is present).

Trace messages:

  • {trace, Pid, send, Msg, To} - When process Pid sends message Msg to process To.

  • {trace, Pid, send_to_non_existing_process, Msg, To} - When process Pid sends message Msg to the non-existing process To.

  • {trace, Pid, 'receive', Msg} - When process Pid receives message Msg. If Msg is set to time-out, a receive statement can have timed out, or the process received a message with the payload timeout.

  • {trace, Pid, call, {M, F, Args}} - When process Pid calls a traced function. The return values of calls are never supplied, only the call and its arguments.

    Trace flag arity can be used to change the contents of this message, so that Arity is specified instead of Args.

  • {trace, Pid, return_to, {M, F, Arity}} - When process Pid returns to the specified function. This trace message is sent if both the flags call and return_to are set, and the function is set to be traced on local function calls. The message is only sent when returning from a chain of tail recursive function calls, where at least one call generated a call trace message (that is, the functions match specification matched, and {message, false} was not an action).

  • {trace, Pid, return_from, {M, F, Arity}, ReturnValue} - When Pid returns from the specified function. This trace message is sent if flag call is set, and the function has a match specification with a return_trace or exception_trace action.

  • {trace, Pid, exception_from, {M, F, Arity}, {Class, Value}} - When Pid exits from the specified function because of an exception. This trace message is sent if flag call is set, and the function has a match specification with an exception_trace action.

  • {trace, Pid, spawn, Pid2, {M, F, Args}} - When Pid spawns a new process Pid2 with the specified function call as entry point.

    Args is supposed to be the argument list, but can be any term if the spawn is erroneous.

  • {trace, Pid, spawned, Pid2, {M, F, Args}} - When Pid is spawned by process Pid2 with the specified function call as entry point.

    Args is supposed to be the argument list, but can be any term if the spawn is erroneous.

  • {trace, Pid, exit, Reason} - When Pid exits with reason Reason.

  • {trace, Pid, register, RegName} - When process Pid gets the name RegName registered.

  • {trace, Pid, unregister, RegName} - When process Pid gets the name RegName unregistered. This is done automatically when a registered process or port exits.

  • {trace, Pid, link, Pid2} - When Pid links to a process Pid2.

  • {trace, Pid, unlink, Pid2} - When Pid removes the link from a process Pid2.

  • {trace, Pid, getting_linked, Pid2} - When Pid gets linked to a process Pid2.

  • {trace, Pid, getting_unlinked, Pid2} - When Pid gets unlinked from a process Pid2.

  • {trace, Port, open, Pid, Driver} - When Pid opens a new port Port with the running Driver.

    Driver is the name of the driver as an atom.

  • {trace, Pid, in | in_exiting, {M, F, Arity} | 0} When Pid is scheduled to run. The process runs in function {M, F, Arity}. On some rare occasions, the current function cannot be determined, then the last element is 0.

  • {trace, Pid, out | out_exiting | out_exited, {M, F, Arity} | 0} When Pid is scheduled out. The process was running in function {M, F, Arity}. On some rare occasions, the current function cannot be determined, then the last element is 0.

  • {trace, Pid, gc_minor_start, Info} - Sent when a garbage collection of the young generation is about to be started. Info is a list of two-element tuples, where the first element is a key, and the second is the value. Do not depend on any order of the tuples. The following keys are defined:

    • heap_size - The size of the used part of the heap.

    • heap_block_size - The size of the memory block used for storing the heap and the stack.

    • old_heap_size - The size of the used part of the old heap.

    • old_heap_block_size - The size of the memory block used for storing the old heap.

    • stack_size - The size of the stack.

    • recent_size - The size of the data that survived the previous garbage collection.

    • mbuf_size - The combined size of message buffers associated with the process.

    • bin_vheap_size - The total size of unique off-heap binaries referenced from the process heap.

    • bin_vheap_block_size - The total size of binaries allowed in the virtual heap in the process before doing a garbage collection.

    • bin_old_vheap_size - The total size of unique off-heap binaries referenced from the process old heap.

    • bin_old_vheap_block_size - The total size of binaries allowed in the virtual old heap in the process before doing a garbage collection.

    • wordsize - For the gc_minor_start event it is the size of the need that triggered the GC. For the corresponding gc_minor_end event it is the size of reclaimed memory = start heap_size - end heap_size.

    All sizes are in words.

  • {trace, Pid, gc_max_heap_size, Info} - Sent when the max_heap_size is reached during garbage collection. Info contains the same kind of list as in message gc_start, but the sizes reflect the sizes that triggered max_heap_size to be reached.

  • {trace, Pid, gc_minor_end, Info} - Sent when young garbage collection is finished. Info contains the same kind of list as in message gc_minor_start, but the sizes reflect the new sizes after garbage collection.

  • {trace, Pid, gc_major_start, Info} - Sent when fullsweep garbage collection is about to be started. Info contains the same kind of list as in message gc_minor_start.

  • {trace, Pid, gc_major_end, Info} - Sent when fullsweep garbage collection is finished. Info contains the same kind of list as in message gc_minor_start, but the sizes reflect the new sizes after a fullsweep garbage collection.

If the tracing process dies or the tracer module returns remove, the flags are silently removed.

Returns a number indicating the number of processes that matched Procs. If Procs is a process identifier, the return value is 1. If Procs is all or existing, the return value is the number of processes running. If Procs is new, the return value is 0.

Failure: badarg if the specified arguments are not supported. For example, cpu_timestamp is not supported on all platforms.

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recv(Session, MatchSpec, FlagList)

View Source (since OTP 27.0)
-spec recv(Session, MatchSpec, FlagList) -> non_neg_integer()
              when Session :: session(), MatchSpec :: trace_match_spec() | boolean(), FlagList :: [].

