Erlang/OTP 17

This release of Erlang/OTP can be built from source or installed using pre-built packages for your OS or third-party tools (such as kerl or asdf).

docker run -it erlang:17


  • Erlang/OTP has been ported to the realtime operating system OSE.
  • Maps, a new dictionary data type (experimental)
  • A more natural mapping from ASN.1 OCTET STRING and BIT STRING to Erlang types, and other ASN.1 improvements and optimizations
  • The {active, N} socket option for TCP, UDP, and SCTP
  • A new (optional) scheduler utilization balancing mechanism
  • Migration of memory carriers has been enabled by default on all ERTS internal memory allocators
  • Increased garbage collection tenure rate
  • Experimental “dirty schedulers” functionality
  • Funs can now be given names
  • Miscellaneous unicode support enhancements
  • A new version scheme for OTP its applications has been introduced
  • mnesia: The time for inserting locks for a transaction with large number of locks is reduced significantly.
  • crypto: Add aes_cfb8 cypher to crypto:block_encrypt and block_decrypt.
  • diameter: Add result code counters for CEA, DWA, and DPA.