View Source wxNavigationKeyEvent (wx v2.4.3)

This event class contains information about navigation events, generated by navigation keys such as tab and page down.

This event is mainly used by wxWidgets implementations. A wxNavigationKeyEvent handler is automatically provided by wxWidgets when you enable keyboard navigation inside a window by inheriting it from wxNavigationEnabled<>.

See: wxWindow:navigate/2

This class is derived, and can use functions, from:

wxWidgets docs: wxNavigationKeyEvent


Use wxEvtHandler:connect/3 with wxNavigationKeyEventType to subscribe to events of this type.



Returns the child that has the focus, or NULL.

Returns true if the navigation was in the forward direction.

Returns true if the navigation event was from a tab key.

Returns true if the navigation event represents a window change (for example, from Ctrl-Page Down in a notebook).

Sets the current focus window member.

Sets the direction to forward if direction is true, or backward if false.

Marks the navigation event as from a tab key.

Marks the event as a window change event.


-type wxNavigationKey() ::
          #wxNavigationKey{type :: wxNavigationKeyEvent:wxNavigationKeyEventType(),
                           dir :: boolean(),
                           focus :: wxWindow:wxWindow()}.
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-type wxNavigationKeyEvent() :: wx:wx_object().
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-type wxNavigationKeyEventType() :: navigation_key.


-spec getCurrentFocus(This) -> wxWindow:wxWindow() when This :: wxNavigationKeyEvent().

Returns the child that has the focus, or NULL.

-spec getDirection(This) -> boolean() when This :: wxNavigationKeyEvent().

Returns true if the navigation was in the forward direction.

-spec isFromTab(This) -> boolean() when This :: wxNavigationKeyEvent().

Returns true if the navigation event was from a tab key.

This is required for proper navigation over radio buttons.

-spec isWindowChange(This) -> boolean() when This :: wxNavigationKeyEvent().

Returns true if the navigation event represents a window change (for example, from Ctrl-Page Down in a notebook).

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setCurrentFocus(This, CurrentFocus)

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-spec setCurrentFocus(This, CurrentFocus) -> ok
                         when This :: wxNavigationKeyEvent(), CurrentFocus :: wxWindow:wxWindow().

Sets the current focus window member.

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setDirection(This, Direction)

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-spec setDirection(This, Direction) -> ok when This :: wxNavigationKeyEvent(), Direction :: boolean().

Sets the direction to forward if direction is true, or backward if false.

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setFromTab(This, FromTab)

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-spec setFromTab(This, FromTab) -> ok when This :: wxNavigationKeyEvent(), FromTab :: boolean().

Marks the navigation event as from a tab key.

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setWindowChange(This, WindowChange)

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-spec setWindowChange(This, WindowChange) -> ok
                         when This :: wxNavigationKeyEvent(), WindowChange :: boolean().

Marks the event as a window change event.