Set trace pattern for message receiving.

Must be combined with process/4 or port/4 to set the 'receive' trace flag for one or more processes or ports.

Argument Session is the trace session to operate on as returned by session_create/3.

The default value for the receive trace pattern in each session is true. That is, all messages received by processes having 'receive' trace enabled will be traced. Use this function to limit traced 'receive' events based on the message content, the sender, and/or the receiver.

Argument MatchSpec can take the following forms:

  • MatchExpression - A match specification. The matching is done on the list [Node, Sender, Msg]. Node is the node name of the sender. Sender is the process or port identity of the sender, or the atom undefined if the sender is not known (which can be the case for remote senders). Msg is the message term. The pid of the receiving process can be accessed with the guard function self/0. An empty list is the same as true. For more information, see section Match Specifications in Erlang in the User's Guide for the ERTS application.

  • true - Enable tracing for all received messages (to 'receive' traced processes). Any match specification is removed. This is the default.

  • false - Disable tracing for all received messages. Any match specification is removed.

Argument FlagList must be [] for receive tracing.

The return value is always 1.


Only trace messages from a specific process Pid:

> trace:recv(Session, [{['_',Pid, '_'],[],[]}], []).

Only trace messages matching {reply, _}:

> trace:recv(Session, [{['_','_', {reply,'_'}],[],[]}], []).

Only trace messages from other nodes:

> trace:recv(Session, [{['$1', '_', '_'],[{'=/=','$1',{node}}],[]}], []).


A match specification for 'receive' trace can use all guard and body functions except caller, is_seq_trace, get_seq_token, set_seq_token, enable_trace, disable_trace, trace, silent, and process_dump.

Fails by raising an error exception with an error reason of:

  • badarg - If an argument is invalid.

  • system_limit - If a match specification passed as argument has excessive nesting which causes scheduler stack exhaustion for the scheduler that the calling process is executing on. Scheduler stack size can be configured when starting the runtime system.

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send(Session, MatchSpec, FlagList)

View Source (since OTP 27.0)
-spec send(Session, MatchSpec, FlagList) -> non_neg_integer()
              when Session :: session(), MatchSpec :: trace_match_spec() | boolean(), FlagList :: [].

Set trace pattern for message sending.

Must be combined with process/4 or port/4 to set the send trace flag for one or more processes or ports.

Argument Session is the trace session to operate on as returned by session_create/3.

The default value for the send trace pattern in each session is true. That is, all messages sent from processes having send trace enabled will be traced. Use this function to limit traced send events based on the message content, the sender, and/or the receiver.

Argument MatchSpec can take the following forms:

  • MatchExpression - A match specification. The matching is done on the list [Receiver, Msg]. Receiver is the process or port identity of the receiver and Msg is the message term. The pid of the sending process can be accessed with the guard function self/0. An empty list is the same as true. For more information, see section Match Specifications in Erlang in the User's Guide for the ERTS application.

  • true - Enable tracing for all sent messages (from send traced processes). Any match specification is removed.

  • false - Disable tracing for all sent messages. Any match specification is removed.

Argument FlagList must be [].

The return value is always 1.


Only trace messages to a specific process Pid:

> trace:send(Session, [{[Pid, '_'],[],[]}], []).

Only trace messages matching {reply, _}:

> trace:send(Session, [{['_', {reply,'_'}],[],[]}], []).

Only trace messages sent to the sender itself:

> trace:send(Session, [{['$1', '_'],[{'=:=','$1',{self}}],[]}], []).

Only trace messages sent to other nodes:

> trace:send(Session, [{['$1', '_'],[{'=/=',{node,'$1'},{node}}],[]}], []).


A match specification for send trace can use all guard and body functions except caller.

Fails by raising an error exception with an error reason of:

  • badarg - If an argument is invalid.

  • system_limit - If a match specification passed as argument has excessive nesting which causes scheduler stack exhaustion for the scheduler that the calling process is executing on. Scheduler stack size can be configured when starting the runtime system.

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session_create(Name, Tracer, Opts)

View Source (since OTP 27.0)
-spec session_create(Name, Tracer, Opts) -> session()
                        when Name :: atom(), Tracer :: pid() | port() | {module(), term()}, Opts :: [].

Create a new trace session.

Argument Name is an atom name for the session. It will be returned when inspecting with session_info/1.

Argument Tracer specifies the consumer of all trace events for the session. It can be an identifier of a local process or port to receive all trace messages.

Tracer can also be a tuple {TracerModule, TracerState} for a tracer module to be called instead of sending a trace message. The tracer module can then ignore or change the trace message. For more details on how to write a tracer module, see module erl_tracer.

Argument Opts must be [].

Returns an opaque handle to the trace session. The handle will keep the session alive. If the handle is dropped and garbage collected, the session will be destroyed and cleaned up as if session_destroy/1 was called.

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View Source (since OTP 27.0)
-spec session_destroy(Session) -> true | false when Session :: session().

Destroy a trace session and cleanup all its settings on processes, ports, and functions.

The only things not cleaned up are trace messages that have already been sent.

Returns true if the session was active. Returns false if the session had already been destroyed by either an earler call to this function or the garbage collector.

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View Source (since OTP 27.0)
-spec session_info(PidPortFuncEvent) -> Res
                          PidPortFuncEvent ::
                              all |
                              pid() |
                              port() |
                              new | new_processes | new_ports | MFA | on_load | send | 'receive',
                          MFA :: {module(), atom(), arity()},
                          Res :: undefined | [session_weak_ref()].

Return which trace sessions that affect a port, process, function, or event.

Argument all returns all active trace sessions that exists on the node.

Returns a list of weak session handles or undefined if the process/port/function does not exists.